
Showing posts from March, 2011

Excel 2011

anybody else have issues excel in takes insane amounts of time load .csv .xlsx etc. can't pinpoint issue interfere workflow on large data feeds.   depending on definition of "large", large files take long time load on machine.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Question on Optibay and SSD with Bootcamp

so know can install windows on drive , set in optibay , all, possible after installing everything, put windows drive main bay , os x in optibay instead? play lot of games , prefer bootcamp drive in main drive sata 3 6gb speeds (have 2011 macbook pro 15 inch) , have os x in optibay sata 2 3gb ssd. have looked no 1 has mentioned if can put os x drive in optibay instead. thanks!   yes work.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Lion + Vertex 3 + AJA = ?

upgraded '11 mbp 15" lion sl. ran aja system test on vertex 3 , program hangs.. aja works on other drive (500 7200rpm in optibay). still experiencing fast ssd speeds otherwise, unable benchmark it. else?   if running trim enabler try disabling it. sandforce drives don't need it, may know.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

lion will not install

hey guys downloaded lion when came installing can't hit install button, or select drive, says macintosh hd-"this disk cannot used start computer" please   if snow leopard installed ntfs @ point (i know have), lion may not able install. can't confirm current mac staying os x snow leopard. go "disk utility" , click on hdd. it'll first tabbed item. @ bottom says "mount point:," "format" etc. if format reads hfs+, max os , mac os extended or you're okay. if reads fat32, ntfs or else may need perform clean install of lion reinstalling sl mac os extended.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac O

who else hates lion?

personally dont it. broke xbmc, can no longer use cisco vpn, changed settings on pathfinder , messed up. fancy way of having multiple desktops? dont use when have it. im minimalist when comes desktops , fluff dont want or need. wish there 10 day money guarntee. if wanted ipad interface have bought ipad!!! or 3 paid macbook pro. buying new mac mini, have find way load 10.6 on since works better else own.   so hate fact applications regularly use aren't compatible os decided purchase , install on day 1?   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers A

Back/Fourth in settings

does else notice return previous page gesture- 2 fingers left , right- doesn't work in settings menu , finder menus anymore? have been playing around very small amount of time, noticed small little feature , miss already. should open on screens, or one?   yep, noticed well. in mac app store, , tried going previous page without luck. they'll bring back. i'm still getting used new gestures. mess scrolling every single time!   Forums Macs macOS macOS iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Software RAID drive set - can I remove and pop in later?

i have 3 drive, software raid 0 set in macpro. have bunch of old 1tb hds drobopro set later upgraded 2tb drives i'm trying rid of $30 pop. want pop them in, verify still work , format them. if remove 3 drives raid 0 set, can later pop them in , work way does? drives have put in same drive bays? thanks.   goodcow said: ↑ if remove 3 drives raid 0 set, can later pop them in , work way does? click expand... yes, can. goodcow said: ↑ do drives have put in same drive bays? thanks. click expand... no, don't.   Forums Macs Desktops Mac Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes

Battlefield 3 specs - imac good enough?

found these (unofficial) specs bf3: minimum hard drive space: 15 gb disc version or 10 gb digital version os: windows vista or windows 7 processor: core 2 duo @ 2.0ghzram2gb video card: directx 10 or 11 compatible nvidia or amd ati card recommended hard drive space: 15 gb disc version or 10 gb digital version os: windows 7 64-bit processor: quad-core intel or amd cpuram 4gb video card: directx 11 nvidia or amd ati card, geforce gtx 460, radeon radeon hd 6850 i'm looking 21.5" imac: 2.8ghz quad-core intel core i7 4gb 1333mhz ddr3 sdram - 2x2gb 1tb serial ata drive amd radeon hd 6770m 512mb gddr5 sometime year , wondered how radeon hd 6770m compare recommended radeon hd 6850 ? before flamed know imacs not gaming rigs , have indeed built gaming rigs in past i'm getting 1 first time , intend keep considerable time wondered how playing odd game of battlefield? i've ever played bf series of games goin

