
Showing posts from September, 2013

Diablo 3: Real £$ Auction House ! thoughts on this? think odd being tight lipped on game first proper anouncement. @ least blizzard being ones taking cut chinese gold farmers , go free lance , stop working in sweatshops.   i think it's fine. there websites diablo 2 anyway, , there's auction house uses in game gold. it's people can rid of gear don't need, , it, kind of removes grinding amazing weapon. though guess if it's rare weapon, it'd take long enough gold pay it, or cost fair bit of real money, balances out.   Forums Special Interests Mac and PC Games iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple

Do off brand chargers hurt the battery

hello - got iphone 4. in past, had people tell me different / off brand chargers can hurt cell phone batteries , think have seen on laptop (but laptop pretty old , maybe battery shot anyway). should aware of, there pretty cheap ones on amazon. anthony   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhoto11 - insufficient disc space bug

i install iphoto11 "15-inch macbook pro aplication install dvd". update app via "software updates" , @ first , second (and third) start iphoto told me "iphoto can not import photos because there not enough spase on volume containing iphoto library". "about mac" told me have lots of free space on hdd. how can fix problem ?   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Warning about

so, saw product featured on tech blog ipad stands, , thought perfect me , price great. ordered one, had file chargeback credit card. is, basically, happened: first, there's $5 shipping fee sprung on during order. don't list shipping costs on site until done order. not big deal, $5 "standard" shipping 6-10 business days, , upgrade 2-5 business days tracking info $15 - more price of item. note: site doesn't list shipping estimates when order, , price $5.50 standard shipping aslo, maker/seller of product (i'm 99% it's guy in garage) in canada. have no problem canada or canadians, makes no mention of when ordering. understanding buying international company important when making shipping decisions. site .com, not .ca, , purchase in usd feel gives impression product domestic (from point of view america). there's no indication order coming canada. order failed arrive after 2 weeks, contacted him, dialof being: &

Zagg Folio ??

does have yet?   ^thats not version i'm talking dude.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Is boot camp safe when updating to Lion?

i running snow leopard on 2011 mbp windows 7 64 bit installed on boot camp. nightmare installing windows since have student 'upgrade version'. avoid that. q: updating lion harm boot camp partition? have reinstall? if have done please let me know. if problems arise, possible clone partition , copy on later? if how should proceed   short answer no. have windows 7 partition set work , upgraded lion 0 issues (thank god) , didn't have reinstall anything.   Forums Macs Windows, Linux & Others on the Mac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

stuck in apple logo with spinning circle

when start mac apple boot logo , spinning circle goes on over login screen comes before apple spinning circle screen how fix?   tbluhp said: ↑ when start mac apple boot logo , spinning circle goes on over login screen comes before apple spinning circle screen how fix? click expand... i'm not understanding problem... happened me (if understood problem). when login screen, use tab key instead of clicking on password textbox, type in password , press enter.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Profession

Assistance Please on Installing the OCZ Vertex3 in a New 2011 MBP

i purchased new apple macbook pro mc700ll/a 13.3-inch i5. want swap out hd new ocz vertex 3. understand mechanically how go it. don't know presets or tweaks 1 should insure successful install. or, if there tweak, that, in fact, necessary. instance, read in 1 of thread smart reset pram , smc default before installation. and, if so, how 1 go doing that. if willing take time give me kind of guide towards successful installation, not appreciated, great contribution. keep in mind first shot @ swapping out hd, watching video seems pretty simple... , feel pretty capable. feedback on this. appreciated.   i swapped mine out without doing special. after swap, inserted osx install disk , installed os new ssd. piece of cake.   Forums Macs Notebooks

geekbench 13" MBP vs. 13" MBA riddle

ok, have myself scratching head on geekbench results of new entry level 13" mba within 100 points range of entry level 13" mbp. if not mistaken, mba uses low voltage 1.7 ghz i5, whilst mbp has 2.3 ghz i5. presume both have turbo boost gives? mean if lower speed processor lower voltage can produce results this, superior of mbp line which, mind you, of same generation! if not mistaken, geekbench not measure hd i/o speed cant because mba uses flash. real knowledge please enlighten me!   i have seen operating system versions cause geekbench scores vary wildly.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Mus

