Just Offered steve new ios 5 suggestions

i have emailed steve jobs

here said:
dear mr jobs,
other day emailed outrage totally unacceptable , apologise that.
hope not late give suggestions added ios 5, thought these useful.
start off suggest people have been talking long time, ability ios users print printer ios device. now, second thing own idea don’t think has mentioned, built in app users can make own full book, amount of pages, print printer , ability send cloud via icloud , ability submit directly ibooks store, simplifies process of having book published , becomes paperwork free. extremely useful authors busy, while on go can update book , when finished, couldn’t easier, submit ibooks store , have own book. don’t know if charge people submit books, if do, suggest include in-app purchase it, people can pay itunes voucher. have idea ios 5, compete fast moving world, need connected more people facebook integration, , not how demoed twitter integration, mean full integration, type , have choice of sending facebook via message, status update, wall post, friend request etc. 4th idea ios 5 home screen should lot better, because honest thing on home screen has changed since iphone launched 4 years ago retina display, apart looks exact same home screen in first iphone, maybe added couple of new built in apps of apps boring now, think should have live updates, on popular , social apps facebook , twitter allowing read newsfeed , chat people without going app. nothing ios next generation ipad (ipad 3), know not give members of public access of information on upcoming devices net ipad out in september alongside ipods , iphone 5. think ipad 3 should have usb port connecting device has pictures or videos on them , sd card slot put sd card camera without need of adapter make things easier. suggest wireless charging ios5.
hope take these suggestions account , use couple of them put ios 5.

best regards,
cameron harris

p.s. – please me asap know if add ios 5. don’t worry wont charge ideas, giving suggestions, can take them, not mind @ all, not developer not able develop these apps this, sure able hire developers you.

please can of tell me if of these ideas please

wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (iphone; u; cpu iphone os 4_3_3 mac os x; en-gb) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8j2 safari/6533.18.5)

few flaws in requests hey have laugh

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