Force Safari to Open Homepage, Not Last Viewed

am missing something?? how can this? want google come when open safari not whatever looking @ previously. possible? don't see option.   go safari --> preferences --> general --> new windows open (home page) , put home page home page window below.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How do I use the beta version icloud

hi all, how turn on beta version of icloud? on apple's website, states if download itunes 10.3 icloud beta version turn on. have that, can't figure out.   applemike68 said: ↑ hi all, how turn on beta version of icloud? on apple's website, states if download itunes 10.3 icloud beta version turn on. have that, can't figure out. thanks click expand... all documentation require can found on developer website. you'll need more itunes 10.3 however. icloud in beta , therefore tools required activate limited developers only. if you're not developer you'll need wait until autumn when gets moved out of beta , opens masses.   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple

iCloud browser access

with announcement current explicit support web-sites mobile me won't carrying across icloud, i'm kind of curious whether capabilities within icloud allow emulate it. in particular, services dropbox offer ability provide links content you've synced them, , i'm wondering if icloud offers same; i.e - public access chosen files or folders in icloud storage? if so, happens if provide link web-site you've synced onto icloud? me seems it'd simple matter apple continue support sites created in iweb if let make synced folder public , load when views it, normal web-server folder index file, never quite know apple   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad App

Help! Dock is not loading or showing

ok turn on mbp , dock not showing. tried re-launching finder , rebooting , still doesn't show. expose doesn't work also. it's not hidden or anything, tried changing settings , still doesn't show up. ideas?   what mac os x version use? , did do, happen, or did appear suddenly?   Forums Macs Mac Basics and Help iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

ios 5 beta 2 issue

i need wifi sync. i've upgraded iphone ios 5 beta 2 , have done itunes new beta 2. have enabled sync wifi on itunes , reason wifi sync doesnt work. when go settings itunes sync on ios 5 doesnt let me sync. dont why. have plugged wall outlet incase had on power source doesnt seem work. can please help.   youngsunnz said: ↑ i need wifi sync. i've upgraded iphone ios 5 beta 2 , have done itunes new beta 2. have enabled sync wifi on itunes , reason wifi sync doesnt work. when go settings itunes sync on ios 5 doesnt let me sync. dont why. have plugged wall outlet incase had on power source doesnt seem work. can please help. thanks click expand... are both devices on same wifi network?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone

Sync MobileMe with automator

okay, i'm having problem, , hope guys can me it. every time mobileme syncs--- devours bandwidth. can't use netflix, checking email or playing browser-based games slooooows down. it's fine if i'm working on offline stuff, mobileme devour bandwidth, , it's making difficult use computer. i've had temporarily disable it. (i have 6 meg connection... shouldn't doing this) possible use automator set mobileme sync @ night, when i'm not using computer? can manually sync when need sync contacts , calendars , such, when change sort order of folder full of files, , can't use internet... that's annoying. don't have problem dropbox, i've never noticed syncing. sure hope icloud more efficient.   i know can set mobileme automatic sync once day, don't know how determines time of day. quick google search, found hint set want.  

Gmail Data Import To another Gmail

hello , ajay. have gmail import query have account authority manually manage things there. want import data present in particular gmail without knowing have imported data personnel gmail. know software import data present there after sending send message person own id , don't take hacking or illegal things. want data because personnel related wife photographs in somewhere between mails . can't open , save because person find out mails have been opened , can problem me. so, if know software of procedure can me safely import gmail data id.   you want import else's emails account without person knowing. it? pretty sure constitute "hacking". , you're on wrong forum buddy.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS

Please contribute to the discussion

1   it's idea, though think have lot of competition social feeds (ie. facebook, twitter) if it's because people used them.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Bootcamp and partitioning and VMWare

my set up: imac (osx 10.6 snow leopard) ssd used mac , second drive 2.0 tb use windows 7. when used bootcamp partition 2 tb hd, , added vmware fusion, well. decided try add 3 partitons windows hd using program other bootcamp. windows reinstalled , worked fine. added fusion , not run. told vmware tech won't run because did not use bootcamp partiton. problem not want give windows entire 2.0 tb, not necessary. want add couple partitions storage of music, etc. right now, mac running well, windows 7 running fusion dead. can still boot either os. know how around this? want have 3 partitions on 2 tb drive used windows 7. not want touch mac installation. again use fusion.   sharjohn said: ↑ my set up: imac (osx 10.6 snow leopard) ssd used mac , second drive 2.0 tb use windows 7. when used bootcamp partition 2 tb hd, , added vmware fusion, well.

Getting new Imac, a few minor questions.

looking upgrade. have 2008 macbook. wife won ipad2 negates owning laptop us. casual users, reason had laptop surf web while on couch. going pick basic 21.5" imac on tuesday, june 7th, come ipod can peddle. 1. if buy directly @ apple store, can touchpad , wired keyboard 10-key, or must bto online? 2. magic mouse great? have old logitech 2 button bluetooth mouse 7 years old, still works champ, thinking going touchpad. or bad idea? 3. 21.5" entry model have hard drive slot? if so how hard to? can use hard drive? hearing alot new imacs using drives without fan issues. thanks.   my imac has "wired" larger size apple keyboard. wife lots of numbers , wanted separate keyboard area many number tasks. glad got larger size keyboard (wired keyboard on desktop ok us). large size keyboard "inclusion" details, simple phone call target apple stor

Okay to run on power lead?

hi there, i'm new macbook user, , i'm wondering whether it's okay run laptop via power lead when i'm @ home, or whether should unplug , run battery when it's become charged. help.   doesn't matter. use computer how want use it, rather basing habits off artificial concerns battery health.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Spotlight in Lion - Only Displays Web Searches, no real results?

heya, have lion dp3 installed, , spotlight seems acting up. basically, won't show results except web searches. exception this, weird reason usb key i've inserted it's decided index - i.e. find files there. however, won't show of applications or documents main system drive. i've checked spotlight preferences, of categories ticked, , privacy doesn't have drives/folders excluded. i've tried suggestion 2 , 4 here: code: sudo mdutil -e / password: /: no index. doesn't seem show indexing in spotlight menu, nor results appear after waiting. i've tried downloading mainmenu, , using "rebuild spotlight indexes" , "clear user caches", "clear system caches" , "clear font caches", no effect. has else encountered issue? other way fix it? spotlight awesome, miss it

Ragnarok Game on Macs

hi! i'm new here, , hoping can guide me in right direction. absolutely love macbook (not pro, regular one) , friend installed ragnarok wine on mac can play. problem encountering game runs bad lag. said ran on macbook pro , works fine. don't want buy pc play game. else on mac. can help?   what specs of mac?   Forums Special Interests Mac and PC Games iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Accessing computer app?????

is there app allow me access home , office computer files or control computer?   one of many vnc apps. use remoter. requires tweaking on pc end.   Forums Archive Archives of Old Posts iPad Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

virus turns on system voice?

this alarming because heard macs immune virus attack. have sophos thing , didn't see anything... oddly system voice activated , "alex" literally speaking happens keyboard/gui. (by way whatever has text box outlined on page can see when use scroll bar.) literally type 'spoken' me via onboard audio system. rather, every command or keystroke happens 'spoken' me. interestingly, if curser given word anywhere i'm typing- document, anything, here in thread, system voice 'reads' me. thing can think of must've gotten infected somehow. or inadvertently did keystroke command i'm not familiar with- -and turned on system voice accident. how turn off? wasn't aware had app talked me in first place. believe me has gotten annoying already. work station mac. first mac. got last christmas. ppc g5 2.3 ghz. dual core os x 10.5.8 music stuff , shoot files , forth. downloaded file mediafire, , guess t