"Customize" button during Install

wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (iphone; u; cpu iphone os 4_3_4 mac os x; en-gb) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8k2 safari/6533.18.5) hello all, when i've done install of os x in past, i've gone through , customised install, removing printer drivers, unneeded languages, etc., in order free space on hdd. when run lion install, there "customize" button, greyed out, making seem redundant. i've noticed base os takes around 8-9 gb, i'm wondering if has idea if can customize install, or - if printer drivers etc. installed default - whether there's way manually delete these after installation has been completed?   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone

Lion released, buying MBP.

if buy mbp today, lion preinstalled on it? or there period of time when have wait inventory diminish before start coming preinstalled. matter?   shwnmtthw said: ↑ if buy mbp today, lion preinstalled on it? or there period of time when have wait inventory diminish before start coming preinstalled. matter? click expand... i spoke apple on-line chat , told me ship lion installed... kind strange haven't added graphic have mba , mac mini says " ships lion". i'd ring make sure (even though it's free, it's better in installed 'default' imo)   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTu

HTML Editor for iPad?

i big fan of taco html editor mac os x. there chance there similar app ipad? i'm not familiar restrictions apple places on ios devs, i'm hoping is. it's thing that's preventing me carrying around ipad instead of macbook pro. thanks.   my setup wanted web dev on move , ended config editing: textastic connect files remotely using sftp. need pull/push before/after editing. has sync function. usable. source control: not possible. workaround use textastic old linux box @ home. when had checkin or git push, connected using issh command line on there. liked level of control on files. ideally, textastic should include git/svn/... directly decent editor otherwise.   Forums Archive Archives of Old Posts iPad Apps

Top 5 things you love and hate about iOS

hey everyone. thought i'd start thread things love , hate ios, see other peoples thoughts. top 5 (with no order of preference): - how stable , optimized is. see error, lag or whatever - app store. thousands of cool apps , games mainly. dont use psp anymore. companies develop cool games - jailbreak. can personalize iphone different themes, icons , useful tweaks such folder enhancer, lockinfo, openssh, etc. if werent jailbreak community iphone seem dull @ times - mail , ibooks apps. these 2 favorite apps. before ios used email , used everyday things. also, reading pdfs on ibooks great - ipad integration. amazing how ios spreads across iphone, ipad , ipod touch. apps compatible, optimized ipad, etc. ios on ipad amazing - ill add sixth 1 huge: great updates system. amazing see iphone 3gs ios 5!!!! huge point apple. huge top 5 hate (with no order of preference): - multitasking. battery life , ram usage, cant safari web pages load

What is the best Android phone currently available?

hi all. i've been using iphone4 since launch day last year ... first iphone , loving it! dont know android, i've come here looking expert info guys. i'd hear opinions on android hardware out there. best android phone available? new devices/updates due anytime soon? how available compare iphone4?   the samsung galaxy s2 best android phone yet. it's dual core 1.2ghz processor, 1gb ram, superamoled plus screen. it's supposedly supposed release in in august/september. of now, it's available in europe, , korea. (although free buy unlocked there, , use on at&t). spec-wise. there 4g phones on verizon/sprint, lack processing speed/screen of galaxy s2   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple, Inc and Tech Industry

MBP 17" not booting

hey guys. have problem macbook pro. when try , boot comes apple logo , spinning disc thing. there these red bands on running vertically across screen. gets past apple logo part , stays white. have turn off pressing power button down. *edit* 2011 mbp has 4gb ram , 2.3 core i7. ran hardware test. not problems found. please help.   i unable boot safe mode or osx install dvd.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

NSMutableDictionary writeToFile:

i must on looking simple here rob helped me earlier on same project. dictionary called 'skills' , trying write dictionary hard drive using code code: [skills writetofile:@"/users/test.plist" atomically:yes]; when in users folder there no test.plist file? read documentation , searched on line , followed examples. writetofile method of nsmutabledictionary. storing information in dictionary 2 nstextfields object , key code code: [skills setobject:[skillbonuspreffield stringvalue] forkey:[skillnamepref stringvalue]]; there must simple answers why can't see file, hope   larswik said: ↑ code: [skills writetofile:@"/users/test.plist" atomically:yes]; click expand... you'll find call failing , returning no because users can't write /users directory. try writing subdirectory under /u

Syncing two folders?

i've got external usb hard drive keep in car (for music) , i'd bring in mbp , sync music folder. there program or can osx sync usb music music folder on laptop?   i recommend chronosync:   Forums Macs macOS macOS iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How to Show Dock in Full Screen App

i have mbp13 keep dock hidden screen space reasons. so, when in full screen mode apps (like safari) dock pop up, others times wouldn't. dock pop when in full screen app use 1 finger swipe mouse arrow bottom of screen then... again. figured out... kind of "duh" moment. @ first thought bug it's design 1 can use mouse arrow @ bottom without having dock in way.   thank much! i'd gotten activate few times, had no idea i'd done, , wouldn't show. key note more people looking for.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple

Lockinfo weird battery drain?

i have lockinfo installed , i'm experiencing weird battery drain. don't experience drain on standby more drain while using phone. however, wouldn't lockinfo, if anything, drain more through standby? there way check system resources or cpu usage phone?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Getting tired of waiting

wirelessly posted (mozilla/5.0 (iphone; u; cpu iphone os 4_3_3 mac os x; en-us) applewebkit/533.17.9 (khtml, gecko) version/5.0.2 mobile/8j2 safari/6533.18.5) i've been waiting new model of iphone come out. original rumors going bit faster better camera... figured much... yet keep waiting, if it's slightest upgrade iphone4. because it's been year since it's release. however, it's gotten point where, minor hardware upgrade lacking in comparison opposition... bigger screen , operating system smoothness comparable applications around us... 2 things: if apple doesn't make bohr physical change next phone think in serious issues. two: of there great phones, do?   1. doesn't matter apple next iphone. wether it's overhaul (doubt it) or spec bump, people buy anyway. apple certinetly won't in trouble. 2. iphone 4 still great device. if content features

My iPhone 4 is terribly unresponsive/laggy sometimes

i mean it's not beyond useable it's @ point it's annoying. i've done restores before, hard resets, turn off apps, delete apps etc... tried lot of stuff. few months ago apple sent me replacement. apps crash lot, things laggy.. causing this? many apps? many text messages? going have start on iphone?   how free storage have sir?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Would this be theoretically possible?

hi thinking getting mba or mbp after running hackintosh few months, have question mba. if thunderbolt technology in refresh, , has intel hd3000 chip instead of amd or nvidia variant, theoretically possible have external gpu (if these exist), , connect via thunderbolt port give better graphics performance? looking forward seeing mba refresh brings (and rumoured mbp refresh in august) before making mind up. 3g connectivity massive bonus! seems unlikley, never know! thanks stew   i feel that thing apple's solution intel igp problem. intel igp in next mba gigantic step backwards nvidia , be. believe apple build-in gpus acds , way people connect thunderbolt acds gpu, , mac minis, macbook airs, macbooks, , 13" mbps able more macs intel hd 3000. has on apple's mind, it's thinking when thunderbolt being designed. sony introduced similar solution latest z. 1 m

Help me diagnose screen problem on iPhone 4

friend installed new lcd/digitizer since original screen shattered. after completion thing phone once powered show vertical blue line , nothing else. i'm gonna bring apple tomorrow have feeling going tell me i'm sol. in desperate need of help. thank reading.   they'll give new phone if don't know that, 1 has been tampered with. if give new phone, watch out yellow screens! warning.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

I use iWork for my documents, but everyone else uses Office. How should I organize?

i use pages, keynote, , numbers documents. have export or "save copy as" word/powerpoint/excel. creates separate document. i'm doing in send person word document, edit, send me, , have keep adding it. can hectic, not because of new file sent me, because of iwork/office conversion. have iwork '09. recommend buying microsoft office well? last thing want buy microsoft stuff, compatibility thing gets on nerves. ideas organization of iwork files , office files appreciated. thanks.   this 1 of reasons prefer ms office: compatibility. some, that's not problem, rarely/never share docs windows users. me, deal-breaker. i'm pleased ms office mac. , remember, ms office released mac before ever available windows. far organizing files, depends on how work organized. simple having folders excel, word, powerpoint... or folders projects/clients/etc. 1 thing i

