
Showing posts from August, 2013

Is iCloud gonna change your life too?

i have family of 4. we've had our own techniques ensuring contacts, music, etc., shared or separated appropriate. other day, got new imac (the other 3 household members sync to). deciding wanted start clean, i've been mapping out how we're gonna use itunes,, , contact groups, etc. new imac. dawned on me morning i'm way over-thinking this. example, our music library has playlists of music has not been purchased via itunes (older music ripped our massive 90s cd collection). started doing because icloud allows download purchased content cloud. therefore, under music in itunes, sync particular playlist (wife's playlist, oldest child's playlist, youngest child's playlist). itunes matching, should able view if not of our music (assuming apple has on servers). know garth brooks , few others have not yet approved use of itunes. recent news of icloud beta made me realize i'll have similar capabilities

17" mbp mc846ll/a

2.8ghz i7 / matte / gt330 local retailer has these going on sale tax-free weekend hundreds less can them refurb store. these released in april 2010. i'm curious how these stack against current gen models, , pro/ cons can think of   compare yourself, 2011 mbp twice fast 2010 mbp: depends on computational needs. they?   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Should I buy a expensive watch (Rolex, Breitling, etc.) or save my money?

for little context, 26 years old. have decent paying job. have 1 decent watch cost around $800. techno marine. problem band either black or brown (it's changeable). considering purchasing new watch when travel. if leave house brown band week, means i'm stuck brown shoes week. therefore, wanting buy me solid silver watch occasions this. when home, gets hold changing bands out depending on color shoes/belt want wear. have few questions regarding this. 1) best of best watch carrier? rolex, breitling? 2) should spend money on expensive watch? can't decide want hear other peoples opinion. seems little silly , not smart invest $5,000+ on watch. me, seems poor investment. maybe if 50 years old+ not being 26. however, other side of me says screw it. work hard @ if want should buy it. thought? 3) if think should conserve, brand watch recommend still nice not retarded expensive watch? thank input.  

To buy a MacBook Pro or not?

hello apple experts, need advice. have 2009 17" macbook pro , i'm thinking of upgrading new one new 15" macbook pro. question is, there big updates macbook pros anytime soon? or should new one? in advance.   nothing major until 2012. now.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Audio & FCPX - odd

odd question here...with new fcpx , magnetic timeline... cutting beat has proven unassociate audio track video, (the line / link fcpx gives showing attached) how remove that? clip stays put...because start of clip linked beginning of video, every time cut towards end of video (to right) bought beginning of movie (to right) moved audio right put cuts out of sync cutting beat last night , cuts moving audio put beat out of of sync cut   Forums Special Interests Digital Video iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone Multi-Touch Trackpad App?

bit of long shot seeing it's not been out long, there's every chance developers have been using app alongside previous lion releases etc. know of app allows use iphone or ipad's screen lion's new multi-touch gestures? can guess i'm using 2008 black macbook , therefore don't have unibody trackpad need lion, don't see why should need pay out 50 quid use features i've technically paid for... there logic in there somewhere trust me cheers. p.s. don't know if jailbroken apps can discussed on forum, given allowed jailbreak etc now, if allowed cydia apps worthwhile suggestions thanks.   wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (ipod; cpu iphone os 5_0 mac os x) applewebkit/534.46 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/9a5248d safari/6533.18.5) used touchpad on ipod multitouch in snow leopard. gestures worked perfectly. uses vnc connect macbook. vnc buggy on lion won

Battery Died?

i think iphone 4 battery died. when not plugged in, screen display of telling me plug in. when plug in, little lightening bolt appears not appear charging. phone not turn on nor itunes detect it. wrong? thanks, andrea   put phone recovery mode holding homebutton , powerbutton @ same time atleast 10 seconds until picture appears telling connect phone itunes.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Notes and Calendar missing???