MacBook Pro can't find disk when reinstalling Mac OS X

when turn macbook pro on, error sign appears. according manual should reinstall mac os x, when try can't find disk me install onto. please help!   you might need replace hard drive.   Forums Macs Mac Basics and Help iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Moving from 2008 Unibody MB to 2011 MBA - What to get?

i want new laptop, moving 2008 unibody macbook. 2.4 4gb of ram. should secondary computer, haven't using such. have neglected 20" 2.4 4gb 2008 imac sitting here, , intend use more - have been using more last month or so. intend upgrade ram 6gb. i've been thinking of getting new (2011) base mba replace macbook. treating secondary computer, , lighter weight appreciated. considering ssd , newer processors, how compare in performance macbook? less money air base mbp, i'm thinking overkill , weight of still there. do? thanks!   stead said: ↑ i want new laptop, moving 2008 unibody macbook. 2.4 4gb of ram. should secondary computer, haven't using such. have neglected 20" 2.4 4gb 2008 imac sitting here, , intend use more - have been using more last month or so. intend upgrade ram 6gb. i've been thinking of getting new

Fedex shipping

i ordered 15" mbp 6 days ago, , right away shipping status said has arrived in lewisberry, pa center. however, since arrived there 5 days ago shipping status has not updated indicate has left lewsiberry facility. should worried or fedex tracking glitchy? expected arrival still tomorrow.   since expected arrival date tomorrow, in no hurry deliver machine. machine today or tomorrow!   Forums Macs Buying Tips and Advice iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

U.S. Regulators Agree to Investigate Apple's Patent Claims Against Samsung

u.s. international trade commission (itc) today announced has agreed investigate claims of patent infringement made apple against samsung. quote the u.s. international trade commission (usitc) has voted institute investigation of electronic digital media devices , components thereof. products @ issue in investigation include mobile phone handsets , tablet computers, in addition components such software, touchpads, , hardware interfaces. investigation based on complaint filed apple inc. of cupertino, ca, on july 5, 2011. complaint alleges violations of section 337 of tariff act of 1930 in importation united states , sale of electronic digital media devices , components thereof infringe patents asserted apple. complainant requests usitc issue exclusion order , cease , desist orders. click expand... apple kicked off dispute lawsuit filed against samsung in mid-april claiming number of samsung's smartphone , tablet d

iPhone Japan - Softbank Wifi Profiles Not Working with iOS 5

i can't seem ios 5 beta 4 iphone 4 join softbank's free wifi networks. downloaded profile storing ssids , passwords of wifi networks softbank, every time iphone tries join them, browser login page says できません. else ios 5 beta 4 on softbank having problem?   hey, yeah have exact same problem. might not fixed until official release...   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Lease help g5

hi guys here deal, opened 1.6ghz g5 because installed more ram, saw inside kinda dusty blew canned air cleared dust, when got put turned on computer , screen black , fans keep running faster , faster , did not make chime noise when rebooting.. changed video card , still nothing... suggestions?????? , tried starting out new stick of 512 ram please help!!! thanks   first, need install g5 ram in pairs, single 512mb isn't going work. did move of factory ram around? did reinstall clear plastic panel when closed computer?   Forums Macs PowerPC Macs iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Mac App Store apps cached on Airport hardware/network? [INCREDIBLE DOWNLOAD SPEED!]

i purchased new macbook air myself , 1 wife. setup mba downloading 4 or 5 apps mac app store ilife updates. started setup wife's mba similarly. found mac app store apps/updates downloaded much faster. getting 4-6 mb/second faster i've ever download before. don't on 1mb/second apple. i've never had download speeds anywhere near that. it's if airport extreme or 1 of other machines on network has saved downloads or similar. assume there no storage on airport extreme (as distinct time machine hardware). how possible?   was wondering same. have wireless connection , while it's relatively speedy download speeds on mac appstore didn't make sense. reason can come have begun incremental/delta updates, rather downloading whole app on , on again , still shows whole download procedure scratch.   Forums

