HELP! Adobe Flash/Photoshop/Illustrator won't install!

okay foolishly updated lion without realizing powerpc wouldn't compatible (my mistake, didn't think it). i've had repurchase photoshop/illustrator , reinstall.

photoshop cs5 installer states "the installer failed initialize." followed previous instructions , wiped computer clean of adobe (including library , ~/library) still error. when @ logs says fatal error was "unable create pim object." google says nothing error.

after doing tons of research people suggested reinstalling adobe air , flash. air installed no problem, flash refuses install. begin installation anywhere 4-12% (varies every time) before failing. log states "error trying locate volume @ /" again, google says nothing about.

i'm running administrator , have checked permissions. i've installed , verified jre working properly.

can help?


okay, figured out.

first, flash - repaired disk permissions , installed after reboot.

photoshop - once had installed flash attempted install photoshop again. failed, time log stated couldn't create folder applications in user folder - reason, there unix executable named applications in user folder wasn't allowing create folder. renamed executable , voila - works.

not fun experience, now.

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