all notes , calendar information gone? how can info back? mike   strnge said: ↑ all notes , calendar information gone? how can info back? click expand... i presume information missing iphone , not computer? when did last perform sync? if information on iphone @ time of last sync might on computer (as long itunes configured this). if case, perform sync copy data computer iphone. rtp.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Best solution for hearing the purest sound from iTunes music downloads

i have question regarding sound quality when playing itunes downloads. used burn songs downloaded itunes cd-rs , sounded great. when ran out of cds, decided idea buy ipod store songs downloaded onto 1 device. decided go ipod shuffle because seemed perfect solution strictly music, , take me , hook car using auxiliary cable. upon receiving ipod shuffle (current generation) , listening it, tell sound not pure , clear when listen on ipad or mac. assume nano , classic have same sound quality. had ipod touch (current generation) few weeks , sound quality on par ipad , mac. loss in sound quality disappoints me because 1.) i'm not hearing itunes download in glory, , 2.) use device listen music (especially in car). recommend considering situation? should revert burning cds?   someone know , opinion regarding music value highly said recently: "in work , i've owned or

Ipad for presentations

hi guys, here looking do. have projector connected laptop running powerpoint. projecting front of room onto white screen. going presenting on stage , want able use ipad draw on presentation being displayed. want able see presentation on ipad mark accurately. can tell me if possible , adapters , configuration looks ?   well close keynote remote (a $1 apple app) read notes , advance slides on mbp (which hooked projector) don't think has writing capability. vaugely remember simulated laser pointer capability show stuff on screen, haven't seen feature (or needed it). btw app still iphone app - not retina display - let alone full ipad resolution. hope upgrade sometime.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad

Skip the Clean Install?

hi, in process of getting files organized installing os x lion on mid-2009 13" macbook pro. waiting come burn dvd of , clean install. however, not hapen. have 8gb of new ram along new 750gb hdd have sitting around waiting use upgrade. however, on very-tight schedule, if not install lion weekend, next chance may not best me. think of doing clean-install of os x 10.6 along configurations (excpet maybe address book, mail, , calendar due new management options...i plan on syncing google calendar, mail, , contacts-at least until icloud released) , upgrading lion without clean install? thanks!   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes A

Best Case for a College Student

i'm going getting 15" macbook pro in august college. wanted protective case since i'll carrying dorm classes , library. able fit case tote bag. have recommendations best protective case go inside bag?   that bag cute - anyways - of girl friends @ college have speck hardshell case ( ). have tom binh braincell bag/case absolutely lost without - allows me put laptop inside of it, , chuck around bag inside of backpack - again, i'm guy. ( )   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple

iPad Cydia iPad tweaks!!

does have tweaks , care share??? far have: - barrel 2 (adds animations when swiping between app pages) - bigify+ (resize/rotate apps) - browserchanger (changes default browser) - foldersinfolders (obvious...?) - graviboard (apply gravity springboard) - iconoclasm (change organization of app rows/columns) - retinapad (force iphone apps show in ipad mode) - winterboard (apply themes) - dreamboard (apply themes) , of course sbsettings other ones out there? replies.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Best way to backup before upgrading to Lion

hello. lion out anytime now, considering whether upgrade lion available or wait 2 months. recall when snow leopard came out, there various issues including compatibility problems. right now, using snow leopard , far know, lion not available in disc format. before upgrading, method recommend? full backup using super duper or time machine? thanks.   get external hard disk uses fastest port on mac , 'clone' snow leopard (using free carbon copy cloner ). way have bootable backup in case 'upgrade' goes haywire.   Forums Macs macOS macOS iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wirele

Almost ruined my iphone

i work @ target , friday raining much. had move bunch of stuff in parking lot , got soaked. phone got message acessory not optimized iphone. had no sound in phone , couldnt turn or down. luckily cleaned out power connector area , started work. i'm sure happens people lot. iphones not waterproof. sure.   engaged44 said: ↑ i'm sure happens people lot. iphones not waterproof. sure. click expand... is why stop working when take them swim me? thought sand...   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple

Name this port

i feel bit of doofus asking easy many of you, what's name of display port on (late 2005?) mac mini want buy cheap monitor use with, , need ensure 1 has right cable.   dvi   Forums Macs Desktops Mac mini iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Any way to recover an app from iPhone that was deleted from library

i have vlc app has since been removed app store. wiped computer , backed important stuff stupidly forgot vlc app. exists on phone , else. haven't synced new computer yet because infrequently anyway, it's still on phone if try sync delete apps+media phone first. there way recover read-only program phone (without jailbreaking) or recourse jailbreak , copy over?   did try transferring purchases? i'm not sure if work, it's worth shot. right/two-finger/ctrl click on iphone in itunes, , select transfer purchases. make habit of doing before syncing, whether have new app or not.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCl

Change format of Time Capsule

hi, there way change format of time capsule disk os mac extended (journaled) os mac extended (case sensitive, journaled)? james   change format of time capsule reason ask previous message because when try , copy files tc shared drive states: can’t copy of these items because names same other items on destination volume, , volume doesn’t distinguish between upper- , lowercase letters in filenames. want skip these items , continue copying other items? fixed setting format case sensitive journaled format? on apple site accept case sensitive journaled. seemingly not me! can help?   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Wa

Efficiently implementing simple NSComboBox functionality with bindings

i made sample core data application, in populated nscombobox name of student entity, binding content values property array controller. wanted add new record persistent store if student name not exist, defined method in application delegate class: code: - (ibaction)addnewstudent:(id)sender { nsarray *studentnames = [[students arrangedobjects] valueforkey:@"name"]; if ([studentnames containsobject:[sender stringvalue]]) { return; } nsmanagedobjectcontext *context = [self managedobjectcontext]; nsentitydescription *studententity = [nsentitydescription entityforname:@"student" inmanagedobjectcontext:context]; // inserting record nsmanagedobject *newrecord = [nsentitydescription insertnewobjectforentityforname:[studententity name] inmanagedobjectcontext:context]; [newrecord setvalue:[sender stringvalue] forkey:@"name"];

SSD issue

i got corsair force series 3 that's supposedly fixed it's "1124" part, yet when change out hdd , fresh install sl, when reboots kernel panics, boot. boots slow. lot slower hdd. reset pram safety sake. figure it's bad drive again, wanna make sure not missing fundamental here. not optibay set up, not clone. fresh install. thanks!   schizbomb said: ↑ i got corsair force series 3 that's supposedly fixed it's "1124" part, yet when change out hdd , fresh install sl, when reboots kernel panics, boot. boots slow. lot slower hdd. reset pram safety sake. figure it's bad drive again, wanna make sure not missing fundamental here. not optibay set up, not clone. fresh install. thanks! click expand... many people have reported instability various sata iii ssds; however, there have been many report

Best 'CHEAP' earphones/buds ?

i've read posts pertaining 'best' earphones iphone 4. unfortunately i'm not big audiophile , wouldn't know difference between $150 , $350 headset. wouldn't able tell difference between , $10 set! however, after iphone earbuds went missing wife bought me replacement set bestbuy $44. have mic not have volume controls , same 'old generation' set previous iphones. bestbuy sells ones mic and volume controls on website free shipping $39!! so, definite ripoff buying in store. want know buy headsets under $50? if so, there people recommend? on best buy website , on amazon , ebay there attractive earphones less $40 - low $8. bestbuy selling sony ones $23 , look sound like? has experience 'cheap' headsets? i've seen many complaints these , other 'fake' sets there positive reviews sets under $40? there better iphone ones? possible set under $40 have decent sound , have mic , volu

Good 24" Monitor?

so i've decided on getting macbook pro , new monitor. considering buying 24" cinema display refurbished, after seeing problems has 2011 macbook pro, opted out. wondering, there nice 24" monitors similar quality cinema display? doesn't have ips display, looking monitor has nice color quality. thanks.   the comparable acd find dell u2411. happen ips, know that's monitor.   Forums Macs Buying Tips and Advice iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Need some advice for how much somethings worth MB

hey guys, i've been thinking of upgrading lately i'm not sure laptop worth put money toward new. computers stats are: late 2008 macbook (aluminum) 2 ghz intel core 2 duo 2 gb ram 160 gb hd ideas? hoping 600+ have no clue.   Forums Macs Buying Tips and Advice iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Compensation for Verizon Duplicate MEID?

