
Showing posts from January, 2012

Using 11" MBA on Lap

i've been using black 13" macbook while now, , find fits comfortably in lap when sitting in chair , when sitting legs crossed indian style. however, given it's age and, more so, fact it's pretty heavy travel with, i'm looking @ buying 11" macbook air replace macbook. wondering if share me experiences using 11" mba in lap. comfortable? how compare 13" macbook or macbook pro? find keyboard fits hands nicely? i'm 6'3" guy, , weight around 180 pounds (188 cm/82 kg). if similar body type has had experience using 11" mba on lap, i'd appreciate insight. went apple store play around, because macs chained down, couldn't great feel it. thanks!   i'd refer my thread in i've got comparisons of 2 sizes, , document usage experience on weekend using both. reference, i'm 5'4" girl around 135 lbs -- experience may differen

Amazing iPhone 5 Air Concept!

more pictures   that looks nice!   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

PT9 + Lion

after making pt 8 work in lion ( ), i'm setting out make pt9 work. i'll chart progress in thread. #winning!   Forums Special Interests Digital Audio iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Quicktime bug

since ungraded lion, avi files can not played quicktime anymore. else has problem?? think there bug.   wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (ipod; u; cpu iphone os 4_2_1 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8c148 safari/6533.18.5) try playing them in quicktime player 7. otherwise, file bug report apple.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Time machine backup and adding a second drive

i have lacie 1tb external drive on backup imac via time machine. ordered second lacie drive plan partition, using 1 half general files , other half backup time machine has laid down on first drive. how do this? use <copy> command copy backed (time machine) files old drive new drive or halt backup temporarily old drive , backup once new drive, , switch old drive? or, can designate in tm both drives each hour , in case, how indicate partition in new drive should to? guess i'm uneasy interrupting normal backup flow first drive. want second backup copy (at east 1 iteration) safe.   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Can you re-instal Mac OSX without erasing applications?

the title says all. dont know whole lot osx yet because macbook pro first 1 , answer question may super obvious im dumb figure out whatever c anyways possible re-instal osx snow leopard without deleting applications have been installed on computer? or better yet selecting remove(ie. remove pictures, documents, videos ect.)? appreciated! shank shu!   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Talking Rusty the Dog is out! Have fun speaking with Rusty!

have ever dreamed of having dog speak you? meet rusty, dog talks! rusty kind , funny young labrador lot of energy enjoys happy life playing , spending time you. there 2 things rusty loves in world: sweets , talking! cookies make rusty happy puppy, talking passion. talk rusty , find out how funny , smart is. can sing favorite song or read book! record videos of rusty , him become famous! how play: * talk rusty , repeats * pet head or body * poke him in nose or eyes * ignore him , see does * give him cookie * tap cloud , cause storm * record videos , share them on youtube, facebook or send them friends , family via email take care of rusty , become best friend!   Forums

One Lion iMac, two users simultaneously with two monitors?

would possible under lion imac setup following: -one imac -two users different user accounts -working simultaneously -separate monitor, keyboard, trackpad second user accessing own account @ same time user on imac using own account did searches didn't see relevant since around 2006-2007, , wanted see latest word under current hardware running upcoming lion upgrade. impossible? possible? unwieldy? ahead of time. mrperipatetic   mrperipatetic said: ↑ impossible. click expand... you got it!   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTun

Macbook Pro Screen

i want buy macbook pro 15-inch. 2.3ghz cpu, 4gb ram. , thinking screen. won't buy hi-res anti-glare screen. thinking glossy or hi-res glossy. better??   brianlhp said: ↑ i want buy macbook pro 15-inch. 2.3ghz cpu, 4gb ram. , thinking screen. won't buy hi-res anti-glare screen. thinking glossy or hi-res glossy. better?? click expand... in view there no point buying macbook pro 15" if isn't hi res. couldn't stand laptop less ppi current macbook pro, i'm wondering when mbps going higher res screens.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Com

Dock Stack Grid Customization

this first mac. awesome '11 imac. not happier, other me needing more ram. love how easy have found me customize appearance. simple apps or i've figured out manually alter once find proper resource files. i've found pretty easy find huge selection of docs , icons. found out how easy change glow on expose. came article eliminating dock stack grid icons appear 'float.' did not @ because couldn't read icon names backgrounds white. not figure out way change text. looked through google see if find customized dock grid backdrops , came way change center portion of backdrop. great, not full solution. opened each file in photoshop , started play them color right , viola, have tinted green backdrop match current theme. same white outline , all. i'm newbie mac world, figure i've done far in learning ins , outs of os. super easy compared windows , never go back. in telling story here if interested in files these

Getting my first mac for gaming but i have many questions!

hey fellow apple lovers, getting apple macbook pro 15" 2.2 quad core i7 processor , not going use gaming! know macs aren't best on gaming using bootcamp on computer, new bootcamp have few questions gaming. when run bootcamp (windows 7) can play pc game want?? have install virus protection it, due windows having magnet viruses. dont plan use windows 7 gaming. use apple side of computer surf web. can hook ps3 bluetooth controller , use gaming , maybe bluetooth headset. lmk many more questions may arise, help -austin   i think if you're buying intention of lot of gaming, high settings, etc. you'll disappointed. yes, play games well, there computers lot better for lot less money. can play pc game want in bootcamp, however, if you're set on that.   Forums Special Interests

Jailbreakme keeps stucking my iphone on apple logo

i dont jailbreak , want easy. have verizon iphone4 4.2.8 , worked couple days. froze restarted iphone , stucked on apple symbol. restored iphone , went jailbreakme again. restored 5 times , need mywi.   you need go faq section of jailbreakme..... not use verizon iphone now, update didn't work.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Why not use AMD Fusion in the new Air's?

i looking around @ new macbook air's might have in terms of hardware when thought amd's fusion platform. on closer seems great fit air: a8-3500m (sabine) - quad-core (1.5-2.4 ghz) - radeon hd 6620g graphics - single chip design - 35w tdp there other variants of course, 1 stood out awesome fit air. around main issue having move core i7/i5 requires hd3000 graphics , quad-core (although not hyperthreaded believe). it's 6620g graphics rated @ 17% faster 320m. there rumors apple might time use amd, lets hope used in new air (at least hope is).   35w tdp when lv core i5/7 has 17w tdp? i'd no chance... amd chips hot :/.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software

What is this button?

there sliver button on left side of mbp. next 8 tiny lights. when press button 6 of lights light briefly. know button is?   willieva said: ↑ there sliver button on left side of mbp. next 8 tiny lights. when press button 6 of lights light briefly. know button is? click expand... battery gauge...   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Buying advice needed

i've had macbook 5 years i'm looking macbook pro. wondered if knew of new versions or updates coming out should wait for? isn't there ios5(??) or operating system coming out later in year. please excuse ignorance find hard keep apple related given pace changes. want 1 biggest hard drive additional extras seem suggest reducing size- correct? i'm trying work out if it's worth increasing ram or whether improvement slight should order standard one. i'm thinking 15 inch screen 17 seems bit big. think~? worth paying couple of hundred quid faster processor? million!   get top of line   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes

Afloat not working in Lion?

infinity labs afloat doesn't seem working in lion (not sure if that's afloat or simbl problem). in meantime there other ways pin windows on top in osx try? not having functionality annoying / should built os la linux imho.   i miss afloat simbl caused problems safari 4 stopped using it. seeking alternative.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Screen un-dims itself

hello, have 13" macbook pro bought in september of 2010, , experiencing problem monitor. when dim screen way down, stay black few moments come on lowest setting. when move mouse, screen goes black if computer didn't know screen had come on again. have press brightness button once return lowest setting. have tried restarting computer , updates installed. please advise. thank you.   i figured out myself yesterday. screen indeed auto-dim itself. there sensor on top of monitor, right isight camera located. location of sensor turn keyboard backlight on. moving around in front of computer when notice problem? that's when noticed me.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS &

disable snap to edges

i have firefox & other windows setup nicely... way want them... while scrolling , down page firefox window snap edges , go 1/2 way in middle of screen... soooo annoying ...... dont want window small how disable please....   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Which Macbook to buy?

i planning on getting new 13" macbook pro soon. have aperture , silver efex pro2 , color efex. should go 4gb or 8gb ram. if 8gb should buy apple or rest of 4gb third party. when there refresh, can wait until new 1 released in next few months. also, should go 750gb hard drive plan on having windows well. reason windows wife can connect work virtual login. specification suggest these programs run fast , smooth? have heard silver efex pro 2 slow, on various forums. underpowered computers or program no matter how fast computer. kindly suggest   ram best upgraded aftermarket because way save lot of money. can't "get rest of 4gb" both ram slots filled 2 2gb sticks. have buy whole 8gb kit 2 4gb sticks, should run around $50-$70 depending on brand go or whether or not can sale. i'd recommend getting standard frequency mbp shipped (1333 mhz) , and go cheapest can find. g

Day planner app???

i looking day planner alot similar typical .99 planner dollar store puppies. want can see when have work or doctors appointment or bills need paid. right have 3 different apps day-to-day (diacarta), bills (money smart) , to-dos (errands). looking more intigration.   calendar?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Apple Releases Thunderbolt Firmware Update

apple today released thunderbolt firmware update , small update offering "performance , stability fixes" machines supporting new high-speed data connectivity standard. quote this update provides thunderbolt performance , stability fixes. when computer restarts gray screen appear status bar indicate progress of update. not disturb or shut off power on computer during update. click expand... there no indication of update beyond general note regarding "fixes". unclear apple's description machines update applies to, apple not specify on download page whether applies company's latest macbook pros or imacs or both, although update page displays image of macbook pro. consequently, users of thunderbolt-enabled machines should check software update see if update available machines. thunderbolt firmware update weighs in @ 486 kb , requires mac os x 10.6.8, released late last week. article link

iTunes: Problems with library on external disk

i´m having issues lately having itunes library on external hd. reason, itunes doesnt connect it, , result have manually choose library is. last time, itunes automatically chose /users/me/music default library destination. things present, of music gone. problem now, device syncing. if i, again, manually change library, syncing goes hell. why difficult itunes use ehd library ?   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Will an Android phone work with just wifi?

so, i'm web designer, , i'd test stuff on android (and blackberry actually). so, if buy phone no wireless plan, work except making calls? still work use wifi , on web , test sites, or mess other apps , ipod touch? know old cellphone (a motorola razor) wouldn't work without sim card in it, i'm not sure if newer android phone too.   i bought 2 android capable smartphones (htc wildfire - returned; moto defy) , use both via wifi without sim card. models bought in europe. , if doesn't work you, acquire pre-paid sim card 10€ guess , use that.   Forums Mac Community Community Discussion iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iP

Airport Range, confused

i have airport extreme , express. express configured extend range. settings both wireless n @ 2.4 ghz. wpa2 personal. extreme on 1 side of house , express in middle reach other end. use these in college when there parents have uverse , therefore have own router. last year when home on break reached other edge of house year doesnt. switched uverse while away 2 routers being next each other effect range or performance? att router wireless g helps. thought extreme cover entire house house 50 ft reaches 35 why use express. , when next express extending half wifi bars filled. thanks!   yes having them next each other can cause interference. wireless g 2.4 ghz several things can influence wireless range. number of walls. construction of walls - example old plaster walls chicken wire in them solid far wi-fi concerned. angle you're going through walls - going though wall @ 90 deg an

MacBook Pro or iMac....Help me decide?

i have posted thread in imac forum didn't of response, , seen involves macbook pro thought give guys shot me. current setup; late 2009 27" imac, core 2 duo 3.2ghz, 4gb, 1tb. 2010 11.6" macbook air, 1.6ghz, 4gb, 128gb ssd. ipad 2. imac used centralised system everything, data , itunes etc etc, saved onto here. photoshop on to, , have started doing illustrator work. air used university last year , on type notes in class , research, there 3-4 days week portability amazing, next term there 1 day week, in same classroom block portability isn't necessary anymore. ipad browsing around house. if air , ipad next each other pick ipad browse. use when travelling watching things movies , listening music. imac has died , insurance replacement voucher (only applies currys/pc world) entitles me £1400, i'm stuck.... new 27" imac , keep air? base 15" macbook pro, sell air, buy monitor, namely acd? base 15&quo

Do the free 5GB of iCloud include Backups?

i wondering have ios 5 beta, 5gb of free storage include wireless backups of idevice? or count separate?   yeah. "users 5gb of free storage mail, documents , backup —which more amazing since storage music, apps , books purchased apple, , storage required photo stream doesn’t count towards 5gb total."   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Can't get MBP to boot

i having problems getting mbp boot. have tried bunch of posts on site different similar issues nothing seems work. taking apple not can trying resolve myself. have taken apart , checked inside looks ok. checked ram make sure original apple ram removed 1 @ time , tried them in different slots. had ram borrowed working machine , didn't make difference. reset many times. happens @ boot can hear fans kick on , led comes on , not flashing or anything. sits there nothing on screen. think if computer booting , screen not working hitting caps lock make light come on. or eject disk work. power button comes on. caps lock doesn't light. put in original disk try boot hear disk spin nothing happens. unsure issue is. if screen related wouldn't boot caps lock work? appreciated in advance!   it sort of logic board failure. umbrella term "i have no idea $700 part fix it."

mac from windows

i have mac mini running media sign pro digital sign display. have go mac mini , install , can pain sometimes. know if there simple way can login in via vnc windows pc need do.   kclark said: ↑ i have mac mini running media sign pro digital sign display. have go mac mini , install , can pain sometimes. know if there simple way can login in via vnc windows pc need do. click expand... is there ever! system preferences>sharing>screen sharing. hit advanced button , setup password , you'll want go network settings , setup static ip. vnc://192.168.1.x , you're in!   Forums Macs Mac Basics and Help iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers

Do you reckon that the iPhone 5 & iOS 5 will be released at the iPod event?

i do, , excited think if don't update until wwdc 2012, in year coming wont sell as did year (as lacking behind new dual-core androids, eg. htc sensation), also, they'll miss out on years hype sales (launch sale hype). plus alot of people 3gs (including me) planning upgrade time, if don't, i'm going htc sensation (only because it's second choice). @sodner, sorry, thats meant   if don't see sooner then sure when released.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iOS 5 Notifications

wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (iphone; u; cpu iphone os 4_3 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/534.32 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8f190 safari/6533.18.5) noticed when try play fruit ninja notifications when swipe down cut fruit half time it's enought trigger notifications.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

erase MacHD on HDD? not working

i want kill old macintosh hd partition on hdd. running of ssd now. works fine when disconnect hdd entirely, shouldn't problem delete old 1 (all data save). doesn't seem work though. says (even in windows) in use , cannot unmounted. want hdd become data disk , offer no bootable volumes cannot seem delete any. didn't try 2 ntfs volumes because still need data them. in windows shouldn't problem. partitions this macssd boots winssd (x64 new) boots macintosh hd boots if selected , doesn't let me unmount it windows x86 none bootable, unmounts bootcamp (x64 old) boots both hdd win partitions, unmounts hdd spun down enter diskutility, spins , unmounting not allowed. suggestions. step left can think of is. dave windows data. take out hdd put windows desktop , delete partitions there. seems extreme , have disassemble again. tried delete whole partition in windows (boot winssd) next macssd startup though nothing ever happe

Orange UK Iphone 4 Unlock?

i have used iphone 4 locked orange uk. using orange contract sim (unofficially). know how can unlocked? far know orange wont unlock 2nd hand iphones registered else. purchased computer exchange, unable trace previous owner. great if can unlocked. thanks.   which ios have installed on iphone , whats firmware num?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Run Games on OSX or Win7?

hey there. ordered first mbp (15"/high end), looking forward getting within next few days. plan on doing many things it, including moderate gaming. noticed many of steam games own available on mac app store. also, own copy of win7 can bootcamp on mbp when gets here. performance wise, should install win7 , continue use steam? or os x versions of games run better (or, matter, worse)? appreciated!   from i've read games run better on windows 7. have windows 7 installed via boot camp on both of machines...and both run great. prefer os x else...except pesky business apps don't have mac version/alternative.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCl

Converted AVCHD to Prores, now I need to hand over to iMovie

i used log , transfer first time yesterday. supposed edit 1 video footage there others still edited other people, using imovie. unfortunately, didn't know clone sd card beforehand. had delete backup of sd card free space (20 gigs of avchd become 150 gigs of prores leading me frantically deleting stuff laptop!) , has since been formatted. 1. best codec me convert prores files to, other editor can them imovie without hassle (quality not of issue size given on faces when said there 150 gigs of footage)? thinking photo jpeg keep reading aic. i've never used imovie. 2. there way can batch convert them or have each file individually? 3. still have old backup of card (not clone) 30 of 43 clips on it. assuming can identify right 13 clips prores, , convert them useable (as suggested in 1), hassle novice editing friends of footage .mts files , other 13 in aic/photo jpeg/whatever, or of them in aic/photo jpeg/whatever?  

Clean install of Lion problem

here's did: installed new owc ssd , tried installing lion usb stick , sd card. start install , tells me there's on 5 hours left , it's jumping around 5 hours , 8 minutes 5 hours , 57 min. it's downloading additional components... help? has seen this? thank you!   give 40min. if still not complete, post back.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Streaming media advice

i'm in market new tv. it's 1st plasma/lcd tv purchase. 1 thing i'm stuck on how want stream media content. have account netflix , stream through xbox 360 plus espn. atv2, possibly jailbreak it, , use main form of streaming. worth getting tv internet ready? eliminate use of atv2? don't have cable hoping use jb atv2 main source media. also, other advice on tv's great if want throw in!   you can dlna capabile tv, , can stream content. not interface on samsung, functions. use tvmobli dlna server it, , can play mkv bluray rips via wired connection, said, interface aint pretty. atv2 airvideo nice other formats if dont want jailbreak. hear plex nice on jb atv2 have never used it.   Forums Apple TV Apple TV and Home Theater

Best deal on an iMac

i'm purchase imac , know cost effective place it. qualify education discount wonder if it's cheaper buy system through amazon, or take advantage of best buy's 0% interest 18 months, or apple's 12 month free interest. thank   you should mention in country live start. u.k. u.s.a. canada or polish????   Forums Macs Buying Tips and Advice iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Lion recovery partition vs install dmg

im trying understand difference between recovery partition lion auto installs on local hd vs install dmg. lion recovery partition 650mb while install dmg 4gb. booted recovery partition play around in , see whats inside , looks install dmg does, how can 650mb files allow me erase hd , fresh os install?   the install dmg has stand-alone properties, uninstallers rosetta , other 32-bit applications. it's packaged auto-run.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iCal Modification

so took suggestion of 1 of these threads , manually changed color of ical task bar @ top of screen (or whatever want call it; leather). however, having issues color of of text in task bar. wondering if knows how change color of text, thanks. here screenshot show mean:   attached files: screen shot 2011-07-23 @ 10.03.13 pm.png file size: 258.4 kb views: 103 Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

250 new features, but how many are useful?

don't me wrong, lion. in honesty isn't different sl.   7.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

10.7 Issues

normally pretty tech-friendly, boggling mind. upgraded 10.7 last night , i'm having couple of issues os. first thing when use scroll wheel on mouse, it's reversed. if scroll up, scrolls down; vice versa. second showing in weird characters - attached screenshot. appreciated, it's quite frustrating. thank you!!   attached files: screen shot 2011-07-22 @ 7.16.48 am.png file size: 241.6 kb views: 109 i can't on font issue, scrolling how lion supposed work. thought backwards, found in few reviews consious decision on part of designers chnge scrolling works in ios. try think of scrolling moving document instead of moving view. if still can't work in head (fingers) there settings in prefs panel use classic method scrolling. of course can't

Possible problem after Jailbreak....

i have noticed when go on safari , browsing every , again goes home screen.... dont time happening more , more... jailbreak have done this. when first jailbroke it seemed run fine...any grate... thanks.   this happens me on iphone 4 whenever open facebook or twitter app. has device connecting internet. know if there fix though!   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

13" MBP next in discontinuation line?

hi guys think apple discontinue 13" mbp replacing 13" mba? i've had feeling they've killed white macbook costumers replacing new entry-level 11" mba or making ipad more affordable choice costumers , making entry-level "mac". don't see big difference between 13" mba , 13" mbp. difference additional ports mbp has, however, when release thunderbolt display assure many people prefer mba 13" mbp. also, optical drive has, apple making impossible make optical drive relic, , make digital downloads must. don't know if next year's update they'll discontinue it, see coming in near future.   jarruemota said: ↑ hi don't know if next year's update they'll discontinue it, see coming in near future. click expand... very in few years. , maybe pros remaining (15 , 17) air; slim, ssd

ui image behind table view

hey everyone wondering how can put in image in grouped table view have image in of actual table cells of table still remain white. thanks.   you might start backgroundview property.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS Programming iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Logic Pro 8 not compatible with Lion

just heads logic pro fans... sadly, v8 not compatible lion. launching application informs in message box version isn't compatible mac os x. annoying logic pro 8 , 9 identical applications, aside handful of features :roll eyes: typical apple.   oh, is can use logic pro 8 in osx lion: 1. go logic pro application in finder 2. right click , choose 'show package contents" 3. contents -> macos -> logic pro should work fine. apple sucks @ life.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iP

Wireless keyboard playing up....

itunes shortcuts dont work (skip/play/pause) volumes keys do... right shift key doesnt seem work... ideas how sort this? been week now, while i'm waiting lion may try , fix   try unpairing , re-pairing (bluetooth icon in menu bar), turn off mac, turn on keyboard, turn on imac , should detect no keyboard attached, , re-pair detected keyboard. if not fix it, take apple store , tell genius problem, should replace   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

save text messages.

i have been trying figure out long time. on iphone there way save specific text messages, favorite them view later. you're able go text message app , view them later click of button or something. , when clear conversation person have on iphone, won't delete text message. there way this.? if please tell me how. without treasure text, web based , i'd on iphone itself. in advance.   ponchobot said: ↑ i have been trying figure out long time. on iphone there way save specific text messages, favorite them view later. you're able go text message app , view them later click of button or something. , when clear conversation person have on iphone, won't delete text message. there way this.? if please tell me how. without treasure text, web based , i'd on iphone itself. in advance. click expand... well thing can think of delete messages don

Newbie could use some advice

hello... i'm thinking buy imac , need advice imac buy. think use imac for: internet, mail, light work photoshop , time time xplane , call of duty 4. have next options (first model $170,00 less): 21.5" 3,2-ghz intel core i3 4 gb 1tb hd ati radeon hd 5670 512mb 21.5" 2,5-ghz quad-core intel core i5 4 gb 500mb hd amd radeon hd 6750m 512 mb there big difference between these 2 ??   you see difference when comes photoshop , gaming. gaming. photoshop , gaming take advantage of i5. have waiting photoshop, nothing horrible. gaming show difference i3 i5. i've not played cod4 on pc, can't speak how run ported osx either.   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad

Lion gestures, trackpad, magic mouse...

hi. first time poster, i've been reading forums everyday since bought imac in june 2009, long time lurker think question more related lion forums instead of hardware forums. release of lion, i'd know if it's worth upgrade "mighty" mouse magic mouse or buy trackpad , compliment mouse have, in opinion, sucks big time. i'm asking because keep reading gestures user going able perform tasks in lion, , think i'll missing functionality if can't perform them. i've been pondering replacing mouse time now, dislike it, maybe magic mouse solution. mouse?. can gestures it?. sell wire instead of bluetooth version?. first thought buying wired mouse logitech or similar, proper right click button , multi-directional scrolling ball, don't know if exists. cheers. thanks.   javimm said: ↑ hi. first time poster, i&

iphone 4 no volume after screen repair

i changed front lcd/digitizer assembly on iphone 4 .. working fine first hr , phone lost volume during phone calls. person called me couldn't hear me @ all.. did hard reboot few times , work when wanted to. after did restore phone didnt have sound @ on connecting device.. tried using bluetooth , headphones still couldnt hear me nothing! need , device out of 1 year limited warranty cant go apple store way .. have problem after there screen repair ?   bring repair shop? why in ipad section   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV i

MacBook USB Ports

okays, have new macbook pro. love it, notice external 2.5in hdd's don't transfer data fast when plugged usb port closest power adapter front usb port. i'm seeing usb port closest power adapter doesn't charge iphone...? normal? did mess power settings or something.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

cant see hd video in iphoto from imovie

i have taken video small kodak hd video camera , downloaded iphoto, can see there want transfer imovie project , cant seem import within imovie, go pop down menu in imovie, shows photos no video, ideas ?   download , install both perian codec suite , flip4mac .   Forums Special Interests Digital Video iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Finally July the 15th! Where is my air?

so it's july 15th. mba coming out? if not when's next guess?   today 14th   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

possible to copy a time machine back up ?

i've been using portable hard drive time machine can travel it. since i've run out of space on , i'm traveling less want use server time machine up- i'm not anticipating problems setting up. apple care tells me cannot copy old time machine file (the 1 on portable hard drive) other drive if want free portable hard drive other uses. in other words once time machine file ends on disc forever remain on disc , thou shalt "forfeit" old ups if want use drive/disc else in future. sound accurate- tricks saving data when outgrow ol' time machine drive ? any/all feedback appreciated !! erica   use carboncopycloner or superduper make 1:1 copy drive. btw, using tm via network result in backup method, tm stores content in 1 file, while backup via usb or firewire uses folder , subfolders. time machine faq  

Using Airport Extreme with built in FTP Server?

hi, wondering if airport extreme offers built in ftp accessing connected hard drives outside of local network. router fritzbox made in germany can more expensive airport extreme. buy airport extreme if comes ftp built in.   here link fritzbox: fritzbox there way access hd connected airport extreme on internet?   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless