
Showing posts from September, 2012

Spotlight (?) problem in Lion?

hi guys, so, has been irritating me-i dialog box showing up, , don't know how rid of it. seems either spotlight problem (i use spotlight) or default folder problem. here's screenshot: none of radio buttons work dialog box. how rid of it? thanks chris   siddhartha said: ↑ hi guys, so, has been irritating me-i dialog box showing up, , don't know how rid of it. seems either spotlight problem (i use spotlight) or default folder problem. here's screenshot: image none of radio buttons work dialog box. how rid of it? thanks chris click expand... screenshot fail edit: it's loading now, talking black box in middle?   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Ver


i'm still on 10.6.7, blue screen sagas , put me off 10.6.8 update, questions is, i've been on mac since may, , experienced guys point of view, should bother update , lion or learning curve , programmes won't convert on smoothly lion i've got problems on again? emails, word docs, pse stuff unaffected etc.. or pain. need wait lion bug updates or going smooth crossovers? views appreciated, old , new users. i've seen mission control/launch pad , stuff , doesn't me honest, other features, else, faster/more secure type thing or same?   mixed opinions there seem mixed opinions on lion upgrades here. can speak own experience flawless. backed everything, downloaded lion ( had free machine qualified it) install took 15 minutes, , ( including office stuff) intact on re-boot. there followed round of updates stuff imovie, iphoto , office took further 15 minutes or so.

Iphone 5 suck bigger size [ iphone 4 best one ]

buy next iphone bigger current iphone 4 ? suck , next version bigger it's easy fall when holding , apple may release next iphone after iphone 5 bigger size netbook more funny ....   you're little late party... story came out 3 days ago , still plenty of discussions going on in these threads (no need another).   Forums Archive Wasteland iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications

Macbook Air, WHY do they ALWAYS leave up something essential?

agh last refresh kept me buying cause of lack of backlit keyboard, time around no hd in facetime camera? apple why cheap? have imagined option 8gb ram guess not.   the screen on macbook air thin hd camera.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

So, How's Your Workflow? (..& tips)

i'm enjoying lion, though miss incredibly productive workflow snow leopard provided. , ideally due spaces. believe apple did horrible job laying out opened windows in mission control. i'm not ranting here tonight. rather, i'm genuinely interested in how others have started workflow moving once again within lion. in honesty, miss spaces. do.   in sl, cmd+h hide applications when finished using them. if needed pull app up, i'd use cmd+tab find it. , if had multiple windows on 1 screen, i'd use exposé or cmd+tab. didn't need spaces. after few frustrating days new desktops under lion, ditched full screen while , i'm going prior workflow. main issue lack of consistency: can't find apps because reorder themselves, dock functionality different depending on desktop i'm on, , mc makes me search around find right windows. found i'm having think more rather

Recommendations for desk setup for MacBook Air

hi everyone, i've decided i'm going maxed out 11" air next month when go uni in september - it's light , portable means should doddle carrying lectures etc. dilemma (i'm sure that's not how spell that's how correction comes up) i'm going use with. 11" screen fine , dandy when i'm taking notes/in library, when i'm in room i'd nice external monitor. basically, i'm asking recommendations decent sized (at least 20") external monitors able hook air and, if possible, ps3. also, suggestions regarding desk setup great; keyboards, mice, usb drives, stands great in advance! jack   just external monitor these days suit needs. it's question of compatibility mini display port on mba. there number of adapters go mini disply hdmi - check out. then, find large monitor hdmi reputible company , away go. hdmi works ps3. sugg

Keyboard+Hover Dictionary (where is it)

i used use dictionary lot press cmd + crtl + shift + d , hover mouse above text. has gone in lion or can turned on somewhere?   ajo said: ↑ i used use dictionary lot press cmd + crtl + shift + d , hover mouse above text. has gone in lion or can turned on somewhere? click expand... it double tap 3 fingers on trackpad, not continuously update old command.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Resolved Processor whine after installing Lion on MacBook Air

i've had os x lion developer preview 4 installed on macbook air (late 2010, 13" model), , have since upgraded gm (when released). i've found since upgrading gm, processor "whines" — never used before. "whine", mean when scrolling through web pages or images, hovering on apps in dock – pretty anytime move cursor – there these sounds emanate usually-quiet system, presume fit description of processor whine. sound goes when leave photo booth open, when run other multiple cpu-intensive apps simultaneously, sound still present. since gm same build final retail version of lion, wasn't planning install it. however, of think clean installation eliminate above mentioned issue? it's issue me because use mba in whisper-quiet environment of time, constant "buzzing" irritating. read somewhere processor whine occurs due low-power state of 1 of processor cores, thinking possibly have lion using less processor power "

