
Showing posts from January, 2014

How Can I Change a Application Icon back to it's Default?

a while ago replaced few of icons flurry icons @ iconfactory. there way them old versions? candybar?   go finder, select application, open info (cmd+i), click icon on top left (thus there blue border around icon), press backspace , close info. repeat process other applications, shan't take longer 5 minutes forty applications or so. how set icon application, file or folder & restore original icon ​   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Intel HD Graphics 3000 vs Nvidia GeForce 320M

you may have seen other threads enquiring various options on mac mini. i'm on edge trying decide model get, because of graphics. thought i'd try , push nvidia geforce 320m on macbook air try out how games perform. intel hd graphics 3000 @ 512mb equal or better nvidia geforce 320m @ 256mb?   Forums Macs Desktops Mac mini iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone not working, 1602 error

hi guys today noticed iphone wouldn't respond, lock & home buttons prompted no response , flicking mute switch on/off didn't cause vibration when connected mac, mac acted usual, iphoto popped up, photos etc & itunes recognised it. went restore phone, got 1602 error. when disconnected phone & reconnected it, basically, help?! i'm running 4.3.5, not jailbroken , have itunes 10.5 os x lion appreciated.   make appointment @ apple genius bar.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireles

Owners of MBP and iPad 2 , how many of you...

purchase mba 11" ? tempted mba 11" seems overlapping ipad2 in term of portability , current usage ( surfing , basic office editing , running games etc on ipad )   have ipad 2 , bought 11" mba yesterday.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

What's wrong with my MacBook?

i have black macbook - 2.4 core 2 duo 2 gigs of ram. in past few months, computer has become progressively slow. no additional applications have been installed. if i'm playing video on youtube , open application (i.e. word) audio cut off video. loading programs has become slow process well. thank in advance,   ______________________________________________________ have @ activity monitor ( applications / utilities / ) , select all processes , sort cpu see culprit may be. check " system memory " tab see " page ins: ", " page outs: " , " swap used: " are. image below uses sorting cpu example further reading: mac os x: reading system memory usage in activity monitor making of activity monitor what activity monitor (or how take mac's pulse) ​ ______________________________________________________​  

iPhone Notes>Mac Documents

is there way download page iphone notes app macbook pro documents? verizon iphone4 4.2.9 macbook pro - lion thanks...   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iTunes (Lion) no longer has nested rules for Smart Playlists

after upgrade lion, i've been playing around itunes. has else noticed itunes no longer has nested rules (or nested conditionals) smart playlists? feature added itunes 9, , godsend. can't believe feature missing. nested rules/conditionals allow make more complex smart playlists. hit ellipsis button (next + , - button) create nested rule. ellipsis button gone in itunes. here's article in 2009 feature, , why works:   same thing in snow lep itunes 10.4. weirdest can still use old ipod playlist, has nested conditions. can modify them, can't add them. bet there hidden preference somewhere, didn't remove support.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone

Skin Guard for New Macbook

i googled skin guard new macbook, , seems sgp's pretty company out there selling it. has else ever used skin guards??? i'm thinking putting on 1 of these skinguards , carrying around in old sleeve.. should protect pretty good. don't want scratched up.   found one! decalgirl.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Wireless Keyboard bank of keys stopped working

my apple wireless keyboard (small aluminium version) has stopped responding keys after cleaning. appears affect bank of keys on left side of keyboard. affected keys include 2,w,e,a,s, , caps lock. of other keys i've checked working fine, , bluetooth functionality fine. used clean damp cloth wiping clean, , mid way through cleaning added tiny amount of washing liquid. i'm guessing must have managed tiny amount of water behind 1 or more keys. unfortunately, stupidly did cleaning batteries in place. i'm not sure if electronic circuit damaged beyond repair or reset, or if it's gunk on contact. i've tried drying out on past couple of days without improvement. i've tried pressing non-responding keys repeatedly too. looks though particular line or segment of keyboard electronics affected. know if affected keys give clue source of problem. if there way recover problem? or have bite bullet , hand on more money apple.

