Variations of same lens

so purchased canon 10-22mm online b/c couldn't find l-series 16-35mm wasn't overpriced. have been reading online people experience having received lens , sub par should because of being manufactured in other places. or in other words got defective lens, hard identify.

question since i'm amateur wouldn't able verify whether defective, should for?

being paranoid?

lenses aren't dead nuts accurate. l glass. there limited amount of variation in focus allowable in bodies , glass. camera 0 (perfect focus) , lens +3, glass may seem soft. if body -3 , glass +3 seem soft.

bodies 7d have setting each len can micro adjust focus make glass "work" correctly in correlation body.

question is, noticing problems or paranoid because others have seen problems? put camera on steady tripod, set aperture 5.6 or smaller, critical focus , take picture. @ picture , see if sharp. glass isn't sharp wide open stopped down. if see no issues, lens fine.

also, body 7d , under, don't pixel peep , @ image 100% because disappointed. have 7d , $10k in glass , if looked @ 100% wonder money went. don't do. , pictures print super sharp @ 12x18. on computer pixel peeping don't good.

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