Lion dmg location

i installed lion , it's working great. trying make dvd or usb drive can't seem find dmg. when in sl, lion icon @ dock , show package content ... tried go app store says i'm installed , can't download again. 1 knows location?   gngan said: ↑ any 1 knows location? click expand... it in sharedsupport folder: navigate applications folder right-click (or control-click) on “install mac os x” , select “show package contents” open “contents” directory , go “sharedsupport”   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Profession

Outlook 2011 moving to new Mac IMAP?

hi. (today) purchase new 2011 mba , have 2011 27" imac run office 2011 on main work machine. air travel machine , need have outlook 2011 on over imac (i have 2 copies of office 2011) current imac email address pop email account , want move imap (which has been setup service provider) understand imap let me keep 2 macs synced emails... dont quite understand process of getting running. @ moment imac (pop) email account running fine , have made multiple folders e.g. customers - sub folder cust 1, cust 2, cust 3 etc read customers emails , respond manually move right folder. want new air have these folders , sync imac. questions are.. 1. how copy of folders , imac air? 2. how setup folders sync using imap on both machines - or can imap sync inbox between 2 machines? 3. can have mix of imap , pop account on same email address? have iphone want send rec emails on (dont need customer folders on iphone), perhaps le

Buying Lion Problem

so went out , bought 2 $15 itunes gift cards, buy lion with. says dont have enough funds. there tax?   what state live in?   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Recover Notes and Photos before Restore?

my iphone says need restore itunes. function available make emergency call. however, calendar reminders still popping , alarm keeps going off each morning, seems information still stored in phone. there way recover/backup photos, notes, , contacts haven't been synced itunes before restore it? thanks!   back up, if can. can attempt make backup plugging iphone computer, once shows in itunes window, right click it's icon , select 'create backup' or of nature. i'm pretty sure itunes not let phone though, because requesting restore.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple

apple tv update?

any idea when new version due out?   troyboy30 said: ↑ any idea when new version due out? click expand... there plenty of threads 1 knows, there rumors of 1080p apple tv. if comes, updated alongside ipods @ annual september ipod event.   Forums Apple TV Apple TV and Home Theater iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

15" MBP or iMac?

here's situation , input great. have late 2006 model (purchased march 2007) white 2 ghz c2d macbook w/ 1gb ram, 500 gb 7200rpm hd, super drive, etc. i've graduated college , have full time job. i'm still debating whether should buy new machine or not. can financially? yes. smart buy new machine now? maybe, maybe not. job pays bills, pay student loans, , allow me save decent amount in savings, not rain making money here. if bought new machine, must able game @ least medium quality of games today + bit future. i'm not talking super fps or crysis 2 standard games. i'm talking portal 2, diablo 3 (2012?), new graphics engine mmo play (if vaporware ever gets released), random things on steam, etc. treat laptop desktop practically, never considered imac ever before. i'm @ desk, never took class (yay no more classes), i'll never take work, @ lounge on bed instead of sofa viewing things, maybe. however, imacs considerably cheaper 1

Suggest some apps for me!

i have $200 dollars in mac app school discount card. suggestions on mac apps or iphone apps should purchase?   do have special interests?   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

PC free: a reality or a phantasm?

can use ipad without personal "traditional" computer? ios 5, possible pc free? don't see yet how can make great websites, except blogging, ipad. other that, improvements needed in pages , websites (eg. file attachment), able use ipad only. needless user type mobile, don't need/want home station, mobile computer. not speaking power users.   danoc said: ↑ can use ipad without personal "traditional" computer? ios 5, possible pc free? don't see yet how can make great websites, except blogging, ipad. other that, improvements needed in pages , websites (eg. file attachment), able use ipad only. needless user type mobile, don't need/want home station, mobile computer. not speaking power users. click expand... it has been said number of times, , apple loyalists have said ipad more consumption creation devi

What's the max amount of RAM an iMac can have to run BootCamp & Parallels Windows 7?

i'm thinking of upgrading 2011 27" imac's ram stock 4gb 12gb. plan on installing , running windows 7 home premium (64-bit) through boot camp , parallels. what's max amount of ram can have installed in case? windows 7 recognize 12gb installed without problem?   as long install 64-bit version of windows, can utilize of ram. 2011 imac can take 32gb (4x8gb) though 12gb should plenty.   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Refurb vs Education

hidely-ho. i've bought refurb 2010 i7, , i'm happy got great price. however, in uk there 3 year guarantee on products bought via education online store. refurb £1300 -- 2011 model going around £1600 after edu. discount. applecare £150 on it's own, taking purchase £1450. in opinions, £150 better spent getting new one?   nutsngum said: ↑ hidely-ho. i've bought refurb 2010 i7, , i'm happy got great price. however, in uk there 3 year guarantee on products bought via education online store. refurb £1300 -- 2011 model going around £1600 after edu. discount. applecare £150 on it's own, taking purchase £1450. in opinions, £150 better spent getting new one? click expand... the exact model exact specs needed make fair comparison. assuming both have 3yr warranty. hdd , gpu need compared. refurbs can come ram , better hdd

What will make you want to buy the mid-2011 MBA?

for me it's (in order of importance): 1. sandy bridge i5/i7 2. support 8gb ram 3. backlit keyboard 4. thunderbolt 5. improved quality lcd panel first 2 'must have' , rest 'want' items.   macdelirium said: ↑ for me it's (in order of importance): 1. sandy bridge i5/i7 2. support 8gb ram 3. backlit keyboard 4. thunderbolt 5. improved quality lcd panel first 2 'must have' , rest 'want' items. click expand... no 1 can make me anything! but, might consider mba if has: 1. sandy i5 dual core 2. 8gb ram 3. thunderbolt (just in case pan out) 4. bezel-less display mbp (i hate current mba bezel) 5. 7 hour battery 6. backlit keyboard (i don't care, wouldn't hurt) however, honest, quite pleased mbp 13". think wait next mba iteration.  

Macbook Pro 15"

hi maclovers!! new forum. here ask advice macbook pro 15". wanted macbook pro 15", holds me saw people saying new macbook pro 15" year has problems overheated or graphic card. since dont know in person owns macbook pro 15" 2011, know using experience on new macbook pro 15" 2011.   oh, it.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

More Final Cut Pro X images leaked these images appear of coloring tools within final cut pro x. mean color officially gone? shots legit. not sure if apple leak though project in shots called weekend warriors , doesn't mainstream. found on twitter hashtag #fcpx   pmasters said: ↑ these images appear of coloring tools within final cut pro x. mean color officially gone? shots legit. not sure if apple leak though project in shots called weekend warriors , doesn't mainstream. found on twitter hashtag #fcpx click expand... it's supposed out month-- maybe @ end of month? wonder how they've integrated fcp, , how still operate stand-alone software (if color has indeed been integrated). i'm debating between fcpx , premiere + after effects.  

Is Solid State Hybrid Drives worth it?

i'm debating whether solid state hybrid drives seagate. or western digital 750gb/7200rpm. hear seagate less reliable , glitchy? western digital more reliable , more secure? rumors, try both or whatever? like... battery life still same? how fast run/boot time/etc? make lot of noise? thanks.   there reports of issues seagate xt, many others no problems - remember, majority of posts negative. own experience positive. i've had installed since november, , it's fast, quiet, , vibration free. don't operate off battery often, i've observed, seems same running time wd 320gb 7200rpm. updated firmware sd23 sd24, , update latest, sd25. (btw: mbp 17" 2009 unibody, 8gb ram)   Forums Macs

Performance issue in Sims 3 with 2011 27" iMac with 2GB graphics card

wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (iphone; u; cpu iphone os 4_2_8 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8e401 safari/6533.18.5) edit: here link video uploaded within game shows problems having: hey everyone. have new 27" imac 3.4ghz i7 processor, 1tb hard drive, 12gb of ram , 2gb amd graphics card. real game play on computer sims 3. whenever zoom in house in game far away, takes few seconds of objects show up, , blurry gray outlines of each object show before of colors , textures appear couple seconds later. have graphics set on highest settings, i've tried lowering of them , still happens. figured 2gb graphics card have no problem game. else runs pretty smoothly in game other slow rendering of objects/polygons/whatever may be. has else experienced problem? first mac appreciated! love new computer , real issue i've had far! used play sims 3 on windows pc 1gb nvidia g

Docked MBP often will not wake

i've switched pc mac. got 13" mbp , 1 of henge docks. i'm not sure if problem @ point dock, or understanding of mac's sleep/wake function. after being asleep or turned off long time, won't wake. understanding when mbp closed , connected external keyboard, mouse, , monitor, should wake when monitor turned on and/or key struck on keyboard. when happens external monitor blue, tells me getting kind of signal mac, because other times monitor has floating display says 'check signal cable' or something, tells me it's not getting signal mac. in these cases, resolved when take mac out of dock , re-insert doc. don't want have time, or every day. work (meaning wake when key struck) when it's been left shorter periods. don't know if works because it's in different category of sleep mode or what.   i had return product similar hengedock (twelvesouth's bookar

Man tries to hire hit man through underage girl on FB BUT...

quote suspecting angela [his ex-wife] attempting gain information use against him in custody battle along, david voelkert had gotten notarized affidavit shortly after jessica came online. in it, said believed not real person rather ex-wife or knows. said engaging person , lying in order gain proof ex-wife tampering personal life, proof use himself in court. "in no way have plans leave children or harm angela dawn voelkert or else," wrote above indiana notary's stamp. kept 1 copy , gave relative backup. click expand... full article interesting use of affidavit, , i'm not quite sure how work, interesting puts him in "all clear."   simgar988 said: ↑ full article interesting use of affidavit, , i'm not quite sure how work, interesting puts him in "all clear." click expand... a

Audiobooks & IOS5

i have given of chapters proper names each audiobook. in ios5 shows first track chapter 1 second chapter 2, etc. instead of proper names shows in itunes. 1 or bug? if i'll wait fix realize beta   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Time machine could not conclude the backup

hi, friends had external drive timemachine save backups. removed it, timemachine, although disabled still pops "no backup disk selected. open preference select disk". have no disk select. did this: defaults write donotoffernewdisksforbackup -bool yes maybe can drag desktop uninstalled? thank you.   please, me   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

New "aurora" wallpaper in Lion?

there aurora wallpaper in leopard, new ( amazing ) 1 in snow leopard... maybe there newer 1 in lion? thought... it'd cool!   masterhowl said: ↑ there aurora wallpaper in leopard, new ( amazing ) 1 in snow leopard... maybe there newer 1 in lion? thought... it'd cool! click expand... not in dp3 build.   attached files: screen shot 2011-06-05 @ 12.31.30 pm.png file size: 156.7 kb views: 236 Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch N

Cannot log into Apple Discussions

when try log in, error: "we're sorry. account not created due system issues. please contact apple support communities information below create account." not work on firefox, safari or windows vista using firefox. have researched this, posts date 2009. have deleted cookies, still nothing. not have special characters in name. wanted know if else experiencing issue or has suggestion? thank you!   have tried use apple id sign on itunes? work there? hugh   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple, Inc and Tech Industry iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Dead pixels ><

i bought imac, there 2 tiny dead pixels conveniently located @ center of screen. accordingly apple tech support (only looked online, havn't gone apple store yet), can't return because 2 pixels within acceptable level. so, curious, has return imac 2 deal pixels?   you should review apple's return policy. should have no problems retiming within 14 days, typically.   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Different Resolutions on Dual Monitors?

i have 21.5-inch imac computer screen, , 32-inch tv screen hooked via mini displayport hdmi adapter. imac screen crystal clear, of course, 32-inch tv fuzzy , has larger resolution imac screen. way fix this?   what native resolution has tv (manual should help) , resolution set in system preferences > displays external tv? btw, tvs not substitute dedicated computer display, might witnessed fuzzy image. 31 ​   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

PowerMac G4 Problem

hi!!!! bought powermac g4 1 ghz dual core processor 512 mb ram problem is: when power computer on can hear fan spinning crazy , heats room crazy crashes know problem fast when works! checked cpu temp , 120-180 degrees f   try resetting pmu , pram? might want download fan control app , make sure of fans working.   Forums Macs PowerPC Macs iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Graphic artist

i have written programs, logically working, crap. not artistic, can give me advice on how can find graphics artist, kind of business agreement should looking at. soul developer, 0 budget, hoping apps bring $$ in.   just quick reminder per forum rules "employment requests/offers limited marketplace forum , subject marketplace rules." far line has not been crossed, , let's keep way or thread heading marketplace. b   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS Programming iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone 3GS mail with no subject

wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (iphone; u; cpu iphone os 4_3_5 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8l1 safari/6533.18.5) had prob lately emails no subject , emails says no content?...can't click or nothing.. how fix this?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Thinking of buying Time Capsule but have an Extreme already...?

hey gang, imac seems have corrupted on mac partition following lion update (reboots grey screen). tried disk repair , says can't repaired , i'll need wipe drive , reinstall new...great. (interestingly windows partition can still load...go figure) anyways, realize should have been backing files. i'm looking @ purchasing 3tb time capsule released. problem is, have airport extreme base should tc , sell aebs? or there useful purpose keeping both? also, lion's new automatic saving of revisions, time capsule still relevant? or there more affordable solution since have wireless router , lion saves revisions? advice appreciated!!   doesn't extreme have usb port external drives? so, save load of cash , buy 1-3tb external drive instead.   Forums Macs

Double tap to select or drag? Also gone in Lion?

some changes in lion suck. can't seem find draging touchpad option anywhere. on sl had tap click on , underneath can double tap 1 finger select items , drag items etc..acted left click hold on mouse. can't seem find how lion. hope there way that. if can please let me know. thanks. see 3 finger drag annoying.   i can it. don't see option in preferences though. many there default.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless


is there way espn bottom line run on imac?   look espn ticker mac , you'll find have web browser. not sure there's regular 1 desktop or something. (all programmers out there) awesome have go right below menu bar on top!   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Writing (note taking) App and Stylus

anyone have recommendations great note app , stylus? work. want replace notebook , can organize , index. suggestions appreciated.   do want app digitize text (convert handwriting text) or app allows scribble notes can save? if want scribble notes, bamboo app wacom nice. it's free 1 notebook or few dollars more notebooks via in app purchase. use wacom stylus, can use stylus want (or fingers).   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPad 2 as second display to Mac using USB

is there way/app (w/o jailbreaking)? have ipad 2 on dock connected imac via usb, , thinking how great use second display itunes etc. know there apps such air display can on wifi don't want lag.   razdom said: ↑ is there way/app (w/o jailbreaking)? have ipad 2 on dock connected imac via usb, , thinking how great use second display itunes etc. know there apps such air display can on wifi don't want lag. thanks click expand... nope, if want rid of of lag app splashtop, plays video beautifully!!   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Pro

2011-12 NFL football season thread

welp, looks cba passed tomorrow , lockout ending. apparently eagles interested in signing favre backup.... oh robo, how boys ever going respect   2010-2011. not 2011-2012.   Forums Mac Community Community Discussion iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Ipad & Remote Desktop through 3G and/or Virtualization

well long story short: dad works realtor , hes been wanting buy ipad or sort of lightweight mobile tablet device him take on go. needs access database known mlxchange in order listing informations , whatnot. however, mlxchange has browser restriction internet explorer (firefox, chrome, safari not work). there apps allow remotely access desktop/laptop @ home through 3g network or through 2 seperate wireless networks (e.g desktop @ home using our home network , ipad using starbucks wifi) decent connection or there visualization apps virtualize internet explorer allow him access mlxchange   splashtop works exceedingly me. run windows application requires heavy cpu utlization without problems. check out. must run application on host machine results good. elinks   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod

how to update to iOS 4.2 (or 4.3?)

hi, i've been trying upgrade iphone software because have app says need upgrade it. instructions on apple website "just plug in iphone! upgrade itself!" doesn't that. itunes says "a newer version of iphone software available (version4.2) when click update button says have current version of itunes (?!) when looking update phone! have mac os x, version 10.4.11 itunes 9.2.1 iphone ios 4.1 appreciated!   dragonmaki said: ↑ hi, i've been trying upgrade iphone software because have app says need upgrade it. instructions on apple website "just plug in iphone! upgrade itself!" doesn't that. itunes says "a newer version of iphone software available (version4.2) when click update button says have current version of itunes (?!) when looking update phone! have mac os x, version 10.4.11

"Swipe between pages" not working

hi all, have alu macbook , installed lion on it. gestures work except "swipe between pages" one, though it`s activated on system preferences.. (scroll left or right 2 fingers) did any1 else had problem? edit: smart zoom isn`t working too, , uses 2 fingers ><   are using safari?   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Unhide Library in OS X Lion

here commands unhide library file lion hides default. show user ~/library in os x lion launch terminal spotlight or launchpad -> utilities, , enter following command show or hide directory: chflags nohidden ~/library/ users library folder become visible again. reverting standard lion setting simple too: hide user ~/library in os x lion (default setting) returns default setting of hiding user library directory: chflags hidden ~/library changes take effect again, , library becomes invisible user.   thanks! post thread asking question. works beautifully!!!   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple

On Screen App Switcher

does command-tab (i have set 4 finger left or right swipe on trackpad) still bring on screen app switcher in center of screen (running app icons in grayed out box) classic os x or did lion away that?   yup, still there.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Mission Control on Lion is Messy..

hello all.. installed lion in 13' mbp , favorite feature of showing windows (opened ones , minimized ones) hot corner cant see of minimized windows in new mission control...and also, while showing open windows, very messy....i attached file..just see way shows 2 firefox , 3 chrome open windows..cant differentiate what.....are settings set right ? please help...   attached files: screen shot 2011-07-20 @ 11.12.16 pm.png file size: 747.8 kb views: 269 mvksagar45 said: ↑ hello all.. installed lion in 13' mbp , favorite feature of showing windows (opened ones , minimized ones) hot corner cant see of minimized windows in new mission control...and also, while showing ope

Photograph the moon with your iPhone 4

hey guys- i'm showing off new attachment iphone 4 lets attach iphone telescope take great shots of moon , stars. i'd hear thinks it. heres looks like: kickstarter link: here's photo of moon took using astroclip , iphone 4:   that's hell of picture phone!   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How to do a clean install?

i keep hearing doing clean install lion. do before download lion or there's going option whether update or clean instal after download it? if have prep computer doing format, best way so? thanks.   maclara said: ↑ i keep hearing doing clean install lion. do before download lion or there's going option whether update or clean instal after download it? if have prep computer doing format, best way so? thanks. click expand... no, not have clean install. apple doing can make process easy application upgrade. however, people resist might. insist upgrading operating system should involve same level of effort migrating new computer. take mac user of 20 years, ain't that. have never done clean install part of upgrade process. not system 6, system 7, or other version of apple's operating system.  

Take it From me Buy the Accidental Protection Warranty!

a funny sad , happy story me share rest of you. on fourth of july, girlfriend , went best buy , bought open boxed macbook pro 13 inch base model. (best buy deceptive ad practices, claiming 1199 price sale price know isn't) offered me accidental protect plan declined, wanted more time think it. haven't dropped or destroyed computers since started using computers oh long ago. left , next day nagged @ me, have accidental plans on other apple gadgets, ipad 2, ipod, , old iphone 4 sold few months ago. what's 150 bucks right? bought day , didn't think of until, guessed, spilled bowl of cereal on macbook pro!! 2 days after purchase , 1 day after purchase of accidental warranty plan. that's sadness comes in , yes can laugh @ me now. give excuses, dumb plain , simple. took best buy few days later because of work , had nice laugh , smile it. told me take 3 weeks fix , sent me on way sans macbook pro. that's caveat be

4.3.4 - iPad 2 jailbreak patched forever or not?

now known exploit on ipad 2 has been patched, end of ipad 2 jailbreaks, or there more potential exploits ios 5?   there'll more they'll take time find, no software perfect   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

This is how you will want to watch Flash(-only) videos and use dynamic Flash content

i've written pretty thorough tutorial (with videos) on subject in title. it's @ time (unlike, example, these: , , etc.) can't cross-post because it's long , contains lot of embedded media – it'd take me lot of time converting vbulletin. however, may still find info useful. feedback welcome!   menneisyys2 said: ↑ i've written pretty thorough tutorial (with videos) on subject in welcome! click expand... while appreciate effort, how can call thorough tutorial if don't cover other browsers puffin , iswifter?   Forums