Deploy Software on multiple Macs

ok, i'm new manager company uses macs @ different offices. have need install software package of these macs. i'd automate if possible. here situation...

looking install barracuda web security agent on macs in company. have kaseya center agents installed on of these machines give me access run scripts on these machines. kaseya have "install dmg" option i've tried , half works. installs uninstaller not full agent lol? i've tried executing scripts hangs due needing authentication (password) run root or different user using sudo.

so, think need way of scripting sudo in way passes through password? need not sudo root, different admin account i've created on of macs. if accomplished can use kaseya execute these scripts on machines.

if there different way don't know of (distributing through mac app store? have no clue) fine too. i'm mac admin noob appreciated.

start reading articles , forum posts here:

have no experience kaseya crap setting script execute su privs trivial built in stuff.

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