The Lion overheating loop

so activity monitor wouldn't tell me using cpu (2010, 13" mpb), yet computer kept getting hotter , hotter. tried close apps, tried log out , change user, had restart. topping out @ 80*c fan @ 4000rpm , nothing going on. have never had program mac before, it's got lions fault. , appeared start out of nowhere, not doing intensive stuff. disappointed.   also disappointed have same problem. after installed lion appstore 2010 mbp 15" slow, using lot of cpu , overheating when use mail, safari , ichat if close them , there no applications running cpu still using maximum capacity , hot..... today backup files , hope can clean install downgrade snow leopard! disappointed!   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions

Rumor: Apple Redesigning iTunes 11 With New Layout, iCloud Support

next version of itunes full facelift , extensive icloud integration, according report idownloadblog . quote from we're hearing, ui more cleaner , "slick." icloud going more closely integrated itunes. rather itunes store being web browser, store integrated entire app-- spotify currently. we're hearing icloud backups integrated itunes. means if idevice icloud, same backup stored locally on computer. also, app data icloud synced closely itunes. example, if beat level in angry birds, level data synced icloud , itunes library. click expand... it make sense -- icloud meant "the truth", other devices (including mac , pc) backing it. can seen limited icloud support apple has implemented. if purchase app within itunes (and have appropriate settings saved), automatically downloads ios device. i've begun doing app shopping within itunes reason. idownloadblog unproven source, no track r

Synchronize iTunes libraries over several computers! (Mac + PC)

hello macrumors forum members! haven't tested yet, i'm waiting paycheck, i've had trouble myself ever since got macbook pro few months ago, , believe many people have problem. code: this website offers software mac & pc, can synchronize itunes libraries on network. synchronizes metadata (play counts, ratings, etc.) i'm not sure if play counts , stuff sync automatically or if have press "sync" every time want sync, think (and hope) it's automatically. isn't expensive, , seems it's working i've heard, thought i'd share guys. i'm not developer behind this. ps. here's youtube video showing , explaining software:   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone M

NO Data connection

so, i'm running ios 5b4, , woke morning , phone won't connect web. make calls, send text, show 3g signal, connect wifi , use internet, , every single thing supposed to. however, on 3g, not connect internet, , load page. called vzw tech support, did i'm supposed do, , nothing seems wrong. ive been having problems isp, downloading 4.2.10, , going see how working. wife has iphone running 4.x , seems working fine. im not convinced beta thing. weird problem has occurred. ive performed master reset, restore, no dice. open suggestions.   that's interesting. did report on dev forums in case vzw iphone problem?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad

Clean Lion installation. With Recovery HD?

hi. have installed lion 10.6.8; , want new clean install of lion. should use recovery hd? or reinstall 10.6.4 imac mac os discs? want fresh , clean os installation. should use the option writes zeros on hard disk?   so: -snow leopard + 10.6.8 + lion -recovery hd, format , install lion 1 better, if want clean install?   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Qiucktime opening all my previous view videos on 1 simple click, WHY?

i have issue quicktime , i'm not sure how fix it. when open quicktme, program automatically open previous videos on own filling entire screen on macbook videos on place.. can please me fix this? appreciate   alexxk said: ↑ i have issue quicktime , i'm not sure how fix it. when open quicktme, program automatically open previous videos on own filling entire screen on macbook videos on place.. can please me fix this? appreciate it click expand... quit application option-command-q or uncheck restore windows when quitting in system preferences -> general. "feature" design.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7)

BBSettings (iOS 5 Widget not SBSettings) slow?

does else have problem? or know how fix it? have ios 5 beta 3, , should work firmware. everytime click 1 of buttons, acts slow , freezes phone. annoying because bbsettings supposed quick , add shortcuts phone faster me go springboard , select app or toggle switch (etc)   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

IPhone 3Gs Won't Detect Home Wifi.

okay iphone had no problem connecting months had when got wifi home. when woke morning wasn't connected. restarted phone, turned wifi setting off , on multiple times, rebooted router , still no luck... && brother hogged computer day couldn't research problem online till now. when mom gets home try iphone 3g has , see if it's phone or our router. need advice on both scenarios, router using netgear(thats says on top idk mom got trew time warner cable ). believe phone full updated (not moms). cannot find disk our router ( believe mom trew away on accident while cleaning). advice tips anything? im teen , litterally can't live without iphone on wifi ( mom lowered data plan lowest...)   anatheiphone3gs said: ↑ okay iphone had no problem connecting months had when got wifi home. when woke morning wasn't connected. restarted phone, turne

Audio Converter for an Audiophile

hey guys, first post in digital audio forum! i've been longtime supporter of flac , other lossless formats, quite natural of 2200 songs alac archive purposes. however, file size of lossless formats are, know, ridiculous fit on iphone. so, while on windows, used f2k abx comparator blind test on mp3 file types. concluded vbr v0 best. i've switched mac. dbpoweramp golden standard audio conversion on pcs. now, need audio converter able convert between practically file type. suggestions? also, flac - alac, have downloaded x lossless decoder. however, still need converter v0 mp3.   xld. allow itunes downsample apple lossless 128kbs on iphone (the dacs crap on anyway).   Forums Special Interests Digital Audio iPhone Mac OS & System

Should I switch to an iMac

i'm contemplating on selling 15" mbp , 24" u2410 ips panel monitor in sig imac 27" ipad2 and wanted hear/read people's advice on performance comparison between two. know lose second hdd via optibay if got imac , have run external through usb or fw (until tb cheaper). game , if civilization, mac app store games (nothing extensive really), lot of heavy photo , video editing in photoshop, premier, fcp7 , webdev time time. here current mbp setup , 2 imac configs debating, keep in mind if buy imac add 8 or 16gb ram , ssd. current mbp setup: dell u2410 ips panel 24" monitor (i'd sell if got imac) macbook pro (15-inch 2011) 2.3ghz quad-core intel core i7 8gb 1600mhz kingston hyperx ocz vertex 3 max iops (128gb) optibay 750gb 7200rpm hdd intel hd graphics 3000 amd radeon hd 6750m 1gb gddr5 imac setup #1: $1439 refurbished imac 27-inch 2.7ghz quad-core intel core i5 released may 2011 27-inch led-backlit glossy wide

Saving iOS 4.3.3 SHSH for iPad 2 (SOLVED)

so know apple still signing 4.3.3 limited time... how take advantage of this? i'm on 5.0b3 right now, there way save 4.3 shsh? if they're still signing them, there has way, right...? edit: nevermind, got it, hehehe... wondering, can save 4.3.3 shsh limited time through tinyumbrella unchecking "save shsh through cydia".   upsguy27 said: ↑ so know apple still signing 4.3.3 limited time... how take advantage of this? i'm on 5.0b3 right now, there way save 4.3 shsh? if they're still signing them, there has way, right...? edit: nevermind, got it, hehehe... wondering, can save 4.3.3 shsh limited time through tinyumbrella unchecking "save shsh through cydia". click expand... got also! know how upload saved shsh saurik server though? edit: got 4.3.3 saved in cydia  

Safari can’t find the server. Far out.

i know topic similar has been created somewhere in forum, although everywhere i've looked can't seem find definite answer. basically, use site using today, until came message: "safari can’t find server. safari can’t open page “” because safari can’t find server “”." i've emptied cache. deleted of history. restarted computer twice. restarted both modem , router yet still comes same message. won't work in firefox or chrome too, , also, when use site via web proxy load, web proxies aren't long term solution problem don't correctly display page (especially because site heavily relies on flash , javascript). i'd really, answer this. use site daily , don't have other computer except one, , i'm pretty sure isn't going fix overnight - although if think i'll start singing. haha. appreciated.  

N64 Emulator?

hi there n64 emulator can jail broken iphone 4 runing 4.3.3? everywhere have read n64iphone not work on 4.3.3 , when go download cydia in red writing: wasn't able locate status libstatusbar package. might mean need manually fix package wtf?   probably should try iphone forum   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Unlocking without jailbreaking

i have couple of questions. first, understand if want iphone unlocked, not jailbroken, have jailbreak it, unlock it, de-jailbreak it. correct? after this, can upgrade without locking it, or upgrading lock again? second, have 2 iphones 4, first 1 4.3.3 baseband 4.10.01, , second 1 4.0.2 baseband 1.59.00. info on link: first 1 cannot unlocked yet , info on link: second cannot unlocked, , never be, old version nobody working on (the such version, lucky me). of correct? ...unless buying gevey or rebel, of course.   the 2nd 1 1.59.xx, yes, can unlock software or gevey sim. 1st one, can unlocked gevey sim. unlocking software, need jb unlock; gevey, can unlock without jb.   Forums

Apple Insider

switching on , off between site , appleinsider updates on new mba; appleinsider cannot accessed. maybe many hits due of looking updates?   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Speed up 2008 Mac Mini

okay picked 3 year old mac mini $90 , great value has 1gb of ram means lion no go. 2 or 3 gb in there , maybe new hard drive. know type of ram i'll need install , how should paying? i've installed ram in mac mini before putty knives know how it. cheers   okay important 2008 core2duo not core duo post links install video if has 1gb of ram pair of .5gb sticks or 1 1gb stick. if have 1 1gb stick need 2gb stick world computing/5300ddr2s2gb/ ddr2 pc2-5300 2gb price above of 32 dollars meh should find less. if machine has pair of .5gb sticks buy 2 2gb sticks , dump both .5gb sticks. model use 3.1 3.3 gb of 4gb. pair of 2gb sticks tiny bit quicker 1gb , 2gb. money wise buying pair 2gb sticks makes sense if machine has .5gb sticks. buying 1 2gb stick makes sense

HELP: How to delete Spaces Preferences (From SL)

okay know thread title confusing. here deal. had specific applications configured spaces in snow leopard run in multiple spaces when switched go me space. lion use spaces different. new implementation. old settings snow leopard still in effect. example, when open twitter app in lion in 1 space , switch one, twitter app goes me. in lion apple has removed settings change specific apps doing this. want these settings removed , put default. i'm sure simple deleting preference file somewhere, have no idea file , look? know?   i don't know of .plist file, have right-clicked on dock icon of offending applications , looked under "options" yet?   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7)

iPhone 1 repair

i have 3 original iphones. 1 has broken speaker screen fine, , other 2 screens broken. wondering how hard take working screen of off broken speaker iphone , put on 1 of iphones working speaker broken screen. i'm asking how hard take lcd + digitizer + lcd out out separating them. difficult?   wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (iphone; u; cpu iphone os 4_3_3 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8j2 safari/6533.18.5) it's easier take broken speaker out , put new 1 in. 2 broken screen iphones doing them??   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud D

MBP 2011 contacts from iPhone 4

hi guys, had nightmare syncing iphone itunes, because when got phone had pc, (all was phone , running because knew i'd using on mac , have use phone, apple said didn't need /register' on itunes if wait till i've got mac register it, did!) so when put mbp tonight, it's messed up, , syncing saw 'deleting' come in step step, hasn't pleased me greatly, can imagine. it's messed phone, unplugged before lost every single contact. why pressing /sync/ mean after you've done delete it. there safe way contacts on mbp iphone before let itunes lousy unclear check boxes delete whole phone? need update 'version' reason tried sync tonight. but, seems bad idea. checkboxes contacts make no sense, , contacts in advanced etc., 'replace', what?! can tell me what's thing do. 1 last question, point of backing apps if games have go through 100 levels to. don't save are, , when put on phone after deleted of them!!!