Getting a new laptop for university

i'm off university autumn , buy new laptop take me. used windows computers windows 95 through xp. in 2009 decided time switch , try imac. love. i've run windows vista , 7 through boot camp , later through parallels on here. i've played around parallels , tried ubuntu , other linux builds. consider myself reasonably versatile when comes operating systems.

next year i'd love macbook pro. wish newer iphone-4 or new model if there's 1 out. that'd cost quite bit.

many of school friends getting new laptops, virtually getting windows laptops. i5 or i7 processors, 6/8 gb of ram, dedicated graphics cards dedicated memory. 15.6 inch screens. , they're costing under £1000. around £600. less low end macbook air.

i'm not sure really. macbook pro or windows laptop? tech specs , pricing favours windows, i've got mac software already-office 2011, final cut pro, motion, cs5.5 , games. (i've got office 2010 windows incidentally.)

course (biomedical science) don't need stuff cs5 or final cut. i've got hobbyist really.

if apple laptop, may not able afford new iphone well. if windows laptop need acquire new software. reasoned thoughts on matter tip balance go down well. :)

take imac university? i've hardly taken mbp out of house when @ university on last 2 years i've had no reason to. it's pretty on desk connected external monitor , keyboard.

university have pc/mac clusters throughout campus , in libraries you'll never more 10 minutes away pc access when @ university. keep files on dropbox , can access them anywhere, @ home or on 1 of university computers.

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