Menu on left of Split View with Submenus?

i'm start programming first ipad app. however, want make sure approach sound before begin.

using split view navigation menus on left , views on right. intent use uinavigationcontroller handle views on right side based on choices user makes in menu. i'm sure have worked out code-wise , can handle it.

however, menu on left not one-dimensional. items need have primary menu swap out second menu when user chooses them. not need swap view on right, switch appropriate sub-menu goes along view.

example, when user chooses animals in main menu, main menu needs change out , present them list of items, cats, dogs, rabbits. had chosen food in main menu, menu switch out , present them choices pizza, steak, popcorn. each item cats, dogs, rabbits, pizza, steak, , popcorn have unique views have populate detail view of split view.

make sense use uinavigationcontroller handle menus , swap menus out programatically whenever view swapped? can track pushing/pulling of right-hand navigation controller's views?

i've searched net tutorials on , can't seem find use multi-layer menu on left of split view (though have found ones use single level menus). i'm surprised, because many apps use have multi-level menu. (here 1 tutorial found uinavigationcontrollers seems assuming menu had no sub-menus:

(note: have quite bit of c experience , did objective-c mac os x programming 8 years ago, i'm familiar xcode. don't know how handle darned two-level menu i'm planning.)


hai, well, thinking though.
think best need, need drill down table view.
so, if click 1, goes 1-1, if click 1-1, goes 1-1-1, if click 2, goes 2-1 (each number representing new tableview, getting pushed on main navigation controller in rootviewcontroller typicly in ipad app splitviewcontroller.
once click, can set id detailviewcontroller, , stuff based upon (mostly database or whatever).

do, if have couple of different sections, make rootviewcontroller is, add tabbarsegment @ bottom, switch between sections, , have specific things in tableview. , when click that, still have navigationcontorller wise movement.

if run problems, report here, , of can out.

greetings, noxx

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