ATTENTION U.S. iPhone users! Best network?

i live in uk we're able unlock our iphones freely. luckily.

i'm visiting states later month , use iphone 4 whilst on there - i've unlocked hope buy sim card , start using phone right away.

can suggest decent carrier go with? it'll have prepay card rather contract - i'll want free minutes call other friends' mobiles whilst in (friends me opposed calling mobiles in uk!) along texts , loooots of 3g data usage browsing web , tweeting while i'm on move.

suggestions?? i'll in southern california if makes difference re. coverage etc....

problem - half of our networks compatible yours.

inquire carrier, though understand contracts , carriers operate differently in neck of woods.

when went overseas - phone company changed plan, , gave me orange sim card use while there - once got back, popped old sim , that. i'm not sure if works in reverse.

i'd guess att big gsm fish here, , verizon big cdma fish. (that can't use)

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