Automator questions and auto-copying

hey everyone, can remember when automator introduced touted big feature ive never used , having quick scout on looks requires bit of learning have question can do. know can things automatically rename albums , things heres id do. have imac main computer , have couple of laptops. have western digital mybook world nas use time machine possible use itunes media server. im thinking of doing copying music library onto nas other computers can access when imac off. know drag , drop in , update periodically there anyway set automator once week or check differences between 2 folders , update nas accordingly? had quick play , there seem options copying files im having bit of trouble getting working assistance appreciated   Forums Macs macOS macOS iPhone Mac OS & Sy

Those of you with films and no case

which best film get? also, guys have problems film peeling around edges of films daily use moving in , out of pocket?   i recommend getting carbon fiber lucky labs. no. when put screen protector on it, won't peel off coming in , out of pocket. sgp or power support. great screen shields.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

mounting Network Drive (connected directly to router)

i've been trying mount dlink network attached drive , can't figure out how that. network attached mean connected directly network it's own ip address ( without mounting it, can't seem time machine (my ultimate goal). know how this?   janvi said: ↑ i've been trying mount dlink network attached drive , can't figure out how that. network attached mean connected directly network it's own ip address ( without mounting it, can't seem time machine (my ultimate goal). know how this? thanks click expand... new lion....time machine shares must afp. has killed time machine backup windows server. looks tying drive time capsule sales. found of in lion time machine file.   Forums Macs

Mac Won't Reboot on HD

we ran permissions issue yesterday. "custom" permissions popped , went h... in handbasket. couldn't reboot mac hd. had reboot install disk because when trying reboot i'm getting 'no' (ghostbuster) sign on startup window. so, i've backed mac hd drive external via disk utility, saving files. how proceed here don't know...can help?   do have mac? can use target disk mode on firewire repair disk permissions.   Forums Macs PowerPC Macs iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Apple Offering 7-Day Refund Policy on App Store Apps in Taiwan

on past several days, number of reports have been coming out apple , google being pressured taiwanese government modify app sales policies comply law requiring one-week return , refund window on purchases. first mention came on saturday wantchinatimes , reported apple complying order. quote at request of taipei city hall, apple agreed let phone users have trial period of 7 days, within user can return app full refund. click expand... until now, apple has not allowed trial period paid apps, although refunds have been available on case case basis through itunes support. new report the economic times of india offers additional information on situation, confirming apple has indeed complied requirement while google has been fined $34,600 on continued refusal offer 7-day refund period. report , another one taipei times reveal google has gone far withdraw paid app marketplace in taiwan rather comply regulations. suspe

App for file transfers

hi everyone. got ipad 2. looking app allow me transfer files use work onto ipad. literally have hundreds if not thousands of files in pdf, text or word formats move onto ipad. have looked @ apps goodreader , dropbox, and, while can it, goodreader take long transfer them in organized manner, , dropbox require have internet access, require using more data in places not have wifi. there app allow me transfer files in organized manner? thanks!   shirsch999 said: ↑ hi everyone. got ipad 2. looking app allow me transfer files use work onto ipad. literally have hundreds if not thousands of files in pdf, text or word formats move onto ipad. have looked @ apps goodreader , dropbox, and, while can it, goodreader take long transfer them in organized manner, , dropbox require have internet access, require using more data in places not have wifi. there app allow

re: new external drive for MB pro

i wanted new external drive macbook pro. time machine/backups etc. since thunderbolt supported enclosures not out yet, wanted know if possible if got enclosure esata, technically possible have esata thunderbolt adapter in future. such thing happen? cost fortune won't buy anyways? if not, not going fork on money esata port on enclosure , settle firewire. p.s. technically possible have usb3 thunderbolt?   firewire 800 more sufficient needs.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless


anyone know download latest redsnow,when try download guide here , iclarified (page not found).   its on page:   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Anyone use the Seagate Wireless drive?

hello all, travel quite bit, , used take dell mini hackintosh me. i'd load portable tb drive ton of movies , have stuff watch on plane, in hotels, on road trips, etc... however, have ipad mini has been relegated other uses. have base model ipad... 16 gigs doesn't hold lot of media, i'm making work. today stumbled upon this: use this? looks pretty sweet solution! @ least way load bunch of media , decide want watch when i'm traveling instead of before leave. sure, it's not ton of storage, looks decent compromise me. thoughts? have experience? -jon   Forums

Ryan Dunn Dies

quote tmz "jackass" star ryan dunn driver in morning's fatal crash ... according cops dunn's car "fully engulfed in flames" when officials arrived scene. west goshen township police department says officers found dunn's 2007 porsche 911 gt3 "off road , in woods." both dunn , passenger "died result of injuries sustained in accident." cops release more information on passenger once officials can positively identify body. cops "speed may have been contributing factor accident." investigation crash ongoing. tmz reported, dunn tweeted photo of himself drinking friends hours before accident. click expand... sad, sad day. i've been huge fan of jackass since 2000 , started watching show on g4. why people drink , drive?????? damnit!!!   dude , talking co-workers. can't believe how mang

imac external ssd as boot?

has tried using external ssd boot drive on imac? work?   it work, pointless because you'd limited fw800 bus @ maximum. until thunderbolt external drives readily available, it's not smart use external ssd boot volume.   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone 3GS restore error 28.

is motherboard problem or battery issue? 3gs locked in recovery mode, , restoring leads error 28. have tried many times restore it. 1 time lucky , restore acutally worked , managed home screen ( took photo of settings screen if helpful). batterey percentage said 43%, guess is not battery issue? 2 minites later, , without warning instatly turns off , tries boot, goes recovery mode. restoring goes error 28, , now. have replaced dock connector assembly inside iphone, , did not help. have tried dfu mode, did not help. suggentions?   flyingninjas said: ↑ is motherboard problem or battery issue? 3gs locked in recovery mode, , restoring leads error 28. have tried many times restore it. 1 time lucky , restore acutally worked , managed home screen ( took photo of settings screen if helpful). batterey percentage said 43%, guess is not battery issue? 2 minites later, , wi

Strange Problem with Software Update...

hi, have been experiencing problem software update while. here's how problem went last time happened. before software update mac's hdd space 371.72gb, when update files downloaded, mac's hdd space dropped 371.55gb normal, proceeded update, , computer rebooted (i installed safari 5.0.5 update required reboot along java update). when log in free hdd space remained @ 371.55gb strange, looked software update forgot clean install files surprise not find them anywhere. remedy found safeboot made mac aknowledge space occupied installers indeed freed. personally, don't understand issue , know safebooting after software update can't permanent solution.   Forums Macs macOS macOS iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple

Macbook Pro Repair Experiences?

so have send in brand new macbook pro got not long ago. asked on phone if have replacement since these issues happened within less month , want replacement wanted 2000 dollar flawless computer paid for. anyways applecare supervisor dude said can mail in repair though im in canada (which dont offer better nothing) dont have apple store nearby thats why had resort phone. closest 1 3 hours away, , dunnno if worth th 60 dollar round trip train ride there see if have better luck on phone. anyways guys experiences repairs macbook pros , sending them away? im concerned macbook pro come out worse send in. example, repair guys careful handling computers? ohh , heres issues: hinge clicking , dust under screen. when mean clicking, everytime u open close lid makes clicking/crackling sound not good. last thing when first opened macbook pro , unpackaged , noticed scruff marks on right side of top lid. unnoticable little dissapointed cosmectic

Lion Hidden Partition

with lion creating new recovery / install partition, 1 partition in addition hidden partition or part of existing hidden partition?   if in disk utility under partition, see recovery partition , lion one.   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

2 Exchange accounts, only one of them appear in the Notification Center

i have 2 set of email accounts google setup through exchange. 1 personal email, other work email. when email in personal account, shows on notifications bar tab & in notification center/lock screen. when email on work email, sound tells me new mail has been received (and numbered badge) doesn't show in notification center. thoughts?   both set push...   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

X-Men First Class- Love It Or Not? (SPOILERS)

based on box office assume poll come off positive x-men, movie did not me. recognize opinions vary, possibly drastically , no 1 right other majority opinion. therefore know i'll lose, no matter, feelings correct ones. kidding degree. knowledge of original stories colors views somewhat, intent keep focus of discussion on merits of these movies entertainment, not condemnation of how far deviate original comics. if criteria, i'd have trash of them. after disappointment of x-men last stand , how short changed dark phoenix saga , muttering, still bought dvd, ultimate expression of movie meets approval. , joy of watching wolverine origins movie! every single character in movie alive , full of character. fantastic, thought x-men back! movie arrives having miscast several characters, come off flat, , director can't pull off story tries place x-men in middle of cuban missile crisis. sad. xavier - miscast. mystique - compared original portrayal re

if I buy an iphone today then theres an upgrade next week..

could return iphone 4 upgrade? i'm not doing i'm curious how works.   as long within return period more welcome bring back.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

The ethics of selling a PPC Mac

i popped local secondhand/thrift store on way home, spotted old imac g3 through window. shocked discover asking $149 it! add insult injury, it's particularly dated machine, g3 standards! it's original bondi-blue "rev. b" version, 96mb ram, 6gb hd , os 8.6 installed. wasn't in particularly great condition, machine carry such price tag in 2011 unconscionable. noticed had emac too, $249 (that g4 chip , 17" must worth 100 bucks, eh?) can't remember exact specs one, regardless, it's still ridiculous asking price. or me? admittedly, haven't been keeping check on used powerpc market lately, prices seem awfully high antique hardware, when i've seen more recent g4, , g5, towers advertised not whole lot more. it's totally wrong of seller selling these machines @ price, of responsibility has lie buyer too, in researching purchase beforehand , knowing they're getting.... still, can't feel

Battery Life of New Airs

what think new battery life of new airs be? if reach actual battery life of 7-8 hours on 11 inch air, choose on thinkpad x220. sure getting low end 21.5 inch imac university next year, , waiting on deciding between thinkpad x220 , refreshed air.   i don't think there significant increase.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless


ok, when ios 5 comes out public,if has ota updates, able download ota or have download ios 5 through itunes , future releases have ota updates   apple not know how ota. hell apple not know how patches ios. know how tell download , re-install entire os 100kb fix. means no ota.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Where to repair a MBP 2.2 video fail in LA

i need help have mbp 2.2 santa rosa video failure , cousin of mine have in la im in mexico , need me place or address can take mbp fix it. neear la please mbp have common video failure , need reballing or dont know iuf fix problem forever ideas thanks noe   read here . take 1 of apple stores in area , should fix free if bought less 4 years ago.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Splice two cables together to get functionality?

hello bought ai-net ipod cable older alpine head unit in car, because i'm absolutely tired of fm transmitters. new cable works play music iphone 4 , sounds great. problem charging not supported since used old circuitry previous ipods/iphones. i've seen circuitry converters, i'd rather not spend money on one, if dont have to. question if have charge/sync cable, , splice dock connector cable in place of old connecter on audio cable work? have knowledge of splicing wires thats not issue, comparing 2 dock connectors , see number of pins in each 1 different. audio cable seems have pin connection @ every spot, while charge/sync cable have seems have six. checked old fm transmitter , seems have pins @ every spot. take connection, not cable. it's block plugs ipod/iphone. know if splice work or not? or maybe other knowledge contribute situation? great. thanks.   wirelessly posted (moz

Carriers Currently Testing iPhone 5 in Sealed Boxes?

in june, reported iphone 5 in carrier testing, high-level executives @ apple , of carrier partners said carrying device around testing purposes. in addressing new claim next iphone won't debut until october, later september timeframe has been focus time now, the guardian offers details on carrier testing process said indeed underway. quote my carrier sources tell me boxes in new iphone hardware encased have been transported carriers testing. important step in release cycle phone. ... next iphones go testing inside locked , sealed boxes carriers can carry out checks on network compatibility in labs. it's high security, guess; understanding barely inside carriers gets open boxes, , when hardware encased in dummy body means there's no clue actual phone do. click expand... the report suggests iphone 5 in final carrier testing, process should take weeks, apple in prime position ramp manufacturing meet se

Where is the thunder?

i purchased macbook air , love computer. did search today external hard drives take advantage of thunderbolt connector. found drive lacie supposed ship "summer". going on of thunderbolt peripherals? seems technology winner yet there lack of devices support though has been available since february. hope adopted fact has taken products long market has me wondering. think?   you can buy this , remember doesn't include thunderbolt cable .   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless