
Showing posts from July, 2010

Does OS X Lion automatically backup my MBP?

does new os automatically backup computer everyday? when @ istat, shows backup hard drive. don't have connected don't know is. confusing me.   nobody has answer?   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Best place to sell Mac Pro in UK

im looking sell mac pro 1,1 , dont have seller's account on ebay (and cannot bothered hassle) , wondering best place trade in or sell machine??   you try marketplace forum.   Forums Macs Desktops Mac Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iMac and MBA vs. 17" MBP and iPad

which optimal setup?   imac , air, imac power , air when showing off designs   Forums Macs Buying Tips and Advice iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

list your 10.6.8 quirks/bugs/lock-ups/etc; my i7 iMac 27" does not like 10.6.8!

gosh; i've had few irksome quirks/bugs/lock-ups 10.6.8, here's list-so far: 1) firewire 800 2tb hd seems quirky upgrade 1st install. hen downloaded 10.6.8 , did install, upon re-boot process got "white screen". after waiting re-boot 5-10 minutes...i pushed/hold button....nothing...un plug firewire 800 2tb hd , re-start fine. now, when select re-start, every few days, same. conclusion firewire 800 bug. 2) trash can has stuff in it, shows empty in menu bar... happened twice far. random occasionaly. simple solution. made empty folder on desktop, moved there. moved trash, in menu bar trash showed stuff in it, , gave me option delete it.   im pretty sure latest 1.1 update killed screen sharing. have 3 mac's got killed update. cant connect either either computer. if connect, screen sharing app crashes on every machine  

does anyone have this popup problem with Lion?

whenever popup windows in browser (chrome. haven't tried other browsers) ...such pop-up login form or something, change screen on different "desktop space". if i'm using chrome in desktop space 1, when open pop-up, slide , show loading stuff on desktop space 3 or 4 (or whatever's next). then, when try go desktop space 1 using mission control or 3 finger swipe, show second , revert other space. other space blank desktop. drives me crazy. have revert , revert back, swipe on , on until "gives in" , stays there. when open things in "new window", opens in entirely different desktop space. , when use mission control swipe between them or preview them, 1 of them doesn't show on mission control zoom view. it's bug or glitch doesn't know new windows supposed stay in same desktop space , has 1 application running in 2 different spaces @ once , keeps reverting itself. experience this??  

Strange Behavior for Sleep Mode

periodically when put 6.1 macbook in sleep mode, screen turns black, finder arrow stays on apple on cover. in mode can't , have force reboot. have clue causing this? , said earlier, doesn't happen every time. help.   does happen? have turned off , on, if rare occurrence, people experience simple restart sets straight.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Resolved Mail removes all my stars on my web gmail. What am I doing wrong?

i have used gmail on web (browser), new conversation view in mail decided try it. after synching gmail account in mail, went see how account looks on and, lo , behold, stars next emails vanished. , 7 years/2gbs worth of emails different stars . tried re-starring of emails , after sync in mail got removed again on doing wrong? want use mail, still want starred emails show starred on .   i think might have found out - starred emails gmail show "flagged" in mail? if so, remember unflagging of them. grrr. way undo action? (i don't have time machine backup)   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone

Resolved Apple screwed up expose in Lion, was better in Snow Leopard

in sl, use expose view pdfs on desktop. may have 5-10 @ 1 time. in sl, see them , select 1 want. now, in lion, can't view them because stacked on top of 1 another, prevents me being able read or see which. sucks.   miamialley said: ↑ in sl, use expose view pdfs on desktop. may have 5-10 @ 1 time. in sl, see them , select 1 want. now, in lion, can't view them because stacked on top of 1 another, prevents me being able read or see which. sucks. click expand... i know isn't helpful without quicklook, if open, 3-finger swipe down. works on trackpad, or mouse can bettertouchtool free , create custom gesture (application exposé).   Forums Macs macOS macOS iPhone Mac OS

Does my MBP support audio through MiniDisplay Port?

hey guys, have late 2009 revision of 13" macbook pro (specs here ), , i'm curious. if mdp-> hdmi adapter, send audio well? thanks.   no, there alternatives bolded below. quote mini displayport (mdp) mini displayport current digital standard on current macs transfer video external display or tv. has been introduced in 10/2008 release of unibody macbook , macbook pros , has gradually been adopted on other macs. mdp capable of transmitting video, , since 2010, audio too. mdp miniaturised version of displayport. license free , can support resolutions of 2560 x 1600, mini dvi , micro dvi not able do. ​ mdp adapters can bought online from: mdp vga adapter apple mdp dvi adapter apple mdp dual-link-dvi adapter apple moshi mini dp hdmi adapter audio support adapter apple online store mini displayport + usb dual-link dvi adapte

How to disable Hyper Threading on 10.7?

reaching out developers out there. i'm interested in finding cpupallet preference panel use either located under /library/application support/hwprefs/cpupalette or under extras folder in developer tools. both locations gone. if knows can find preference panel again appreciate it.   wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (ipod; u; cpu iphone os 4_2_1 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8c148 safari/6533.18.5) why want disable hyperthreading?   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications i

Lacie d2 Quadra not waking up

hello, searched found 3-year-old thread regarding wake/sleep problems. so, created new one, seeing it's lion related. here's deal: bought lacie d2 quadra usb 3.0 use via fw800 on mbp5.5(mid '09) timemachine. drive works fine , all, gets mounted, goes standby after while, awakes when accessed. but: if don't send mac sleep. once mac has slept while lacie won't power on it's own. finder , disk utility show mounted, it's not waking standby can't access it, unless power off , on. tried , downloaded newest lacie desktop manager software (1.4.2) since it's few shortcuts mac utilities (energy saver, disk utility) , doesn't provide drivers apparently, deleted because didn't bring improvement , don't need 3rd party software polluting os x d2 quadra ac/dc power supplied, fw bus doesn't provide enough power wake drive standby? other that, since wi-fi doesn't work either after mac slept, unless disabled , re-

Time Capsule question - new to apple

i going new mba. 1) tc people use backup + storage or use cheaper usb drives? 2) have epson ink jet printer upstairs put tc print printer. verizon fios comes in near tv. can not connect them cable. tc claimed if put upstairs near printer? 3) refurb option:   67bmer said: ↑ i going new mba. 1) tc people use backup + storage or use cheaper usb drives? 2) have epson ink jet printer upstairs put tc print printer. verizon fios comes in near tv. can not connect them cable. tc claimed if put upstairs near printer? 3) refurb option: thanks click expand... if have need wireless data , wireless backups, time machine you. can use external hard drive. not wirelessly of course, unless buy nas (network attac

Geekbench Lion

did else's geekbench score drop after downloading mac os x lion? mine dropped 10k barely 7k. restarted computer , still no change.   nope, single cpu 2010 macpro went up, 64-bit score 16,607   Forums Macs Desktops Mac Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Styling a web contact form

so i've been trying set contact form website, , have been trying style fit design of rest of page. functionally, form works perfectly, i'm having issue submit button ignoring css wrote , taking on style of text input boxes (which looks stupid). here's css form: code: /*contact form*/ #contact-area { width: 600px; position: relative; top: 300px; right: -50px; z-index: 1 } #contact-area input, #contact-area textarea { padding: 5px; width: 471px; font-size: 15px; color: #575757; line-height:18px; font-family:trebuchet ms; text-shadow:#fff 0px 1px 0, #000 0 -1px 0; border: 1px solid white; border-radius: 10px; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #bfbfbf, #d9d9d9 10%, #f2f2f2 88%, #f7f7f7 97%, #fcfcfc); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, center top, center bottom, from(#bfbfbf), to(#fcfcfc), color-stop(10%, #d9d9d9), color-stop(88%, #f2f2f2), color-stop(97%, #f7f7f7)); box-shadow: ins

crazy password

i have no password on account of mac every time computer asks me password , don't type says i've typed wrong password?! can on it? i've deleted account , made new 1 whit same problem. can me out of trouble? please?   make new account password, copy files onto new user file don't lose   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Reviews of 2011 AirPort Extreme Base Station and Time Capsule

cnet has posted detailed reviews of recently-released 2011 aebs , time capsule. both models offer improved wireless networking performance. can read reviews below. airport extreme base station review time capsule review   so seems performance twice across board (range, throughput). bad new model doesn't gain new features (software or hardware). hopefully, icloud usher in few juicy features local icloud caching.   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How to open web linked AVI file on iPad from email..Help!!!

i've been tasked @ work file open locally on ipad through web link sent via email, can't seem work! click on link , says safari cannot download file. tried saving attachment in gmail though see file on ipad in gmail won't show option save locally. know how open locally on ipad??? thanks!!!!   you need app goodreader. or web browser app has file downloading function. or maybe try app called file browser. in case, need app that, ipad doesn't natively handle avi files.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers A

Send audio *from* TV to iPhone with AirPlay???

i'd able send audio tv iphone turn wireless speaker/headphone. seems such no-brainer feature. wireless headphones bulky & expensive. ...granted might drain on battery, you're home anyway, , use headphones (earbuds, cans...whatever) wirelessly. know if possible? ...via app, 3rd party hardware, or hack? know rogue [amorphous organism] (not trying advertise) has reverse audio app mac transmit audio mac ios device, i'm looking general tv audio (cable, dvds, games, ...etc) transmission. thanks, t.   robotikzoo said: ↑ i'd able send audio tv iphone turn wireless speaker/headphone. seems such no-brainer feature. wireless headphones bulky & expensive. ...granted might drain on battery, you're home anyway, , use headphones (earbuds, cans...whatever) wirelessly. know if possible? ...via app, 3rd party hardware, or hac

Will apple servers be ready for the release of lion?

i tried similar thread , couldn't find any,so...i wonder if apple servers ready smooth download of lion release folks me downloading right away?, hope apple servers don't crash   no   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Any help on fixing problem with ipod?

i have ipod touch first generation freeze ah little apple sign come on screen (only sometimes) ipod dead froze before plugged in apple sign isnt coming happened ah few minutes ago dont know if froze or if battery died plugged in , still didnt see on screen got warm if knows more ipods can give me advice appreciate it.   lydia said: ↑ i have ipod touch first generation freeze ah little apple sign come on screen (only sometimes) ipod dead froze before plugged in apple sign isnt coming happened ah few minutes ago dont know if froze or if battery died plugged in , still didnt see on screen got warm if knows more ipods can give me advice appreciate it. click expand... i think ipod died in hands...not sure   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

Converting PDF Data to Excel

does know application can take pdf data , automate excel. have bunch of data needs entered excel sorting, filters, , pivot tables. manually keying data take many days.   easiest way, copy , paste text editor vi powerful due regular expression processing. format data csv file can imported excel. did 1 mr user few months ago, took 1 2 hours process entire 50 100k record file.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Optibay setup

hey everyone, have data doubler , wd scorpio black 750 waiting me @ home. pretty confident on installation process, i'm not sure of how go after that. have stock 256 ssd applications , os right now. how setup new hard drive handle media (music, movies etc)? thank you.   i leave home folder on ssd many applications access library files located in home folder. using symbolic links put media files/folders in hdd.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Auto-Save & Versions with Photoshop CS5?

anyone know if auto-save & versions works photoshop cs5? dont have buy $15 app. said: ↑ anyone know if auto-save & versions works photoshop cs5? dont have buy $15 app. click expand... nope. save money. wait until adobe updates software.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How to: Turn off VoiceOver

hey everyone, purchased appletv gen2 , cannot figure out how in world turn off annoying voiceover.. quick advice?   settings > general - it's inside menu in case comes across same problem. post may deleted if choose!   Forums Apple TV Apple TV and Home Theater iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

how to use single sent folder with multiple accounts

just switched pc mbp. have 5 email accounts set (all imap) using mac mail. in preferences set accounts not save sent messages on server. means each time send message account, sent message stored in separate subfolder under "sent" folder. prefer have single sent folder of email accounts. however, under preferences don't see option this. seems option either save sent message on imap server, or have saved in sent subfolder each account. ideas? thanks.   jaffar said: ↑ just switched pc mbp. have 5 email accounts set (all imap) using mac mail. in preferences set accounts not save sent messages on server. means each time send message account, sent message stored in separate subfolder under "sent" folder. prefer have single sent folder of email accounts. however, under preferences don't see option this. seems option either save s

IBActions & IBOutlets

if build interface in interface builder has 2 different parts. using chown33 example of cards , dice. should create 2 different appcontroller classes 1 dice, , 1 cards? or better coding have 1 appcontroler handle of ibactions , iboutlets? thanks, -lars   i 1 controller likely. unless there other architectural reason in program separate them.   Forums Macs Mac Programming iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

App Store Error: No GUID is available. Contact Support for assistance.

i encountered error on mac mini 2,1 replaced mac pro 802.11n wi-fi card, when app store first came out, 10.6.6. followed fix of trashing networkinterfaces.plist , re-creating scratch: fix worked on 10.6.6, unnecessary on 10.6.7, didn't encounter problem then, , happening again since upgrading 10.6.8. unfortunately, fix doesn't appear working time. 1 thing noticed that, after deleting networkinterfaces.plist , rebooting, when re-added network adapter in, automatically remembered preferred wi-fi network , password. reason, i'm thinking did not remember things when had perform fix first time many months ago. else having problem?   yes, have experienced same thing. fix has worked in past, not work time me either.   Forums Macs

Best way of backing up Jailbroken iPod 4thGen

what's best way of backing on jailbroken 4th gen ipod touch including cydia apps. reason why ask because while back, had problem syncing itunes , ended getting music uploaded ipod touch being deleted, apps , else ok. know solutions i've tried don't seem work, thing can full backup , before doing factory reinstall on ipod touch , install scratch.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPod touch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Refurbished iMac 27" OR New iMac 21.5"

i using imac game, record gaming youtube, photoshop art gcse, cinema 4d making intros , various animations, sony vegas via boot-camp or parallels. games may play : cod 4 cod 5 amnesia minecraft (the game record) here options : 27" released july 2010 27-inch led-backlit glossy widescreen display 4gb memory 1tb hard drive 8x superdrive (dvd±r dl/dvd±rw/cd-rw) ati radeon hd 5750 graphics 1gb memory built-in isight camera @ cost of £1,289.00 or 21.5" 2.8ghz quad-core intel core i7 8gb 1333mhz ddr3 sdram - 2x4gb 1tb serial ata drive amd radeon hd 6770m 512mb gddr5 apple magic mouse apple wireless keyboard (british) & user's guide (english) @ cost of £1,568.99 once pick hard bit trying mum purchase 1 before birthday (27" if chosen) avoid them running out of stock quality on refurb items ? edit 27" imac has 2.93ghz intel quad-core i7   i'

MacBook Pro Screen Problem

i have 2 week old macbook pro 2.3, i7. every when try wake sleep see scrambled screen. have thoughts on this? should take in?   have installed of latest software updates available macbook pro? this, click on apple menu, click on software update, , install available updates. outside of that, recommend taking computer genius bar @ apple store (if 1 available in area) or visit apple authorized service provider. should not happening.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Passcode-Collecting App Pulled From App Store

earlier week, ios developer daniel amitay published report examining trends in passcodes chosen users of big brother camera security application. amitay had anonymously collected on 200,000 passcodes used on app , offered data proxy actual iphone passcode usage data based on similarity of input system style , functionality. amitay now reports application has been pulled app store apple, although unsure @ time whether removal due publication of data or admission of collecting in first place. quote as of today @ 4:58pm est, big brother has been removed app store. i'm not happy it, considering concerns few people have expressed regarding transfer of data app server, understandable. think should clarify data referring to, , how obtaining it. first, these passcodes input big brother, not actual iphone lockscreen passcodes. second, when app sends data server, literally sending number (e.g. "1234") , not

Single click in Lion ... please !!

i windows pc user many (20+)years. i've since switched macs. 1 , only feature miss ability use single click open file or folder or run application system wide preference. having used items on dock marginal in respect. it's not substitute since nature of pc, have access many more items can placed on dock. mind dock 100 items defeats it's (the dock) purpose. whilst trying find information on single click feature in os x came across thread last post being particularly condescending , blindly pompous . reminded of tone used when people extol virtues of macs when compared windows pcs. may seem trivial not familiar feature in windows people myself suffer rsi / cts can right pain ... literally. imagine having double tap everything, every time on smart phone. imagine having double tap everything, every time on ipad. can imagine having double click access items on internet ? of have migrated windows , know of single click feature, that'

Invisible shield question

wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (iphone; u; cpu iphone os 4_3_3 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8j2 safari/6533.18.5) best buy put invisible shield on phone today , put home button piece on , home button feels weird pressing on it. last time did phone's home button hard press. had spray air in @ apple work. please! should do? phone gonna again?   britneyfan said: ↑ wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (iphone; u; cpu iphone os 4_3_3 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8j2 safari/6533.18.5) best buy put invisible shield on phone today , put home button piece on , home button feels weird pressing on it. last time did phone's home button hard press. had spray air in @ apple work. please! should do? phone gonna again? click expand... im not sure if bought wrapsol antiglare

Mac App Store or Steam?

the territories have crossed appearance of civ v on mac app store. grows, when see games in each store, buy them? why?   so far i've been using steam pretty everything. "steamplay" feature have peace of mind i'll still able play games if ever decide go windows, , it's cheaper buying boxed games here. haven't looked @ apple's offering yet.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

where can i download iOS 5?

does know when/where available? when out? registered developers?   well ios dev center came online...   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How do I update to iOS 5 right now?

from i've read @ engadget earlier, devs seed today. update ota. how going work? i'm not dev i've installed dev seeds before release of real deal. can give me instructions on how obtain sweet ios 5 right now?   wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (iphone; u; cpu iphone os 4_3_3 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8j2 safari/6533.18.5) developers "beta" release in few hours.   Forums Archive Wasteland iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Serial Terminal Command

i'm working robot accepts serial commands (byte commands) via bluetooth. mac os x bluetooth utility virtualizes connections bluetooth serial devices terminals can treat connection normal hardwired serial cable connection. i've managed make serial connection robot, can't manage send commands. of terminal programs i've used send files commands (each new byte sent individually). anywho... whole point is, need way write custom bytes file, don't know of utility or unix command that. writing corresponding characters in order use ascii doesn't work because bytes not represented characters. ideas?   Forums Macs macOS macOS iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional

What cover? Speck vs Incase

hi there, want buy cover mbp 15", looking around , found incase , speck, if have incase can't open screen more 90 degrees, big issue me.. there's post incase vs speck here; doesn't tell screen angle, hope guys can me out   people have been telling porky-pies. i've got black speck 15" 2010 mbp , opens way if case wasn't on, ~130º. far should go for, both have pretty same , feel believe incase had company name embossed on lid may have changed since last looked (about 12 months ago).   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCl

Find out baseband

i got new iphone 4.. (the person sold me claim locked rogers carrier) think lied. anyways, there way can find out baseband or activate without proper sim card? redsn0w it?   you can find out baseband plugging computer , run tinyumbrella. list firmware , baseband on. can use redsnow hactivate if want. if baseband higher 01.59.00 cannot unlocked software.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Slow Video Ripping Caused by 10.6.7

i ran extremely slow video ripping external samsung sh-b123l bd drive when upgraded 2011 27" i7 imac , have traced using 10.6.7. i've been backing blu-rays using pavtube blu-ray ripper mac , noticed taking 2-2.5 hrs complete on imac longer taking on hackintosh imac replaced. checked activity monitor read speeds , noticed pretty steady @ 4mb/s. thinking strange, started doing testing. went , tested bd drive on hackintosh (running 10.6.6) , found speeds backing bd movie 20-30mb/s. there updated hackintosh 10.6.7 , ran backup , sure enough steady @ ~4mb/s on imac. not satisfied stopping there, wanted test out on true mac hardware. imac ships 10.6.7, turned 2011 mbp , did fresh install 10.6.6 on spare drive , tested backup. low , behold ran @ around 20-30mb/s. i've confirmed in situation both external , internal bd drives seem reduced under 10.6.7 vs 10.6.6. not riplock, drive functions @ full speeds under 10.6.6. additionall

Resolved Memory management of structs

most discussion memory management of objective-c based on classes derived nsobject. how memory management of struct? similar standard c++ memory management (using new , delete)? example struct shown follows: code: typedef struct { int startposition; int endposition; int velocity; } carinfo;   chen8002004 said: ↑ most discussion memory management of objective-c based on classes derived nsobject. how memory management of struct? similar standard c++ memory management (using new , delete)? example struct shown follows: code: typedef struct { int startposition; int endposition; int velocity; } carinfo; click expand... when creating it: code: struct carinfo *car = malloc(sizeof(struct carinfo)); when freeing it: code: free(car); car = null; or can use stack based struct:

Exchanging NEW MacBook Air: Clone SSD, Time Machine Backup or Migration Assistant?

tomorrow night i'll returning new macbook air apple store different model mba. if possible i'd avoid having reinstall , setup new mba. i've never used carbon copy cloner before, never restored tm backup, , never used migration assistant. either of these option suitable? new lion installation process changes things? if information provide on correct procedure great! geniuses @ apple store able transfer across , make process easier me? thanks!   i'm using time machine backup, although cloning way, prefer let os x sort out. i'm upgrading processor , storage unsure if image of i5/128 have i7/256 has, oh well. either way luck!   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & Syste

Transferring iTunes library (but not actual files) to a new Mac

alright, i'll try best explain trying , make sense , able me out. purchased new air 128gb hard drive , want transfer itunes library new machine old macbook pro. using tunespan transferred music, videos, etc. external hard drive. don't have space or desire put these files on new machine, files show in itunes when have air hooked external, can locate files , play them (or stream them appletv.) i've tried exporting library macbook pro , opening on air, didn't anything. basically, see files in new itunes library, permanently reside on external, there exclamation mark showing itunes cannot find file locally.   i know i've reinstalled 750gb in place of superdrive..   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & Sys

iPad 3 RAM 1GB vs 512MB?!

based on current market competition, stupid of apple keep ipad 3's ram limited @ 512 mb. both playbook , galaxy tab 10.1 have 1gb ram. how ram expecting see in ipad 3? 512 mb or 1gb?   you'll disappointed next release, whenever happens.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Call of Duty 4 Lion Performance

so bought , downloaded call of duty 4 off mac app store last night, , runs horribly. going honest here, pirated little while ago, while on snow leopard, make sure ran on system before buying it. ran fine, , finished half campaign. runs horribly in single player , multiplayer. turned graphics low can go, resolution of 8xx x 6xx or similar, , got around 23 fps in small room in multiplayer, going around 15 outside. else have these kinds of problems? way fix it? thanks!   sambo110 said: ↑ so bought , downloaded call of duty 4 off mac app store last night, , runs horribly. going honest here, pirated little while ago, while on snow leopard, make sure ran on system before buying it. ran fine, , finished half campaign. runs horribly in single player , multiplayer. turned graphics low can go, resolution of 8xx x 6xx or similar, , got around 23 fps in small room in multi

Renaming Primary HD in Lion

is there way rename primary hd in lion? believe used able "get info" it's locked down. cheers!   that’s funny, works on mine. opened finder, , in sidebar selected lion hd, right click, info, , under name , extension can alter it’s name.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Suddenly I can wake up Mac with cursor movement.

i've no idea why. didn't change in settings. don't mind either way -- except prefer having trackpad locked out -- it's not big deal now. know people feel different that. i've no idea caused change. thought strange , funny mouse movement waking macbook, , share earth-shattering piece of information [un]concerned. edit: can think of 1 thing: installed , started using bettertouchtools. didn't assign gestures had waking mac though. can't sure if started after or few days after installed btt, or if has it.   i way is.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple

Preference lock not working

if go system preferences , click lock padlock in left corner nothing happens, gives little jump on screen , stays unlocked. example of sharing option, click lock , nothing happens. if go security able unlock , lock usual. having off day because of lion excitement or there problem locks in options?   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Help! I need the recovery image of 2011 MBA.

hi all, bought new i5 13" mba. usual, 1st thing did when bought new mac reinstall os rid of ilife , other stuff. wasn't of problem since mac bought came recovery disc. looked on documentation , got recovery mode, clicked "restore mac os x lion on machine" or likes (couldn't remember exact words). told me "this version of mac os x 10.7 cannot installed on machine". "duhhhh", made guess need format partition able reinstall. instead of erasing lion partition, repartitioned whole ssd, mean recovery partition gone (i'm not sure how happened since booting partition). tried restart machine , kicked network recovery mode. ok not bad, apple got ass. except network recovery did not work. kept giving me error though i'm pretty sure connected internet. try use app store version, restore usb not boot (work fine imac). tried network recovery again , again didn't work. called apple , gave them error code (-4403f)