Thoughts on this sleeve/case i'm used carrying around bulky laptop want solid protect new mba. experiences case? leather 1 1 function. should still fit north face surge laptop section right? it's same 16' laptop thickness wise.   just got in mail, lot slimmer photos , pretty nice $20.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Resolved To TRIM, or not to TRIM (Vertex 3)

okay i'm in delima, read here today should not use trim enabler patch since causes problems freezing , beach balls (source: ) did clean install week ago, performance not great , have had intermittent lock ups , beach balls after trim patch applied. also, i'm reading may not need enable trim since native garbage collection on sandforce controller enough. specs in sig, should do? atm erased free space pre-lion clean install , it's going right now. should not mess trim?   for vertex 3 recommend not enabling trim. garbage collection enough.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Appl

How is it running for you?

i suppose big question adopters is: how running you? installed lion hour or ago , far there's no problems. seeming run fine , stable , i'm not seeing bugs such. gripe opengl still not 3.1, , @ point joke. should have come in snow leopard. runs 3d apps on os x, knocking confidence. other that, seems fine , new features pretty handy find.   i it...the gripe have time install. when started said 33 minutes remaining, took on hour. of i'm still looking @ new features. 1 have disabled far new scroll direction.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers

Sim Card?

hi, new iphones. given 3g upgraded 3gs. last night jail broke pwnage tool , unlocked ultrasnow. running firmware 4.0.1. @ first going use ipod, use pay go phone. have no idea need this, , need? thank you. ps. don't need data, use wifi. use phone.   charcoalwerks said: ↑ hi, new iphones. given 3g upgraded 3gs. last night jail broke pwnage tool , unlocked ultrasnow. running firmware 4.0.1. @ first going use ipod, use pay go phone. have no idea need this, , need? thank you. ps. don't need data, use wifi. use phone. click expand... just pick prepaid sim att or t-mo.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Appl

Canadian Authorities Permit Apple-Led Acquisition of Nortel Patents to Proceed

reuters reports canadian authorities have declined review $4.5 billion purchase of nortel's patent assets apple-led consortium, determining transaction not subject regulations regarding foreign investments. quote under investment canada act, government must review foreign investments book value of more c$312 million ($328 million) determine if of "net benefit" country. while nortel patents' sale price exceeds threshold, book value may far lower. industry minister christian paradis said investment review officials had come conclusion sale not subject net benefit review after examining applicable rules , threshold values. "based on information provided investor , nortel's 2010 audited financial statements, acquisition of nortel patents not subject review net benefit under act," paradis said in statement. click expand... bankruptcy courts in canada , united states have already appr

Setting up wireless printing..?

hey guys, i'm moving in other half , we're looking hook printer can both use - i'm assuming can done through wireless network. we're both working macs, 3 in each running sl, , printer canon pixma ix4000. i've looked getting airport router don't have funds spare @ moment - wondering if it's possible connect printer directly through router without having fork out excessive amounts of cash? thanks!   from google can see printer isn't wireless/ethernet one. usb only. have couple of options. router usb port supports printers, apple airport ones. 'standard' router doesn't have usb port , won't able connect device. enable printer sharing on mac. if leave printer plugged mac , enable printer sharing in system preferences other macs on network can share it. downside mac plugged in must switched on. there adapters can plug usb on printer , allow

Most efficient way to see all windows in Lion

so introduction of mission control in lion, i've heard "all windows" expose no longer possible (such windows displays separately , none tiled on each other). guess i'm sort of power user (or unorganized), have 25-30 windows open @ time (sometimes per space, reorganizing different spaces isn't feasible). because mission control separates windows application groups, have 7 or 8 windows per application (imagine bunch of research articles open in pdf viewer). therefore, best way see windows in lion (so select between them). after activating mission control, how expand windows application? hover on windows , instantly expand, scroll up, etc?   unfortunately viewing application windows gone snow leopard. way , closest thing (although it's pretty poor) go mission control, hover on application want use "show desktop" gesture expand windows particular application (

Garage Security?

neighbors had garage broken recently, seems thief used remote , drove around until 1 opened. our apartments not have rolling code protection openers. odd theft, stole keys , apparently opened 1 car, didn't take else. i've contacted our apartment owners ask intend ensure our security, has me wondering should do. replacing both garage door openers myself rolling code protection ones cost on $300. video surveillance system cheaper, hook computer watch @ work, , record last few days did come in on video. either option has me spending money on when feel apartment should upgrade garage door openers...given state of repair of entire facility, highly doubt consider it. keep home secure?   when lived folks, had 63 ford in high school. put bolt in garage rails door not open (might problem in apartment). come in through house.   Foru

Problems with MacBook chargers??

hey, i've had lap top 2 months now. mac had lot of bad luck (within month hard drive had glitch , had replaced) , i've had replace adapter part of charger once before. so, few minutes ago in downstairs on lap top , charger working fine; have come upstairs have tried every plug in room , not working again!?! has else been having lot of difficulty's these recent chargers? if have insight on this, please tell me! prefer not tell mother once again need go apple store , have them replace adapter! (thank goodness 1 year warranty!)   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Using iPhone Overseas wpW/ AT&T Roaming vs. Gevey Unlock & Local SIM

so, i'll traveling germany , italy study abroad group through university august-september, traveling switzerland, france, , germany. due country-hopping throughout these 5 weeks, i've been debating if should use at&t's roaming solutions (even if don't pricing) or try gevey sim unlock solution , use local sims. now, i'd able use limited data snap photos & upload tumblr travel blog , maybe check social media , email while away, travel blog uploading , updating. i'm wondering if macrumors forums' well-traveled folks use at&t's solutions vs. unlocking , local sims or vice-versa , how went it. i'd absolutely love factory-unlocked iphone, unless find trade deal on craigslist (super shady), can't afford that. thanks!   say need iphone school use, , write off on taxes. boom. free iphone. got "free" mbp writing off business expense freelanc

MBP 15" Good Display #s

as far can tell, lp154we3-tlb2 , lp171wu6-tlb2 ones without yellow tinting problem. purchase 1 hi-res ag osx lion comes out. new information on display #s have come recently? lars   nikond3s said: ↑ as far can tell, lp154we3-tlb2 , lp171wu6-tlb2 ones without yellow tinting problem. purchase 1 hi-res ag osx lion comes out. new information on display #s have come recently? lars click expand... first time hearing yellow tinting problem... u have forum links talk abt yellow tinting problem ur talking abt? check mbp this. edit: regret asking. lol   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud D

What iPhone 5 & 6 Could Have (Copying Android)

apple, in move resembles lesson android, leaking info on both iphones 5 & 6 learned earlier. makes report different... can read yourself...   i looked on article , didn't find new. think in article has been mentioned.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

URGENT!!! Advice needed!!!

hey guys, sorry being dramatic title, friday birthday , today i'm going purchase white wifi ipad 2. on weekend, used first ipad, , liked it, when went apple store ipad 2 smooth , enjoyed time it. thoughts situation? know apple updates, how technology works, want enjoy product, should white ipad 2 today?   wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (iphone; u; cpu iphone os 4_3_3 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8j2 safari/6533.18.5) yes   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Wi-Fi Drama.

ok, have verizon modem or whatever, have netgear internet thing. desperately trying make 1 of things wireless can have internet on macbook pro. right now, i'm using chord connect verizon thing mbp. please please please me. please. ...please.   follow instructions come modem/router? mine setup this, they're bit different. wall | cable screws wall , modem (the actual internet connection), power cord (goes in outlet) | modem | ethernet cable (this can plugged computer wired internet) | router router has power cord plugs power outlet. basically, separate power cord modem , router, screw-in cable router wall, , ethernet cable connecting router , modem. 4 things total. yours might need set differently, best thing can try find instructions, or google exact model. after this, there should bunch of blinking/non-blinking lights on both router , modem. wait few seconds try connect

beginner question about code signing and profiles

dear members, we've released our first app in appstore. getting in store took longer building app. our starting points: - build different apps using same bundle identifier ( example questions face each time is: - can use 1 single appid multiple apps , used use different appname in xcode 4? - how can work 1 disttribution profile (when submitting code signing error)? - when creating app in store , have build iphone , build ipad can use 1 app this? explanation because need week going each time peter   each of applications should have own bundle id. specify in provisioning portal , in plist. example: com.yourcompanyname.firstapp com.yourcompanyname.anotherapp then, can create distribution certificate each app. you'll need download , double-click add xcode. , yes, can have same app work iphone , ipad. what's called "universal" app. app need

iTunes quit unexpectedly

this error , have been trying several days now. addition of large library of 30,000 tracks. have had add file attachment because big copy here.   attached files: ituneserror_030611.doc file size: 82 kb views: 41 Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

