
Showing posts from August, 2014

I want/need more DISPLAYS? pro my only option?

hi all, have desire more monitors. have macbook pro right now, can drive 1 additional monitor. want mac setup can drive many more monitors (i'm thinking 3 or maybe four). know imacs option, affordable option? speed isn't huge concern me (programming doesn't require much). i'd love able throw in ton of ram though. pros choice me? previous year's model go if want: support driving many monitors flawlessly support gobs of ram speed of course cheap possible... pros appealing because of upgradability, want machine last many many years. thoughts? thanks!   libskate said: ↑ hi all, have desire more monitors. have macbook pro right now, can drive 1 additional monitor. want mac setup can drive many more monitors (i'm thinking 3 or maybe four). know imacs option, affordable option? speed isn't

Thread Subscriptions

is there way make default user cp show full list of subscribed threads rather new subscribed threads? don't post enough have 10 items day in there , prefer simplified/not require step of clicking through check on topics have posted in.   have checked settings in user cp > settings & options > edit options > messaging & notification > default thread subscription mode ?   Forums Mac Community Site and Forum Feedback iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Can't decide...

so i'm sitting on fence mac mini purchase (my first mac!). here's plan use for: - surfing (watch lot of tube video gaming clips) - light gaming (do of on xbox) - small bit of video editing - convert dvds files can watch them on atv2 (not sure how - use handbrake?) plan base mini , add 8gb of ram. question should go $799 version since has better graphics card? replies.   yes.   Forums Macs Desktops Mac mini iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Backup software

so been using carbon copy cloner longest adding files not include pain. not time machine because more of versioning of stuff instead of backing up. got nice clean tool backing stuff on lion?   jrock2004 said: ↑ so been using carbon copy cloner longest adding files not include pain. not time machine because more of versioning of stuff instead of backing up. got nice clean tool backing stuff on lion? thanks click expand... superduper works great well. use tm, , either ccc or superduper, either work fine me.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID

imac internet slowdown

recently acquired 20"/ 2ghz intel imac (though i've had macs of various variations past decade or so) , seems working fine.. except internet connection. in morning , evening it's ok, during day it's slows down can barely load/connect web page (if @ all). @ first tempted chalk cable internet in general or 'peak hours' have old pc (with lesser specs @ that) if boot up, wiz through internet there's no problem @ all. i'm confused. why internet on mac slow during day , pc not hardly affected @ all? not internet connection overall, don't it. tried swapping ports on router , bypassing router altogether there's no difference... head going explode trying figure out..! missing? have ideas...??   which web browser use, , have upgraded it?   Forums Macs

Library Folder gone!??

hi guys. after upgrading 10.7 lion on 2011 mbp, ive notice library folder in gone!? there use 2 library folders. 1 in user , in system (finder). seems both have disappeared. first thing knew after upgrading lion original "finder" list gone finder. (it there before "all files" , "airdrop") know can access library folder? need these folders right now. thanks.   yusukeaoki said: ↑ hi guys. after upgrading 10.7 lion on 2011 mbp, ive notice library folder in gone!? there use 2 library folders. 1 in user , in system (finder). seems both have disappeared. first thing knew after upgrading lion original "finder" list gone finder. (it there before "all files" , "airdrop") know can access library folder? need these folders right now. thanks. click expand... please please

Specific case question

sorry, know there million case/sleeve/bag threads. i'm struggling find suitable sleeve mba 13". want sleeve it's compactness compliment air, want more rigid material, perhaps leather or hardened nylon on outside. want additional pocket can carry charger round me. there plenty of bags these tend lot bigger i'm looking in between if exists. visited shops local me nothing available , i'm in uk. found lot of results in google u.s companies made search harder.   take @ travel express, thin, lightweight, enough space few peripherals. mine arrived yesterday , i'm liking it: same company offers many others here:   Forums Mac

Iphone 3gs battery hot-wont turn on

my niece gave me 3gs fix. dead, wont plugged in wall or itunes. no apple logo, can't re-set or go dfu mode. symptoms before died battery wont hold charge , case getting hot. put in new battery, thinking battery shot, , motherboard touches battery contacts motherboard gets hot. tried mobo in working 3gs , same result. i'm thinking mobo shorted or stuck in something. ever have problem , know of fix? took out battery , re-assembled without battery still dead, wont turn on. i'm thinking iphone not work without battery , plugged in tried anyway. ideas or suggestions appreciated   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Profession

Install OSX on MBP running only Windows 7

hi all, i've inherited mbp has windows 7 installed on internal hdd. have original osx install disc came laptop , wipe hdd install osx on machine. how can go doing so? know holding option works bootcamp installs, won't work. i've tried holding c on startup , can't boot dvd. goes loads windows 7. both dvd , dvd fine can access them within windows 7 install bootcamp drivers.   have tried holding option? works blank hard drive, , that's built efi, don't see why wouldn't work. make sure hold before white screen appears, , dvd take few seconds show up.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers App

Dirt Under Screen

just wanted thoughts on this. have 2009 imac (check specs below), , in ical , noticed in top right corner: upped contrast , definition little, visible under normal viewing (it's not easy picture of screen). tried cleaning did nothing leads me believe under screen.   do mind take off glass panel clean it? need suction cup, can of compassed air, large microfiber cloth plus latex gloves. not difficult, , don't think should void warranty.   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

My Mac OS X Lion download stopped when it was almost done

this frustrated me. it's been taking day download , when through, download stopped , message came on screen saying not finished. reason this? have been charged apple since i'm downloading app store. has happened any1 else?   you can continue left off. well, didnt pause...but try continue.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

best way to get files on to iphone 4?

i need few files via airplane mode (going canada), , wanted have access them. looks once open in drop box, it's cached, know how long? there better way transfer/store file can use it? pdf's.   vivithemage said: ↑ i need few files via airplane mode (going canada), , wanted have access them. looks once open in drop box, it's cached, know how long? there better way transfer/store file can use it? pdf's. click expand... pdfs can synced , store in ibooks app, use fastpdf+ can sync pdfs app itunes can view them locally   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Des

Someone please confirm the Build Number once downloaded!

just sake of wondering build number , whether gm release version, please post "about mac" screenshot once app store download , install completed! john   agreed. let's hope final release version 11a511   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Are owners of the 2011 13" MBP happy with your purchase

hello everyone. first of all, let me in no way trying offend anyone. asking because tempted purchase machine. have read if ram increased 8gb's, amount of video ram increased 512. guess i'm scared because machine not have dedicated gpu. admit machine using ancient old girl, has been me through thick , thin. current mac g4 emac 1.42ghz g4 , 64mb of video ram. don't want buy gonna disappointed with. how keyboard? comfortable type on long periods of time? know may sound odd question, lot of writing. had posted thread on here month ago , got lot of great responses. have been looking @ 15" machines on amazon , reviews there. mentioned 15" mbp keyboard had wider spacing of keys used , liked lot after got used it. tempted top of line 15", don't want stupid , buy ferrari if need jeep wrangler. guess i'm being silly, keep reading reviews on amazon saying 2011 13" model step backwards compared previous model because previous model

ibook question mark folder

i have ibook computer @ startup question mark folder pops up, not operating system startup. however, after anywhere 10-30 minutes freezes , when restart question mark comes again. have switched out hard drives put new operating system on , it's still doing same thing i'm wondering if can give me suggestions be.   here support article might want run down suggestions there first , see if hits on   Forums Macs PowerPC Macs iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Location Services?

wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (iphone; u; cpu iphone os 4_2_1 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8c148 safari/6533.18.5) 1 in list on location services needs enabled in order findmyiphone work? or can find regardless of what's on or off??   peter franks said: ↑ wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (iphone; u; cpu iphone os 4_2_1 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8c148 safari/6533.18.5) 1 in list on location services needs enabled in order findmyiphone work? or can find regardless of what's on or off?? click expand... as long main location services enabled, location of phone able determined. if location services turned off, you'll still able use other findmyiphone features (such sending messages device) wont able determine phone's location. rtp.  

12.1 inch screen i.s.o. 11.6 inch

what 12.1 inch screen in 11.6 inch enclosure new mba ? cool think there should enough room in bezel area. thoughts ?   the diameter of 11" mba 14" 12.1" screen fit in theory. however, there must reason why apple went 11.6", need bezel hold screen in place etc.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Onlive July 4th Sale (free game w/$9.99 playpack)

hi everyone, wanted share, apparently (according slickdeals , others) onlive having sale free game of choice (currents, not pre-orders) "playpack" subscribers (even new ones) through midnight tonight, july4. have coupon codes floating around. fyi, if you're me , wanting try fear3/dnf without gambling on osx port. has else tried service on mac? apparently have ios client in works. thinking of ditching ps3 depending on experiments trial...all game old shooters , sc2/civ anyway, plus casuals on iphone. (fyi ref: .)   Forums Special Interests Mac and PC Games iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple

Shooting longer videos

i have couple performances coming want use ip4 video record. test how battery life/file size turn out shot ~30 minute video. worked fine, reason when go download onto mac, image capture sees 2 files. shows 1 on phone, , downloads fine (also 1 file). know why is? also, have experience shooting 2 hour (continuous) video ip4? did battery last? there memory problems? (assuming there's enough free space on device, of course) thanks.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Base 2010 13" mbp with applecare til Jan. 2014 for $850, good deal?

i saw deal on amazon, worth it? bought jan. of year.   the model helpful in determining   Forums Macs Buying Tips and Advice iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

atv2 ios 5 beta 2 airplay issue

hi all! downloaded latestest ios5 beta 2 apple , installed on atv2. on mbp running snow leopard 10.6.8 , itunes 10.5 beta 2. experencing quite bad issue regarding airplay: playing album or playlist via airplay mbp (or ipad) stops after couple of minutes in middle of song. somehow connection between itunes , atv2 gets lost , atv2 returns main menu screen. itunes not "realize" connection loss , keeps on playing. experencing same issue? solution (other waiting next beta )? , able revert atv2 ios5 (apple tv os 4.4) ios4 (apple tv os <= 4.3). trying different ipsw-files resulted in "compatibility errors" , itunes not flashing atv2. thank hint or in advance! best regards, pete   i've not had problems doing airplay windows pc or ipad. have had problems trying photostream, every time go select it, resets, had this?  

Intel HD 3000 wow...

just used intel hd 3000 graphic card play left 4 dead. result awful. wayyyyy worse expected. core i5 freaking useless gpu this. tested in friend's mbp , samsung series 9 laptop. both have intel hd 3000. hope mba gets better luck.   pretty sure that's option sandy bridge chip.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Selling iMac and Air for new setup...

been kicking around idea , wondering if smart or dumb. have core2duo 2009 imac 8gb memory. think paid around $1,700 year , half ago. have base model $999 11 inch air. love imac , love air however, feel don't use air much. have home office , totally needed when doing presentations etc. 98% of time imac main machine. funny think air faster imac because of insane ssd speed boost. here thinking: selling imac (with apple care , ram) $1,500 selling air $850ish comes out $2,350. take money , buy 27 inch cinema display. 1 of brand new apple airs upgraded processors , thunderbolt, use docked station @ home , portable everywhere else. faster chipset, ssd , future proofing thunderbolt. high speed storage @ home store media etc. want buy used dedicated mac mini run media server (air video, itunes running 24x7 etc): 11 inch 128 gb 4gb memory $1,300 cinema display $999 used mac mini $350 _________________ $2,649 doing comple

Bootcamp screws up after a new partition ?

hello everyone, today i've encountered problem: thought handy partition 25 gb off main mac partition , did. (in order of how application shows me, top bottom) disk structures originally: mac (215gb) bootcamp (35gb) now: mac (190gb) bridge(25gb) bootcamp(35gb) trouble right before partition (using disk utility in mac of course), windows booted fine. right now, when boot windows or boot windows parallels, stuck @ black screen flashing underscore '_' (like how loads, never loads up) have solution ? i'd grateful attention, in advance !   you can recover using gdisk or refit's tool gptsync. have changed gpt partition scheme , out of sync mbr version windows uses boot. can post output quote gdisk -l click expand... ? b   Forums

Random Icon I Found

hey guys, first post here, i've been reading these forums guest while now. anyway, found random icon on phone haven't seen before. appear, did following; lock phone double tap home button ipod controls up. hold home button voice recognition comes up cancel voice recognition. icon on right hand side of ipod bar. know is?   airplay?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Should I buy the new FCPX?

so final cut pro x came out yesterday , havent heard lot of news it. on app store getting crushed reviewers saying doesnt support 3rd party effects or fcp7 files. while sucks ( , shame on apple messing that) dont have or use many effects , dont need load older fcp files. want know is, there other key features missing? worth $300? thank in advance   wait while , read comments @ mac app store. each day there new ones 1-2 stars seems, fcp @ mac app store cut version of older one, designed less professional users. far know olders version cost more $1000, $300 should not expect full version.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Profess

Importing Photos from iPhoto

my imac hard drive went out , trying pics off while out of town. have backup files imac, not sure pics stored. there way images? want take photos imac , bring them on laptop. way can figure out how copy on photo library. however, when go open up, tells me library wanting import newer version, , when go upgrade tells me need have app store installed , need snow leopard. thank in advance.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Look at this masterpiece I created on my iPhone 4   don't waste battery power did guys...   Forums Archive Wasteland iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

I love my MBP but...

so made switch , i've more or less fallen in love mbp - love how clever , useable os is, design beautiful, , thought though expensive, beautiful build quality justified cost. knew more performance maker wanted learn osx bought mbp. don't have regrets few minutes ago did customize hp envy 14 , found $1525 (i paid $1426 mbp corei5, 4gb ram, 128gb ssd) quad core corei7, 1gb ati dedicated gpu, 8gb ram, 256gb ssd, high resolution screen, , free xbox 360 (i have 1 free put on ebay). incredible specs that's $100 more! since within 2 weeks of purchasing mbp , give little bit considering it. have moral issue of sending purchased has no defects, it's not fair apple. needs..i full on xbox 360 gamer know don't need power of envy same price nice have , maybe play battlefield 3 it. other moral issues makes me want stay mac build quality - reviews apple's still superior. , touch pad , upcoming lion promises excellent os. plus huge pain send app

New York: Gay Marriage Officialy Legal

about frickin' time.... don't know why simple me taking long pass. give gay people same rights straight people already. know going happen sooner or later, freedom wins out in country, why have take damn long sometimes?   i'm pretty confident going pass. go ny!   Forums Mac Community Politics, Religion, Social Issues iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iCloud Sync Help

hey guys maybe i'm crazy reason having trouble syncing iphone mac calendar , contacts. signed same apple id signed on itunes account on mac, , turned on, on icloud settings on iphone. there else should doing or checking? can please me , walk me through this? in advance!   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Disk space

i got first mac (pro). chose ssd 128gb rather classic hdd , started suffer consequences. lost quarter of disk space without serious. simple backups (iphone , ipad took 10gb). how minimize issues? can compress backups? how clean mac properly? got cleanmymac not free free program or manually familiarize myself system. find out how check weight how much. p.s. cannot locate ipod photo cache folder on mac. neither spotlight nor deep search through folders manually   understand that a) 128 gb not lot in first place. b) 1/4 of 128 gb 37 gb. still have more 90 gb available. c) if haven't filled 128 gb drive capacity, storage not issue. adding additional storage cheap. 1 tb drive run less $100 these days.   Forums Macs Mac Basics and Help i

mobileme and icloud co-existing during transition?

i'm developer, , i'm impressed ios5 - enough i'd consider running on primary phone. 1 thing haven't figured out - share mobileme account spouse, sync calendars , contacts, primarily. i'd use icloud syncing, stay in sync phone, i'm not ready upgrade ios5 @ time. know if can have 1 device on ios5, , on 4.3.3, , sync calendars , contacts? if i'm syncing phone icloud, can continue sync mobileme well?   taknightta said: ↑ i'm developer, , i'm impressed ios5 - enough i'd consider running on primary phone. 1 thing haven't figured out - share mobileme account spouse, sync calendars , contacts, primarily. i'd use icloud syncing, stay in sync phone, i'm not ready upgrade ios5 @ time. know if can have 1 device on ios5, , on 4.3.3, , sync calendars , contacts? if i'm syncing phone icloud, can conti

different itunes accounts on an iPhone/iPad?

wonder if can help. i've read little icloud , have question. have iphone. have somewhere 250 apps on itunes. wife has got ipad. have separate itunes accounts , email addresses. if authorize ipad itunes account, can download select few of apps have bought , use them? if so, can still buy own (through own itunes account)? if above true, how update process work? many can help.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iOS 5 Developer Beta: Stable Enough for Daily Use?

i'm ios developer, , i'm considering installing ios 5 developer preview on iphone 4 take advantage of new features , begin testing own applications. these "beta" ios releases stable enough use on daily basis? bad idea personal, primary cell phone? i'd appreciate input of may have upgraded ios 5 or have used developer preview versions of ios before.   i considering installing ios 5 too, since have developer account, , genuinely know answers op's question...   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS Programming iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Viewing Snow Leopard apps on Lion.

okay guys, i've been having problem. installed lion , don't know how preview 2 or anything, nor know if has resolved issue. however, have of adobe cs5 apps installed on snow leopard partition when try view them, see steam games , user created folders. know solution rather having move / copy apps different folder? screenshot:   stop illegally using unlicensed beta software?   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

HELP! I might have permanently damaged my headphone jack!

so play electric bass , got new amplifier. it's 60w , playing new knobs , jacks , stuff. came across few jacks things line out, speaker out, etc. did stupid. plugged 1 end of cable speaker out , put 1/4" 1/8" adapter on other side , plugged macbooks headphone jack. know, stupid, thought jack made play music out of amp. played 1 note , heard little tick macbook , shut off completely. pressed startup button , turned on normal working fine. speakers work fine when plug in headphones, hear audio 1 side (the right side if matters). i've tried other headphones same thing happens... guess electricity went jack overpowered , screwed up. so... don't know do. spend lot of time listening music through headphones while i'm on computer. have '08 macbook , i'm pretty sure it's out of warranty. do? has ever happened else?   a malfunctioning headphone jack means replacing logi

Apple "Just" Renewed Maps and Search Partnership with Google

during eric schmidt's interview @ allthingsd 9 , revealed google had renewed map , search agreements apple. quote per engadget : quote "we renewed our map , search agreements apple, , hope continue long time." click expand... this confirms rumors apple continuing use google map data in ios 5. there had been number of apple acquisitions , hirings have suggested apple actively working in area. news suggests google's search remains default choice rather microsoft's bing said under consideration @ 1 point. article link: apple "just" renewed maps , search partnership google   i guess fanboys saying great 2 days ago said apple should use own maps , google maps sucked.   Forums News and Article Discussion M

Need Help Upgrading

hi guys, college leaving lovely desktop , decided sell , buy macbook pro 15 inch can guys me first mac , first of buying buying 4 gb ram , comes can install one? other question , planning buy cheapest stock hard drive available , replace ssd ssd guys recommend? easy install? wanted pick 1 looked on apple's website 100 upgrade ssd more efficient nonbrand ssd?   denizg6 said: ↑ first of buying buying 4 gb ram , comes can install one? click expand... i suggest waiting couple of weeks after before start replacing parts. mast machines come in fine, however, stuff happen. also, save original memory , disk in case machine ever needs service, apple wants original parts.

DivX watermark in iMovie

hey everyone, i've been importing divx encoded personal movies send friends. this, installed divx codec quicktime , imported movies imovie. however, after registered said codec, still brief 10-sec logo/watermark in videos. has had same problem?   this happens when use free version. rid of it, you'll need pay paid version.   Forums Macs macOS macOS iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Front Row missing in Lion?

i hear front row missing lion (or @ least dps). big deal me since use lot listen music when macbook connected speakers on other side of room. able confirm whether moving front across snow leopard works on lion? hoping reason missing in dps because apple unveil worthy replacement @ wwdc, revamped version offers features apple tv 2, or integrated itunes or something. thanks.   front row missing. far know, app snow leopard won't work on lion because of frameworks , other files attached front row. it's possible apple still bring front row before lion released public, don't see happening.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone

Iphone 4 Carrier bundle

hello,i've been visiting site while , impressed signed few minutes ago. here trying do:i have iphone 4 (at&t) live in middle east , can't use here network providers in here.(vodafone qatar , qtel). using i-funbox , browsing around in system files , found folder carrier bundles in "raw file systems/library/system/library/" check if either of networks in country listed in , far found "vodafone qa" assume vodafone listed among hunderds of other carriers made think iphone might factory unlock because i've never tried sim in except at&t's sim in it.okay continued browsing aorund found 1 one carrier bundle.bundle , located in "var/mobile/library/".this 1 contained folders , @ end there files "default_carrier_att.., guessing default locked provider , if replace vodafone qa folder's file(the 1 in carrier bundle) strat working vodafone sim(i purchase tomorrow).should try or not , if me

Getting a new laptop for university

i'm off university autumn , buy new laptop take me. used windows computers windows 95 through xp. in 2009 decided time switch , try imac. love. i've run windows vista , 7 through boot camp , later through parallels on here. i've played around parallels , tried ubuntu , other linux builds. consider myself reasonably versatile when comes operating systems. next year i'd love macbook pro. wish newer iphone-4 or new model if there's 1 out. that'd cost quite bit. many of school friends getting new laptops, virtually getting windows laptops. i5 or i7 processors, 6/8 gb of ram, dedicated graphics cards dedicated memory. 15.6 inch screens. , they're costing under £1000. around £600. less low end macbook air. i'm not sure really. macbook pro or windows laptop? tech specs , pricing favours windows, i've got mac software already-office 2011, final cut pro, motion, cs5.5 , games. (i've got office 2010 windows incidental

Resolved MacRumors won't send mail to my email address anymore

the problem: forums no longer send email 1 of addresses , unfortunately 1 prefer use here. stopped working when switching email servers mail may have been temporarily undeliverable. else able send mail address fine. have attempted switching email address new 1 , not send me verification email either. before says anything... tried using contact link 2 days ago , received no response. tried pm arn morning , got no response. if of admins here assist me appreciate it. address in profile not ones have problem with. more happy pass along can help... thanks!   rafaelt said: ↑ i tried using contact link 2 days ago , received no response. click expand... we never ignore contact forms , we've been working on it. please wait until have solution you.   Forums

any way to stream WMV on Safari 5.1 ?

i used flip4mac great results until downloaded new update safari(i haven't upgraded lion yet). unfortunately stopped working, veetle plugin stopped working well. there solution this?   most apps updated. give them time.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Iphone 5 Spotted in the Wild!

Image   sorry everyone. see beat me it.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Mac Mini Security System! HELP!?

some how planets have aligned or magnetic pull of earth has changed.. but.. have how got brother(anti-mac) wanna mac store main computer. problem of cameras here connected though 1 game serial port.. mac mini doesn't have that. how got him considered whole new system 2 motorized cams rather 4 stationary cams. need guying, how hook 2 motorized webcams mac mini , have them record @ same time on start up. need mac mini boot , load logmein on start have figured out. need find motorized webcam work on mac. need figure out how 2 of recording @ same time, automatically, when mac mini starts up. how achieve this?! found logitech cam moves don't know if work on mac, , if does, can 2 of them recording @ same time?   why doesn't dedicated system can view on internet/ on phone...  

anyone else having issue with Antares Autotune Evo not working

has encounter problem after installing lion logic pro 9 not recognizing antares autotune evo?...i message saying "not able locate antares autotune evo" wtf? antares autotune evo supported in lion?.....what freaking mess.....   saw post in logic pro forums...and i've got i've hit same wall have. right after lion upgrade, same error message, fix soon.   Forums Special Interests Digital Audio iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

New MB AIR Trackpad! A problem?

hello, have bought new mba, , excited it. noticed problem, however. tapping function in trackpad extremely sensitive(maybe because use highest speed on trackpad?). ok, no problem, should disable tap click, right? wrong when disable tap click, still randomly clicks on things(granted, lot less when tap clik funtion on, still). problem extremely evident when play eschelon, in (nerd alert). have answer? thank much.   no 1 experiencing same problems? guess have buy mouse time being...   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

I hate angry birds!

what stupid game. why heck popular!!   give peace chance.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iTunes 10.4 dual audio problem

hey everyone. have m4v video 2 audio tracks, 1 ac-3 5.1 playing on appletv , aac 2ch playing on ipad/macbook. since upgrading, have 2 issues. 1 video automatically being sent atv, though have computer selected in airplay mode. manually switch computer , have picture no sound aac track on computer. worked until upgraded itunes. have yet upgrade lion. i missing something? lion/snow leopard issue new itunes? suggestions wold appreciated. thanks.   update- mac os x 10.6.8 supplemental update fixed first issue sending selection straight appletv. have issue having no sound aac 2.0 track. anyone?   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Com

My OSX Virtual Desktop Tribute

(links full pic) cheetah, puma, jaguar, panther, tiger, leopard, snow leopard, lion here's .zip of 1080p wallpapers used, if anyone's interested:   +1 originality, hahaha   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Customer Worth

does know or wonder if apple has system shows how customers spend? example how spend in store, online, , in itunes store.   jeff.molinaro said: ↑ does know or wonder if apple has system shows how customers spend? example how spend in store, online, , in itunes store. click expand... i'm sure apple can tell penny, song, , part making money. make public? no. don't tell what's in new software release, why give out details of revenue?   Forums Mac Community Community Discussion iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless