Lion... It Grows On You

i'll honest, when first installed gm edition of lion, hated it. passion. seemed slow , sluggish compared sl, fans working more usual, , ram usage being alot higher. tried extensively downgrade sl, heck, prepared sacrifice years of files go old snowy. then, after 3 days, thoughts went.

lion, , it's new additions, take alot of getting used to. sure, nice having expose , spaces separate apps in sl, if remember efficiency of them, mission control whole lot better. instead of flicking through spaces, gesturing or keying launch expose find you're running, 1 has press single key, , presented, in neat, organised way. resume awesome feature.

guess i'm trying in badly structured argument, should give lion chance. grows on you...

p.s. i'm running lion on macbook pro mid 2009, 2.26ghz , 2gb ram. intend upgrade 4, possibly 8, lion still feels alot more efficient , quicker sl did.


the last apple operating system ever used in 2004 or 2005. pre-2000 os believe, on 1 of plastic all-in-one crt macs. plastic seethrough blue, simplistic layout.

really, don't think i'll feel awkward using lion :d can't miss didn't try before-hand.

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