New York Times Offers In-App Subscriptions

new york times has begun offering digital subscriptions via apple's in-app subscription feature. subscription offering puts times app in compliance apple's revised in-app subscription guidelines. times rolled out digital subscription offerings earlier year, couldn't purchased directly in app until today. times highest profile app work apple's requirements surrounding subscriptions. current nyt subscribers can login , access content, , non-subscribers can sign using itunes accounts. new users signing through app, times charging $14.99/month + iphone app access, $19.99 website + ipad, , $34.99/month website + iphone + ipad. apple receive 30% cut of these subscriptions. these prices similar offered via times website , though offers $0.99 promotional price first month. in-app subscribers receive week-long subscription free if share name, email address , zip code times. article link: new york times

HELP! Updated iPhone 3, lost all contacts and photos!

a friend of mine updated iphone (4.2.1 think), , photos , contacts lost. entered contacts , pictures iphone, not think ever synced before today. itunes not have of synch info boxes checked. how can them back, should do?? thanks!   restore backup. however, doubt guy saved backup being overwritten. life lessons. backup often. sync, because can’t depend on backup.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Bungie's Marathon Officially Coming to iPad

beta screenshot​ bungie has posted on official blog interview ios developer daniel blezek has been working on porting marathon ipad. blezek has been working on project time there questions legal issue of related distributing marathon's original level packs. based on notes interview, however, seems bungie-sanctioned port. quote for many, marathon invoke wave of nostalgia; others, first experience seminal mac fps. hope players appreciate bungie's commitment fans. it's not every company support bringing 16 year old game life! click expand... marathon first person shooter developer bungie software macintosh in 1994. mac exclusive launch , released shortly after doom first released pc. bungie later went on acquired microsoft , released popular halo game series xbox. halo developed mac well, release delayed after microsoft's acquisition. ipad version of game has reportedly been submitted , releas

creating my own reusable classes

i come as3 background there classpath can put own classes. i'm starting out xcode 4, objective c, etc. example have "utils" class, "numbers" class, etc. use them in as3 projects frequent stuff. create static methods (as in class methods) don't have create instance numbers.convertradtodeg(34) afaik in objc [numbers convertradtodeg:34] ¿so how approach in objective c? ¿is there folder can put classes? ¿do have create own framework? ¿is idea use class methods in objective c? tia   quote afaik in objc [numbers convertradtodeg:34] ¿so how approach in objective c? ¿is there folder can put classes? ¿do have create own framework? ¿is idea use class methods in objective c? click expand... u create classmethod called numbers, import in every other class, , [numbers convertradtodeg:34]; if has method ofcourse, , if has parameters.

Clean ups etc...

i may barking totally wrong tree here used virus scanning, malware, disk clean years of windows, there needs done on mbp? it's weird not doing anything, or there guys , gals use keeping maintained or checking errors on disk(or don't errors)?   there not need, unless need solve problems, can done system tools disk utility or console. mac virus/malware info by ggjstudios there no viruses mac os x in public circulation, handful of trojans , other malware, have installed manually via entering administrator password. anti-virus need protect mac education , common sense. ​ helpful information mac user by ggjstudios ​   Forums Macs Mac Basics and Help iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Des

Thoughts on Nokia N9??

saw video on endgadget. looks impressive. thoughts?   nice alternative windows phone. means they're not dependent on 1 os.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Alternatives to iOS and iOS Devices iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Time Machine Restore Question

hello, have macbook pro. in mbp have removed internal dvd-drive , replaced hard drive. system have time machine backup want restore from. issue machine has 2 usb-ports. , in order use dvd-drive externally, have use both ports. making impossible have both dvd drive , tc-backup attached @ same time. able boot snow leopard dvd, , choose time machine backup, disconnect dvd drive , let restore tc-backup? if not, can restore system? not want try @ risk of losing data.   connect backup using ethernet.   Forums Macs macOS macOS iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Help! Can't network printer or print with USB connection.

hello~ have hp photosmart wireless printer i've had year , half. before moved networked home (embarq/phone company) network. networked fine kid's church (also embarq/phone company network). no problems networking myself @ old house. however, not network in current apartment. it's charter cable network here. i've had several friends @ it, 2 of self described geeks (only 1 apple-head). in desperation print (i'm in grad school), picked usb cord , tried print connection. no go. "searches printer" , tells me printer offline. it's worth, have 2009 macbook pro, , i'm running mac os x 10.6.7. cable company tells me call printer company , printer company tells me call cable company! ug! hate printer, can't afford new 1 right now. please help. thank you! ~laura   i able print usb switching cables, think have faulty usb cable. howeve

IOS5 camera

is interface update preparation 8mp next generation iphone?   gadget123 said: ↑ is interface update preparation 8mp next generation iphone? click expand... no way know sure, thankfully we'll it!   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Action Button? in iOS 5

wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (iphone; u; cpu iphone os 4_3 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/534.32 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8f190 safari/6533.18.5) action button? found in ios 5 .... go safari. click on bookmarks , click on reading list.   wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (iphone; u; cpu iphone os 4_3 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/534.32 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8f190 safari/6533.18.5) maybe new button added phone?! possibly under screen   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Privacy concerns on the new lock screen notification center.

are there options disable lock screen ability view info? (specifically messages?) type of guy disables message preview on phones because once got in lot of trouble "girlfriend" of mine because sitting right next , "ring" --a random booty pic pushed through on iphone preview pane, , since sitting right there, there no way play off , got super mad. :/ disable new setup show on lock screen available snooping potentially see? if (who doesnt have password) randomly checks phone while in bathroom or something... see whole list of activity? like: 2 new messages ashley , 1 calendar event? or come after password? how work? stuff private.   bobby corwen said: ↑ are there options disable lock screen ability view info? (specifically messages?) type of guy disables message preview on phones because once got in lot of trouble "gir

OT: IP Address. IMac hacked? Please Help

can tell me kind of ip is? 2002:47ee:6d6:0:129a:ddff on imac , operating worried. logged gmail , said ip logged account. mean managed hack imac. kind of ip that? can find out?   afaik ipv6 ip address. resolves comcast .net. ip : 2002:47ee:6d6:0:129a:ddff:fe5a:dadc host : country : united states i'm not sure if in states or not, or whether comcast isp, logged in....   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iMac delivered today, can I still upgrade to Lion free?

what think chances? mean $29 still...   its $29, , if can afford mac, don't think should concern... sayin.   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How PC free is PC Free?

the reason still sync ipad mac (aside updates) create new smart playlists, delete old ones, delete tracks, change meta data, create albums/smart albums photos, rate, , tag them. can ios 5 now? haven't heard word can, if could, makes autonomous pc free machine.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

What would you think of a scrolling button on the iPad?

i thinking neat have kind of small button scrolling , down. neat option have big webpages. wat think? apple ever add ios?   i'm pretty sure they're moving away buttons , focusing on there touch screens. i.e. rumor of them getting rid of home button touch button.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Does Mini handle 2560x1440 27 inch well?

anybody experience current mini , 27" cinema display or dell u2711 running @ 2560x1440. know mini can output this, how well? i've read reports moving , resizing windows choppy. obviously, gaming out of question part. can handle expose @ full framerate, smoothly move windows , play 1080p video without stuttering?   i have mini connected 60in lcd tv 1080i , not notice choppyness in video   Forums Macs Desktops Mac mini iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Any recent experience with Miniot cover for iPad2?

as many, based on reviewing earlier threads, have been interested in miniot wood cover ipad2. while functional, covers apple seem "cheap looking" somehow (to me, @ least). miniot wood cover looks nice @ same price apple leather ipad2 cover. however, have been put off many of user reviews here , on youtube of miniot cover --- not work smoothly expected, magnets not strong enough, lack of magnetic hinges limits usefulness, etc. of these reviews first shipments , alluded future design changes , adjustments miniot. have more recent experiences case? interested in more recent feedback or opinions may have after having used cover several weeks. all!!!   i don't think find many people experience. ordered 1 2 months ago, , despite newly promised delivery dates, they've not kept promises far. oh... able take money credit card. according website no-one ordered in april or later

Intel Expresses Interest in Making Foundry Deals to Produce Custom Chips

reuters reports intel executives today expressed interested in making deals produce custom chips customers such apple, signaling company "wouldn't blink" basing such custom chips on intel's own architecture operating strict contract foundry non-intel-based chips more difficult decision company. quote "if apple or sony came , said 'i want product involves ia (intel architecture) core , put of ip around it', wouldn't blink. fantastic business us." "then middle ground of 'i don't want ia core, want own custom-designed core,' , getting manufacturing margin, (and) more in-depth discussion , analysis." click expand... initial reports had suggested apple might shifting away samsung production of custom arm-based chips used in ios device, turning foundry taiwan semiconductor manufacturing company (tsmc) production. , while apple may still looking shift @ least

Solar Charger for iPhone, recomendations

recommendations solar charger use iphone/ipad etc? i have 1 excellent price ($25) charge aa batteries , has usb out bonus , has limitations. compact (solio not, bulky unit) , can more 50% charge iphone. read suggestion of 12v panel connected car-to-usb power adapter, sounds work fine.   wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (iphone; cpu iphone os 5_0 mac os x) applewebkit/534.46 (khtml, gecko) version/5.1 mobile/9a5274d safari/7534.48.3) have great reccomendation solar chargers: don't buy one! suck   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iP

New mini fan speeds

hi, i'm trying decide between imac , mini. noise level important me , while know expect imac, have never used mini before, having macbook know such smaller fans if rev can obtrusively noisy. appreciate if of lucky new 2011 mini owners give me idea of fan speeds @ idle , load please.   ng7apoc said: ↑ hi, i'm trying decide between imac , mini. noise level important me , while know expect imac, have never used mini before, having macbook know such smaller fans if rev can obtrusively noisy. appreciate if of lucky new 2011 mini owners give me idea of fan speeds @ idle , load please. click expand... 2.3, 2.5, 2.7 looks 1800rpm idle, server 2ghz quad 2300rpm idle. both sound same. quad hotter obvious reasons, 2.3 hotter because of video card. if want quietest 1 2.3.   Forums

When To Replace 3,1 2008 Pro

have put ssds , new video cards machine, it's fast , pushing 3 displays without problems (apple cinema, nec monitor , lcd projector). it's plenty powerful do, , don't want upgrade. (it's pretty amazing, if pc have chucked in garbage, no joke, replace pcs such dell , gateway every 2 years, build quality terrible.) if use machine 5 years would. realistically, how long can keep using machine without hassle? example, don't want posting on here whether particular video card or peripheral going work 2008 pro. if comes out, want plug-and-play ready. far that's pretty been case, how long? also, when should expect more serious hardware breakdowns, i.e. logic board failure?   velin said: ↑ have put ssds , new video cards machine, it's fast , pushing 3 displays without problems (apple cinema, nec monitor , lcd projector). it's plen

Files disappearing on local server after Lion update

i updated lion , when open folder our server files instantly disappear. see them disappear when open folder. have app call reveal hidden files v1.2 , when reveal hidden files files visible , can open them. random files disappear. why happening. please help.   devonfarrell said: ↑ i updated lion , when open folder our server files instantly disappear. see them disappear when open folder. have app call reveal hidden files v1.2 , when reveal hidden files files visible , can open them. random files disappear. why happening. please help. thanks click expand... so saying lion hiding them? can open terminal , type chflags nohidden /"path folder" , see if files appear. sounds these folders/files hidden discovered. since files , not system files, unlikely os decided hide them. permissions messed not chflags, unless play program can hide/unhide

Sync documents in the iCloud?

hey have installed 10.7.2, icloud beta5 , ios 5 beta4.. have enabled documents in settings on both iphone , mac, still have problem sync of documents.. can't seem figure out how works. have pages , few numbers documents have synced between iphone , mac, how do this?? there specific folder has located in or ? regards   i'm wondering same thing. how hell work?! guess feature hasn't been implemented, yet.   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Finally got ibook working on Verizon iphone

couldn't find official fix months , gave up. days ago did restore of 4.2.6 cuz having issues phone. jailbroke phone jailbreak me , installed old apps except ibooks. today gave ibooks go. downloaded ibooks , time didn't sync of free books had. downloaded new book , amazed opened. phone feels complete ibooks working.   ok took girlfriends phone , installed ibook without rejailbreaking phone. has 4.2.6...winnie pooh popped right away on book shelf , deleted book , downloaded new book. book opened fine. don't know what's going on know ibooks work on verizon iphones now.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Appl

noob guitar player

hey y'all... picked guitar 8-9 months ago , hoping mess around in garage band. looking online , looks connect mba need usb interface. recommendations relatively inexpensive gets job done without many frills , thrills?   you 1/4 1/8 converter , plug mic. sound cheap usb device would.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless