Question about iPhone activation

i major tech/apple nerd. , therefore have nerdy things think cool. excitement if going apple store buy opposed having mailed me. th excitement of taking new toy home , opening meticulously, enjoying brilliant packaging of apple products. ok, nerdiness rant over.

being said, forward doing when first iphone, iphone 5 on verizon whenever released. don't know how going work me. existing verizon customer, , without contract right (it expired last month, , i'm waiting iphone 5 renew). not setting new account, adding phone existing account, meaning keeping phone number , voice , texting plan, plus adding data plan.

question, can @ home? can go apple store, buy phone, , bring home set up? or apple store/verizon store have open iphone me set on computers? info.

[noticed name, stopped reading here]


yes can @ home. connecting phone itunes go through setup process automatically.

being said, open iphone box in store. there's no way around this. happens is, purchasing phone use "free upgrade" , register phone serial number verizon account right purchase it, including data/text plans. way have unboxing experience ordering online, forfeit pleasure when pick in apple store.

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