hey - got email verizon today saying account information had been updated. number in email ipad2's cellular data number. going account information on ipad brought else's name , phone number, credit card , billing address. called verizon, , confirmed duplicate meid problem of newer ipads being shipped. problem me though, i've had mine since launch day. though had ipad first, verizon , apple (who later joined on 3 way call) telling me bring ipad apple store replacement. apparently because data plan has lapsed , replaced new person, i'm 'second person' on account. i'm pretty ticked, because i've had ipad since launch, yet have take time go apple store, replaced, , have resync data, songs, movies, etc. has else had happen, there kind of compensation time , trouble?   saerian said: ↑ has else had happen, there kind of

Program to do this?

hi guys, new here , first post, automation engineer, there way can have app start iphone switched on. i.e skip whole menu, turn on phone , app should start , user quit menu. ideas hugely appreciated. thank you, vimal   vimalkm9 said: ↑ hi guys, new here , first post, automation engineer, there way can have app start iphone switched on. i.e skip whole menu, turn on phone , app should start , user quit menu. ideas hugely appreciated. thank you, vimal click expand... if jailbroken there activator can launch apps gestures double tap staus bar or volume down twice think there options when plugged in or unplugged not sure powering on though   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iO

Application folder help

hi there. im new mac user, got macbook pro (loving it) 3 days ago, please pardon me if question noobish one. know if possible delete "shortcut" application folder on dock, keeping application installed. keep folder clean , remove less used applications. there way this? thank in advance.   you can create own folder , name "apps". create aliases of selected apps , put aliases in folder. drag folder dock , use instead of full applications folder.   Forums Macs Mac Basics and Help iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Widgets: Pros and Cons

if ios 5 has capability widgets on homepage, guess okay. had widgets on droid x home page , press on 1 dial someone. problem inadvertently dialed when putting phone in pocket. got point waited 30 second timeout on homescreen before putting phone in pocket. think if capability of widgets comes ios 5, useful feature double tap activate it. eliminate accidental " pocket " calls.   jimbo1mcm said: ↑ if ios 5 has capability widgets on homepage, guess okay. had widgets on droid x home page , press on 1 dial someone. problem inadvertently dialed when putting phone in pocket. got point waited 30 second timeout on homescreen before putting phone in pocket. think if capability of widgets comes ios 5, useful feature double tap activate it. eliminate accidental " pocket " calls. click expand... i've had number of android phones... , after

PowerPC video encoder

hi, know of freeware video encoder compressing mac ripper outputs on g4? thanks, and.   i use handbrake   Forums Macs PowerPC Macs iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Oh noes the emulators :(

this bad. google copying apple , in controversial move have pulled emulators android market , worst deleted developers accounts! should write google , express our disatisfaction whit actions before become apple. not matter if use ios or android, smarphone users should join forces , write google. sei nicht böse. ja, richtig   appslover said: ↑ this bad. google copying apple , in controversial move have pulled emulators android market , worst deleted developers accounts! should write google , express our disatisfaction whit actions before become apple. not matter if use ios or android, smarphone users should join forces , write go

Apple TV causing itunes to crash?

heya mr forums, tried on apple communities discussion forum no avail. seems apple tv somehow causing itunes freeze on homesharing. i've had set @ house , worked perfect airport express, sister came town i'm staying @ parents, brought apple tv , mac, since here few weeks. library on 1tb seagate external btw. @ first apple tv works perfect, itunes freeze @ point, force quit, says library locked. takes eject disk , reboot or computer reboot itunes working again. appreciated.   i deleted library files, re-added library seems work now, if anymore problems pop re-bump others similar problems.   Forums Apple TV Apple TV and Home Theater iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers

2011 MBP 15 weird noise in 1 week

i had mbp 15 2.3 8gb week now, thought got lucky because seem having issues had none, guess spoke soon, because odd reason fans r spinning loud, before quite , reason loud enough me notice difference, sounds theres cd spinning, when pick mac , tilt around bit sound stops when @ angles, when put down on flat surface noise comes back.... im wondering wtf be? did inside?? please help!!   i think might hard drive have 5800 rpm right now, ordered wd 7200rpm lets see if might fix problem... point noise never there... normal or should return?   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications

Review: SGP iPhone 4 Case Ultra Thin Matte Series | vs | White iPhone 4

company: sgp model: ultra thin matte series color: white phone: iphone 4 - white i've been careful case shopper. after reading on reviews, i've decided go sgp ultra thin cases. 1 of reason it's because thinness. though not thinnest case in world, however, it's thin enough , sturdy enough have decent protection without sacrificing aesthetic of phone. function & form = win win situation however, there 1 big concern: will fit white iphone 4? after receiving new white iphone 4, no surprise, it's indeed thicker current black ip4. current case on ip4 (2 pieces case) wouldn't fight right (unknown case i'm using temporary). common sense, if 2 pieces case doesn't fit right, ultra thin snap on cases have lesser chance of fitting properly. however, jason lee sgp helpful in sending me out sample test fit on iphone 4. , here's unboxing: ***click on pictures larger pics*** very nice packaging: c

Music fades and stops when multitasking.

wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (ipod; u; cpu iphone os 4_3_3 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8j2 safari/6533.18.5) i'm wondering if kind of limitation i've found ipod touch stops music playback whilst doing things browsing using safari. i've had happen randomly on ipod app, audiogalaxy , spotify far.. happens music fades silence, go music app, restart playback browse again , fades out again shortly after. common other people @ all?   i had while on iphone 3gs. software date?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPod touch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV

Anyone Noticed

after latest software update, atv seems switch on without input remote, or iphone or ipad. goes sleep after designated hour, , can think of no reason why it's started doing this. else working fine.   macman45 said: ↑ after latest software update, atv seems switch on without input remote, or iphone or ipad. goes sleep after designated hour, , can think of no reason why it's started doing this. else working fine. click expand... i have 2 of them, , they've both done under every software version. apparently haunted.   Forums Apple TV Apple TV and Home Theater iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Profession

2010 15" MBP Battery life with Lion and SL test

sl. can 9+ hours of battery life ( 10 hours ) lion. 7 hours of battery life snow leopard had alot of programs , games installed. clean lion os x 0 programs installed, can 6-7 hours of battery life safari running , fresh installation nothing installed. sl > lion mobile computers imo.   there lot of contributing factors. windows gets few hours me on battery life. it's how os optimized extend battery life. i'm sure apple push out update increase time can spend unplugged.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iTunes not showing album name on burned disc

i can burn cd in itunes , of cd text show in car stereo except album name. stereo show track name , artrist name not album name. under album name shows artists name , not album name . know how can show album name?   kroupa said: ↑ i can burn cd in itunes , of cd text show in car stereo except album name. stereo show track name , artrist name not album name. under album name shows artists name , not album name . know how can show album name? click expand... it depends on cd player in car , part of cd text it's been set at. have in car?   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Com

1080p output on AT2 and iOS 5?

i have been debating on getting 1 replace htpc have. read rumors havent heard positively.   nope   Forums Apple TV Apple TV and Home Theater iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Why I want to learn how to spoof the IMIE of a USA Apple iPhone 3G or iPhone 3GS

i'm researching how spoof imei of usa apple iphone 3g or 3gs yet unbought - , - i'm writing state many people here wrong 'assume' peoples' motives desire able change imei numbers on fly. particularly dismaying see repeatedly (and incorrectly) people state illegal change imei number of applle iphone. while (apparently) illegal change personal cellphone's imei in more draconian countries (e.g., in uk), decidedly not illegal spoof imei number of cellphone in united states, it's not illegal spoof computer hostname or clone wifi router's mac address or spoof personal email address or spoof phone number appear calling (in usa). having established legality (in usa) of spoofing imei number of mobile phone (those evidence contrary must supply law - - won't able - because in usa, law not exist based on fcc communications & complaint) ... want state, record, reasons 'wanting' spoof imei address (which plainly told fc

User accounts REALLY messed up, my fault!

a couple weeks ago swapped out old, dead hard drive , upgraded ram 4 gb on 7.1 aluminum imac 20". yay, right? well, not completely, no. • see, lazy mac owner am, before hd fail, messed time machine backups on external hd. last backup march 2011. after that, tm having backup failures had trouble diagnosing. after doing digging, found piece of advice said 1) exclude user accounts backup 2) let tm backup 3) restore user accounts tm , should fine (or effect, can't remember details, i've been through trauma losing mac baby week now). well, forgot restore user accounts tm before hd died. know, know- stupid! • anyway, did have complete backup including user accounts march in time machine, migration assistant wouldn't let me choose date restore info. user accounts file size calculated 0 kb, , when let go next step, just...restored latest backup point, did not include user files- pictures, music, movies, documents. software update wouldn&

PHP - Upload multiple images

so started code found on (example 15) uploads image, writes variable, , displays it. want modify instead writes array , displays, , can continue upload images subsequent array position , display them all, opposed recent, case now. can see set put in array , after displaying, move next position, given html creates button not dynamic, sort of stuck. here's have now: code: <?php // upload.php $m=0; echo <<<_end <html><head><title>php form upload</title></head><body> <form method='post' action='upload.php' enctype='multipart/form-data'> select file: <input type='file' name='filename' size='10' /> <input type='submit' value='upload' /> </form> _end; display(); function display(){ if ($_files) { $name[$m] = $_files['filename']['name']; move_uploaded_file($_fi

MBA 11" 1.8 GHZ/i7, 4Gb, 256 GB SSD

how in title mentioned ultimate mba compare 24" imac, c2d, 3.06 ghz, 4gb 1067 mhz ddr3 in terms of speed? using imac final cut studio rendering time important. smaller screen real estate not issue me. portability important can edit on go.   nobody has clue ?   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Apple Thunderbolt Display-Connection Confusion!

ok, have quite lot explain here going big post. in september, i'll going university study computer games animation , such on past few months i've sorted out computer need course, or thought did anyway. intended buy mac pro (the upcoming model, following rumours of august update 2011) , 2 apple 27" cinema displays. along this, going purchase atlona hd620 (on 1 side of device there mdp output , hdmi output put in mac , 360 , other side mdp output display) connect xbox 360 1 of displays (mdp). aware hd620 doesn't work 2011 imac due thunderbolt , possible run same problem new mac pro , displays. kept plan , decided i'd when time came. ....and did. yesterday i'm sure you're aware, apple went , released new thunderbolt display did away mdp completely. looked new displays , thunderbolt , understand it, thunderbolt backwards compatible mdp obviously, mdp can't forward compatible thunderbolt. in other words can insert t

Can my 2009 MBA run Lion smoothly?

i'm thinking install lion on 2009 mba has 2g memory , ssd. notice minimum requirement 2g. here has run lion on 2g laptop? give if performance awkward. advices.   it shouldn't have problem it. meets recommended requirements!   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Remote connection

i want able update macs on home network remotely how go this? tried connecting mac on network via finder windows without success.   help!   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Launchpad Gesture

i have mbp non unibody , launchpad gesture extremely difficult pull off. else think launchpad gesture hard activate?   at first is, here's easier way. instead of trying pinch 3 fingers against thumb, rest 3 fingers on trackpad , move thumb instead. works great, no awkward movements.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

2011 iMac 27' kernal panic?

my computer on 15 days (in sleep/screen off) when not in use, , seeing how long go without restart, dont ask why.. watching youtube video , kernal panic came (you must restart computer blah blah) , think hit 15 day mark (or close).. anyway restarted computer , working should worried about?   probably nothing worry @ all. if happens again read on them at:   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless